Draconic Vampire : Curse of the Blood

Chapter 2: Blood Qi

Chapter 2: Blood Qi

Keith was looking at himself in the mirror when he heard a knock on the door.

” Come in.”

A maid in her late teens brought a glass of blood for him.

” Young master, here is your blood.”

“Put it on the table.” Keith didn’t take the glass of blood from her.

The maid placed the glass of blood on the nearby table and bowed.

” Is there anything else you need ?” The maid asked Keith.

” No, you can leave.” He didn’t want anything, for now, he wanted to clear his mind and make sense of all this.

The maid left his room and closed the doors. Seeing that she was gone, he sat down on his bed and closed his eyes. From the memories of the previous Keith, he learned about the various power levels in the vampire society.

Every vampire was born with blood condensing phase one. When they evolve their blood condensing to the tenth phase they acquire the blood core.

The blood cores are the essence of all the power the vampire possesses. The baron class blood core is the entry to the vampire power hierarchy. The next levels are Viscount, Count, Marquis, Duke, Archduke, and lastly the King,

Each increment in the blood core equates to exponential power growth. So a Viscount is many times stronger than a baron and so on.

The vampire king is someone who could destroy entire armies single-handedly. They are the pinnacle of power in the vampire society.

The strength of vampires and their blood core don’t always match. Some inherit their titles without the required blood core if they have the means to retain it.

Usually, there is a fight for the title if there is no uniform decision, such as the position of king, that is purely based on individual power and not by giving it to the next generation. So every vampire has a chance to become a vampire king, but very few have the chance to be so.

The Thing is, the evolving process greatly depends on your blood concentration, that is how many original vampire genes you possess.

The original vampires, who were the ancestors and true-bloods that created the vampire race were like gods to the ordinary vampires. According to history, the vampire ancestors occupied the continent 100 thousand years ago.

The climate here was suitable for the vampires, as the sun didn’t show up all year round and the cold stayed throughout the year. The vampire settlement enslaved the humans in the continent and used them like cattle.

But in recent years after the 15th king took power, he treated humans fairly. Even though there was a backlash from some families about this, in the end, they didn’t go against the decision of the king.

Keith focused all his attention on his body, his blood concentration was very low, and also the weak body didn’t help him increase his blood condensing. He was born with a genetic disability that always gave him backlash every time the blood condensed in his body.

This prevented the formation of the blood channeling path. He focused his mind on the blood condensing. When the blood qi flowed towards the center, he felt a sharp pain in his vessels.

” This is worse than I thought.”

Keith was really trying to increase his blood condensing to the next phase. But every time he tried, he received backlash and the flow would disrupt.

“I need to find a way to make my blood qi flow, or else Marvin will kill me after he gets the inheritance if not before.”

He remembered everything about his condition and tried to find a way to get through the obstacle. From what he could understand, the rate at which blood qi flows depends on the blood concentration.

And the primary reason the blood qi doesn’t flow is that you don’t have the genes of a vampire.

Nobody in this era figured that he might have mixed genes, they thought that his talent was low and he didn’t have the blood concentration to evolve further.

But he could see that his flow of blood qi was normal, only it was not able to circulate inside his body.

Digging deeper into his memories, he found out that mixed-bloods can circulate their blood qi, but they have the vampire side that dominates over the lower genes.

” Does that mean the genes I have are as powerful as the vampires or even more than that?”

He pondered about it deeply. If that was the case, then he needed to find a way to suppress the other gene so that the vampire gene could flourish.

This time he focused his blood qi, not to make it flow but to scan the whole body to see the other dominant gene. He scanned his whole body but didn’t find anything. When he went upwards, the mark on his forehead started to glow.

He scanned the mark with his blood qi, then a strange thing happened. Purple tendrils started stretching out and enveloped the blood qi. The tendrils moved downward and slithered into his palms. It created a weird mark on his right palm.

When he scanned his right palm with his blood qi, he sensed nothing. But there was a new feeling in his body that he couldn’t feel before. He felt that the blood qi was not as restricted as before. He tried to channel the blood qi and it moved with no hassle.

” What in the world? Is this because of those purple tendrils? What exactly are those ?”

He was very intrigued about the purple mark and purple tendrils. The reason he transmigrated to this world was because of the purple butterfly, so what was the relationship between the purple butterfly and this world?

” Forget it. I will think about that later. Now, I have to increase my blood-qi.”

He sat on his bed for six hours and focused all his energy on circulating blood-qi and condensing it in his heart. The blood-qi flow turned faster and he felt that his body was improving. His complexion turned better and his body started to look healthy.

” If I keep this up, I can increase my blood condensation to phase two in one week.

He was already twenty years old. To humans, it might be adulthood, but for vampires, 20 years was just like infancy. The powerful vampires like the king lived for thousands of years, so 20 years was like a fleeting moment.


“Young master, I brought you dinner.”

” Uh…”

He didn’t know what to do. Before today he was a human, and now he had to drink human blood. From the memories of past-Keith, he knew that it was essential for vampires to drink blood. They could drink the blood of other organisms, but that caused severe side effects and only human blood was ideal for them.

Some vampires tried to experiment and create hybrid blood to increase the quality, but so far only pure human blood gave vampires the best results, so drinking human blood was the standard now.


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