Douluo Dalu 5 Rebirth of Tang San

Chapter 9: bottleneck

Chapter 9: bottleneck

Tang San is not in a good mood recently. The reason is very simple. Two years later, his Profound Heaven Skill has not broken through to the fourth level.

Originally, he thought that at most seven years old, he should be able to break through to the fourth level. However, when the third level of cultivation reached the top, he found that he had entered a bottleneck. This bottleneck seems not because of his own reasons, but a kind of oppressive force in this Falan world.

From the third to the fourth order, it seems to be difficult.

Tang San has been working hard to cultivate and accumulate, but he has never been able to break through this level of suppression. Two years later, he is eight years old, and he is still the third peak. And it seems that the accumulated strength can't help him complete the breakthrough.

Leopard Flash and Wind Blade are now very proficient in them, but their power has not been increased due to the increase in the cultivation base of Xuan Tian Gong. It's like two solidified skills. This also brought all his abilities into a bottleneck.

This situation brings about one of the biggest problems, that is, the loss of the ascending channel, and the absence of the ascending channel means that he can only continue to grow up like this. What can the strength of the third-tier pinnacle do? There is still a weak existence in this world.

Tang San knew that he had to take some risks.

His job today is to transport trees.

In the village, an adult male cut down the trees. He helped the adults to carry them together and transported them to the town by carts.

They have a total of seven children, helping four adults to transport the truck of wood together.

The adults are pulling the car with ropes in front, while they are pushing the car behind.

The gravel road is fairly smooth, and the cart is not fast. The adults in front have tried their best and moved forward step by step in a rhythm.

Fenglang Town, Tang San has been here several times. The Wind Wolf tribe among the wolf demons lives in this town. Lord Wind Wolf lives in the largest house in the center of the town.

Fenglang Town is home to more than 1,000 Fenglang tribes, and there are seven human slave villages around as their slaves, working for them and supporting them.

Wind wolf eats meat. From time to time, human slaves will also become their food. Of course, there are other livestock as food.

Relatively speaking, the wind wolf is still a race among the monsters that is not so interested in cannibalism, so the humans here are less likely to be eaten.

It is not how compassionate the wind wolves are, but because they believe that human work is more valuable to them.

Tang San pushed the car while observing the situation in the town. He was actually thinking that the reason why he was unable to break through and the bottleneck appeared was probably because the profound heaven art he was practicing should conflict with the rules of this world, so he was suppressed. With his current ability, Of course it is impossible to break through the rules of this world.

This kind of rule is generally brought by the Lord of the planes invisibly. As a former **** king, he knew this aspect very clearly.

has lived here for eight years. Although he has never walked out of Wind Wolf Town, there is one thing he can be sure of. The world is extremely aura, which means that the entire plane is strong. Such a powerful plane, its true peak existence must also be extremely powerful, and it will definitely be above the **** level in his original world. Therefore, the lord of the plane of this plane, that is, the planet itself, must also be very powerful.

Through the previous communication with Zhu Jiaxin, and the absorption of the energy of the wind system in the wolf monster's body. He vaguely felt that Xuantian Gong seemed to have the ability to swallow this world. Perhaps, the reason why I was suppressed by the rules is precisely because of this.

If you want to make a breakthrough, it will be very difficult to rely solely on Xuan Tian Gong. It must be done in a different way. Judging from his thinking at the level of the **** king, the most direct way is to make the lord of the plane of this world recognize himself and the rules recognize himself.

The Lord of the Plane is often just an invisible existence, and all the rules of the Plane are made to protect oneself and avoid being out of balance. Therefore, if Tang San wants to continue to break through, the best way is to increase his strength in this world, hide his profound heavenly skills as much as possible, and let the rule's induction and suppression of him weaken. In this case, looking for opportunities to break through suddenly, naturally You can continue to practice.

He is observing Wind Wolf Town, just want to take a risk. Now for him, the best way to increase his ability on this plane is to increase the Wind Wolf Clan ability he already possesses or the ability of the Leopard Flash.

Leopard Flash is definitely nowhere to be found, but in Wind Wolf Town, the most are Wind Wolf tribe. His plan is to find a suitable wind wolf clan to start, and the wind wolf of Tier 3 or so will try. You don't need to kill, stun the opponent, and then see if you can use Profound Heaven Technique to extract the opponent's blood to enhance the wind blade ability you already have. If possible, we must observe whether the wind wolf whose bloodline power has been drawn by him can recover its bloodline power. If he can recover, it would be a good cover for him. The Wind Blade continues to improve, and the Wind Wolf bloodline in his body will become rich, and he will use the Wind Wolf bloodline to break through the bottleneck of the Mystic Art.

This is Tang San's plan after careful consideration. He now has the abilities of Leopard Flash and Wind Blade, and coupled with the Profound Heaven Skill of the third peak, he is still very sure to attack a Wind Wolf.

was walking, the wooden cart suddenly stopped, so that the children behind them all subconsciously took a halt, and one of the thinnest children even sat on the ground because of the shock force.

Tang San quickly controlled his strength, didn't push hard, and reacted like other children.

The adult man in front stopped and seemed to be looking in one direction.

Tang San could see from the side, their eyes seemed to be envy.

You must know that these human slaves who have been domesticated since childhood are usually very numb, and they rarely say anything. There are very few cases of such different emotions.

Tang San followed their gazes, UU reading www. Not far away from , several people were posting notices.

That's right, the people who posted the notice were humans. It's just that, compared with their slaves, the clothes on these people are at least neat and tidy.

Tang San narrowed his eyes slightly, and the purple magic pupils moved, allowing him to see clearly.

I saw that the notice said that bloodline screening will be carried out in three days. All village slaves who have the blood of Wind Wolf can come for the test. After the test is successful, they are allowed to live in Wind Wolf Town for vassal training.

Mixed blood screening?

Tang San understood in an instant.

He usually comes to Wind Wolf Town because of his work, but this is the first time he has seen such a notice. There is no doubt that the humans who posted the notices are also vassals of the Wind Wolf tribe, that is, they have a certain Wind Wolf bloodline, which can be much higher than ordinary slaves. At least, they are no longer slaves.

Seeing this, his heart moved slightly. If this is the case, it seems that my plan can be changed.

Although it is a good cover to be a slave all the time, but there is also a problem, that is, there is really too little contact with this world.

Without enough contact, it is impossible for him to feel more. It is also impossible to access the real resources in this world. This is undoubtedly an opportunity to screen the bloodline of Wind Wolf Town.

For humans, if slaves still have a little self-esteem, they should all understand that this is a great insult.

What kind of humans are likely to have the blood of the wind wolf, that is undoubtedly mixed blood, what does it mean to be mixed? That must be the offspring born of the relationship between the wolf monsters of the Wind Wolf tribe and humans. Human beings are not qualified as companions of the monster clan in this world at all, which means that they can only be the object of venting animal desires.


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