Dragon Blood Warrior

Book 1: Chapter 3: Arousing Stepmother

Book 1: Chapter 3: Arousing Stepmother

Leaving the army hospital as well as Ruths laboratory, Aiwa got on his carriage.

Ruth stood in front of a window, leaning on the window and gazing off into the distance. As Aiwa got on the carriage, his long maroon colored hair was lifted by a gust of wind making it look like beautiful satin. At the sight of his healthy physique Ruths heart could not help but flutter. This was the first man to make her feel this way. She had a premonition. This man with the special Dragon Blood, in the future he would definitely have extraordinary good fortune. If he were able to devote himself to practice, he should be able to easily become a famous general. In the even more distant future, perhaps he would not merely be in control of Montelagos military might, but also the entire imperial armys.

This kid really knows how to handle women!

The corners of her mouth pursed up revealing a satisfied expression rarely shown to others.

Only after Aiwas carriage disappeared from her line of sight did Ruth turn away from the window. She opened a drawer, took out a pair of brand new black stockings and put them on.

Young Master Aiwa is back!

The chamberlains and maids seeing Aiwas carriage return, all excitedly turned to inform Master Kyle.

My dear son. What did that old devil Steven do to you?

General Kyle hastily ran out of his room. The first thing he checked was his sons complexion.

From Aiwas excited face, Kyle had a hunch that he had good news. Aiwa walked to Kyle, took the identification report as well as the recommendation, and handed them to his father.

Special Dragon Blood? What does this mean?

Looking at the flamboyant writing General Kyle was bewildered. He frowned and looked up at his son.

While Aiwa loosened his new clothes, he plunked himself down on a spacious leather sofa. One hand reached out to take a glass of milk from the maid. After venting on two beautiful women he didnt care about what was written on the identification report anymore. Even though during both times he was constrained, it was still very pleasurable.

Im also not sure but it should be more powerful than normal Dragon Blood right?

Aiwa couldnt answer his fathers question. First he had to take a drink. He felt that his body needed water because his body had been almost drained by those two women. On the other hand he didnt feel any fatigue. After all in both times he absorbed quite a lot of their energy so now he felt slightly excited.

Master Kyle was also excited. He was so engrossed in the identification report as well as the recommendation letter that he didnt even notice the great changes in his sons body. What was originally a frail boy came back as a tall and burly man. Now as Aiwa sat on the couch by himself he felt squished.

Son, this is a personal letter from Miss Ruth?

General Kyle could not believe his eyes. You should know, although Ruth was lower ranked, within the blood identification field she had a huge reputation. Otherwise, when he went to the hospital he wouldnt have backed off.

Theres no mistake, I watched her write it with my own eyes!

Aiwa said proudly. Unfortunately his pride had been damaged by Ruth. He was the sheep whereas she was the wolf. Because of this his heart was conflicted, but Aiwa vowed in his heart. One day he will definitely get back his honor.

Ha ha, my son is showing great promise! Ah, Special Dragon Blood!

As Master Kyle spoke, his face could not help but be filled with a happy smile. His smile, made his old face become wrinkled.

Servants come, prepare the carriage, Im want to see the Queen!

Master Kyle patted his son on the shoulder, and rushed out the hall. Soon, a carriage drove into the central courtyard. Master Kyle flew onto the carriage. At that moment, he felt ten years younger.

With the loud sound of the whip, the carriage came rumbling out of the Generals residence.

The Hass empire has three major cities: to the east Dublin City, to the south Hohfeld city, and in the middle Montelago city. Montelago city is the biggest of the three. Its military forces make up 3/5 of the empires. And General Kyle is the chief of Montelagos military affairs. But in order to ensure the Queens power, the three great military leaders of the cities did not have the right to mobilize troops unless during times of war. In general the army was under the command of the Queen.

The palace was situated in the center of the city.

Even from far away you can feel the dignity and majesty of it. At this time it was close to dusk, so the palace was decorated with lanterns. Over the entire palace was a dense orange.

The carriage stopped a few meters from the palace gates and General Kyle stepped out. Originally in front of Steven he had an air of power and prestige, but now he didnt know where it was went. While he tidied his military uniform he suddenly felt that asking for an audience with the Queen was somewhat bold.

Standing there, he hesitated and decided to go back. Better to not bother the Queen.

As he turned to get onto the carriage, a group of people with the queen came out from the side of the garden which was only a dozen meters away from the palace gates.

Whose carriage is that?

The Queen seeing a luxurious carriage parked outside the gates could not help but ask her entourage.

Seems like its General Kyles?

An attendant replied.

Looks like he has some business with me, why doesnt he come in?

The Queen stopped and looked towards the gate.

General Kyle had already seen the Queen and her party so he faced the Queen and bowed.

General Kyle, your majesty asked you to come in!

An attendee officer shouted.

General Kyle nervously stepped towards the palace and arrive in front of the Queen.

Long live your majesty!

Said General Kyle respectfully. He was almost afraid to look up at her, with the momentum from before all gone.

This was Her Majesty, the Queen. In fact, Queen Sophia was quite beautiful. She had deep eyes, golden hair, a slender figure, and looked like a porcelain doll. Her dignified air combined with her good looks made her irresistible.

Is there something important, why dont you come in and say it?

The Queen did not have the slightest doubt over General Kyle loyalty; moreover, General Kyle never flaunted his seniority over the Queen. Therefore, the Queen took General Kyle quite seriously. Seeing the old General standing outside hesitating she surmised that he must have something important to report.

Actually theres nothing really. Just that your old servant received some happy news and he was so happy that he couldnt help but arrive here

Because there were many attendants around the Queen, the old general didnt want to say his personal affairs out loud. More importantly, the identification of Special Dragon Blood was never before seen. If the Queen didnt approve it, it would be like saying it wasnt a type of Dragon Blood. If he couldnt get the Queens reply today he feared that he wouldnt be able to sleep. In order to convince the Queen that the word special was good, he said he was happy but in fact he was worried inside his heart.

Oh? What could have made the senior general so pleased? No harm telling me right?

Queen Sophia wasnt without interest as she looked towards General Kyle.

Kyle couldnt hide it anymore, he muttered and said: This old generals son, Aiwa, is now 17 years old. He can now enlist in the army. Today he just had his blood identification.

As far as I know, the senior general has Dragon Blood veins, and your former wife also has Dragon Blood veins. According to common sense, your son should also have Dragon Blood veins. Am I right?

With this conclusion she thought, was this the good news that made him so happy?

The identification result came out, and Miss Ruth wrote Special Dragon Blood. I have never seen such an identification before, so Your Majesty, please look over it

Saying that, Kyle presented her the identification report together with the letter of recommendation from Miss Ruth.

The Queen took it and calmly looked over it. A smile emerged on her face: Since Miss Ruth recognizes his worth, then he must certainly not be a common child. I heard that your son just came back from the East Empire. Presumably he learned a lot, but if I ask him to be an aide by my side, would the senior general feel wronged?

The Queens beautiful eyes looked at General Kyle with his head down. Her bright mind was like a wily old fox with the experience of a crafty minister. She knew certainly that the old general wanted his son to go directly into the army to get experience in order to become a great talent.

I wouldnt dare to! Your Majesty looks upon me with favor. This old general is eternally grateful!

Although the Queen did not directly give Aiwa command of a small garrison, as for the blood identification problem she had given her recognition. This was the most important thing.

Since the senior general has been blessed with such a happy occasion, you might as well come and have dinner with me now!

The Queens invitation was basically an order, General Kyle was unable to contain his joy as he expressed his thanks.

When Kyle had just stepped out of his official residence, Aiwas stepmother, Margaret came out from inside. When she saw Aiwa, she couldnt believe it. This kid had become even more handsome by several degrees since he left. In particular he looked very fit and muscular making his childish appearance into that of a mans.


Margaret couldnt believe it as she walked in front of Aiwa. Her eyes looked at her son with appreciation. At this point it wasnt the appreciation of a mother looking at her son but a woman appreciating a man. This made the shy Aiwa a bit embarrassed.

Hello Margaret.

Aiwa acted normally calling his stepmother what he usually called her. But his eyes were also wandering over her body.

Aiwa, while you were going through the identification, you werent also getting cosmetic surgery right?

Margaret asked, surprised.

Why would I need to improve my looks? Was I ugly before?

It should be noted that while he was being injected with the Dragon Blood serum, he only felt dramatic changes in the muscles of his body. He did not realize that his appearance had also changed not to mention that he had become a lot more handsome.

No son, Im just saying. Youre a lot more handsome since you left this morning! Really, come, let your mother hug you.

Margaret excitedly opened her arms leaving Aiwa who was sitting on the sofa no choice but to stand up. At that point he realized that there was some inconsistencies with her stepmothers size. But he still obediently embraced Margaret.

Margarets warm embrace caused her twin peaks to press tightly against his chest. This made him start to breathe rapidly. Besides childhood, Margaret would only occasionally hold him like this so he would rarely be intimate with this non blood related woman. In addition for the past two years he had went to the East Empire to study and he had not seen her since then. Even during those two years he rarely mentioned her name.

But that was not enough to wipe her image out of his mind.

She was very beautiful and had charming eyes. Aiwa soon felt a strange feeling for this woman, but being sensible, in his heart it was very clear. This was his fathers woman. He could only think that silently in his heart. In order to control his desires, he had watched her shower. He secretly listened from the bathroom door the sound of her showering, and watched her elegant and moving figure through the glass but he had never actually offended her.

Margaret didnt give this young bud any more opportunities to enjoy himself and slowly released him.

Its already so late, Her Majesty must have invited you father to the palace for dinner so we wont wait for him.

Said Margaret.

For this dinner, Margaret displayed affection to her stepson for the first time. She continued to pile food on her plate and she would sneak tender glances at Aiwa. On that supper not only did he feel welcomed but also moved. Every time he looked at her chest, his heartbeat would suddenly accelerate, and his rod would also harden. As a result, he could not help but blush almost eating nothing and leaving the table.

Aiwa would never slack on his cultivation exercises. Every day he would exercise his body improving his dou qi and strengthening his qi techniques. Today when he was on the metal bed having sex with Ruth, he subconsciously sucked some energy from her body, strengthening his dou qi. Measuring it now, his dou qi was about the size of an apple.

Aiwa sitting on his bed held his breath and concentrated on his qi. Soon, his mind was clear and his dou qi gathered together into the size of an apple. His mouth chanted an incantation he had read thousands of times: My magic, quickly come out and grant me invincible power

Aiwa said this three times in a row and soon pale blue smoke began to spread through the room. Within the smoke a pair of green serpents danced around. With his mind he could control how the two serpents flew in the air. Unfortunately there was nothing in the room to test out his attack skills.

These two serpents, regardless if the target is male or female, as long as they get entangled by them, would fall into a state of confusion. Today when he was attacked by Ruth, he very much wanted to use his qi techniques on her. However her identity was too special. If he had angered her, he wouldve faced disaster. Moreover, with his current skill, these two serpents probably wouldnt be a match for her but if she had been willing to accept this kind of attack then it would have been a different story.

After practicing his dou qi for a while, Aiwa went to look at the troop formations book he had brought back from the East Empire. In the Hass Empire, no one upheld military formations and few knew about it because in combat, the military depended on the general, dou qi, and swordsmanship so no one paid attention to troop formations.

When Aiwa went to the East Empire, besides being interested in qi techniques able to capture women, he was interested in troop formations. Moreover he was particularly fascinated with trapping formations. Within a few months time, he had a profound understanding of troop formations. During practice, just using trapping formations he could easily defeat his opponents.

So while studying abroad in the East Empire, he got an A in tactical deployment but only a B in qi techniques. However the teacher said, qi technique practitioners should get practical experience and because hes too young the course didnt let him practice. Otherwise he should have been able to receive an A.

Aiwa picked up the book and prepared to study but then he heard the sound of rushing water. He didnt even need to think about it; obviously it was his stepmother Margaret taking a shower. Margaret had a habit of taking a shower every day. But today the sound of the water was particularly loud.

Hearing the sound of rushing water Aiwa remembered Margarets slender figure and steep twin peaks. On the day he came back, he went to peep on Margaret taking a shower. He thought he was being stealthy but Margaret could hear his heavy breathing from outside. In Kyles residence, servants werent allowed to come to the second floor, and they wouldnt dare to eavesdrop on her while she was showering so it could only be Aiwa.

Aiwa was an adolescent so Margaret could understand. But as her stepson, he didnt leave a favorable impression. Then again she didnt hate him and so in front of General Kyle she didnt expose Aiwas peeping.

The increasingly loud sound of water brought back Aiwas lust. His body mysteriously jumped down from the bed and crept out of the room.

Aiwas room was diagonally opposite of Margarets bathroom. Making Aiwa even more excited was that today Margaret had forgotten to lock the door. Perhaps because he was just a 17 years old boy she was not on guard.

Aiwa walked out barefoot and attached himself firmly to the door. He looked inside with great effort through a small slit. The sound of rushing water came out from inside through the clear glass. Aiwa could see Margarets slim figure showering in the waterfall. Her brown hair was wet and attached to her smooth skin.

Aiwa didnt have to worry about his father suddenly coming back because if he did, there would be the welcoming shouts from the servants. And every time General Kyle came back with his carriage as he entered the courtyard there would be the crisp sound of a whip.

Standing so close to listen to the sound of Margaret showering, for the 17 years Aiwa, it was a deadly temptation. When he saw Margarets devilish body through the layer of glass his rod immediately sprang up making his crotch extremely uncomfortable.

Margaret would usually shower for half an hour but for someone that was peeping it really was a short period of time. He wished he could watch her wash a little longer. The longer she washed, the longer he could enjoy the view.

He suddenly thought of a great way to extend Margarets bath time. That is to use his serpents to arouse Margarets lust!

Thinking of this he was suddenly had feelings of guilt. Margaret was after all his stepmother. If he used his serpents it would definitely put her in a confused state.

However his hearts desires were stronger than his conscience. He made up his mind and stood at the door way. With his two palms facing each other, he directed his dou qi and chanted an incantation: My magic, quickly come out and grant me invincible power

This time, perhaps because of his strong desires, he only needed to say the incantation once and his two serpents flew out in a cloud of smoke. With his thoughts he directed them into the bathroom.

Margaret had her eyes closed enjoying the feeling of the water so when the two serpents crawled on her body she did not notice. At the beginning the serpents crawled on her body like water but gradually Margaret felt something touching her sensitive parts. She didnt do anything though because she thought the stroking of the two serpents was just the feeling of the water. So she closed her eyes and refused to break this illusion.

Under Aiwas thoughts, a serpent crawled onto Margarets body and carefully stimulated her twin peaks: the other one was attached to her thigh stimulating her slit.

As the serpent moved, Margarets passion got more and more intense. She could not help but use both hands to touch her sensitive areas. When one hand accidentally touched the serpent she opened her eyes to discover two meter long green serpents.

In the Hass Empire, serpents were a symbol of God. People revered serpents and associated them with goodwill. As a result, when Margaret saw the two serpents climbing on her body and teasing her sensitive parts, she did not cry out. Instead she quickly pulled her hand back letting the two serpents do as they pleased. Because at least for now these two serpents had no intention of harming her but to raise her passion. She even regarded them as gifts from God. She only stayed silent leaning against the wall and silently enjoying the feeling.

However, Margaret didnt expect that although the two serpents were small they had a magic power surprising her. They only used their long and thin bodies to touch her smooth body and stimulate her but the feeling was very unusual. From below she could feel her lust rising making her want to cry out for help.

Just around this time, the serpent on her thigh suddenly poked her slit. She could not help but to be shocked but she did not cry out. These sacred things couldnt be driven away so she could only let these two serpents wander her body.

In less than half a minute, the serpent below squeezed into Margarets slit.

The slippery serpent, although it couldnt give Margaret a sense of fulfillment, it continued to arouse her lust. Oh My Aiwa!

Margaret groaned, whispering his name. However as the stepmother, Margaret was unable to reveal her innermost feelings and shout out loud. She could only moan softly and rub her body.

However, under the attack of these two serpents Margarets passions grew more intense and she was unable to resist such a strong stimulation. The serpent that had crept inside her was gently slipping into her flower.

Ah! Aiwa. Quickly save me

Her desires grew stronger with the stimulation. She was lying on the ground now and the serpent had completely dug into her, but it couldnt satisfy her blazing desire, only fanning the flames.

Hearing Margarets call, Aiwa rushed in without hesitation. It was a good excuse. He had rushed in in order to save his stepmother. Even if they were caught by his father, there was nothing to be embarrassed about.

When he rushed in he saw Margaret writhing on the floor, Margaret, how can I help you?

Seeing Margarets beautiful body been tortured with passion Aiwas Dragon Blood immediately began to boil.

From inside the mist, Margaret saw a bulge sticking out. Women, especially under the control of lust, would be excited to see such things, even despite being his mother. She grabbed Aiwa: My Aiwa, Save me

Margarets begging expression along with her body full of lust were caused by Aiwas magic.

Aiwa had already recalled his serpents, but Margarets body was still driving her crazy causing her creamy body to writhe on the floor. Aiwa could see that she was already very wet, enough to make his thighs glossy.

I I really dont know how to help you Margaret!

Aiwa was already squatting, getting a close up view of her wonderful and moving body. For the first time, Aiwa felt like he couldnt breathe.

Aiwa, you are already a man. Just use as a man you have to save you mother right

Margarets hand reached out to Aiwas waist ripping off his belt.

Although, Aiwa really wanted his stepmother, but out of reverence for his father, he was somewhat timid. Even with his pants so tight, and even with the desires of his heart and body, made especially stronger with the sight of his writhing stepmother, he was still clinging on to his status, daring not to offend his father.

Margaret, let me think about it

Aiwa did not run away. He just held onto his pants but Margaret had already ripped half off revealing his thick rod.

Seeing a 17 year old child have such a proud little guy Margarets heart couldnt help but rejoice. If compared to Kyle then Aiwas meat gun would be a divine object. Whether comparing coarseness or length it was more than double of Kyles!

Aiwa, still hesitating! Im already like this How can you be so cruel to let your mother make a fool of herself? Aiwa

Margarets lust burned away any sense of shame, she suddenly leaped and threw herself at him. Her shyness as a woman was completely overshadowed by her desires. She wanted to him to take his huge rod and piece her completely satisfying her hunger and quenching the burning desire torturing her.

And she didnt hesitate for a moment! If Master Kyle came back at this moment she wouldnt be able to ask him for help because it would be too sudden and Master Kyle would doubt her purity, so Aiwa was the only one she could ask for help.

Aiwa, come quickly, mother is begging you!

Margaret violent ripped off Aiwas pants and pulled his body down.


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