Douluo Dalu 5 Rebirth of Tang San

Chapter 12: Assessment

Chapter 12: Assessment

The next moment, the middle-aged man has slowly opened his arms, looked up at the sky, and said loudly: "Great wind! Please take care of your people and let them understand the true meaning of wind."

When he sang loudly, his body suddenly began to swell, and the bluish-gray hairs burrowed out from the surface of the skin, and the clothes on the upper body were instantly split, revealing solid muscles, and the rich blue light followed. It burst out from him.

Fourth order? Is it Tier 5?

This is Tang San's first feeling. It can be said that this middle-aged man is also the existence with the highest cultivation level among the humans he has ever seen. The strong wind element instantly condenses, and the wind element in the surrounding air obviously becomes rich. And this strong wind element shrouded the ten of them.

The lord of the wind wolf turned his head and glanced at the high priest, and said, "Wang Yanfeng, this guy's control of the wind element has improved a lot!"

The high priest faintly said: "After all, he has the blood of a slave, and his upper limit is Tier 4. However, in terms of control, humans still have something to do. He just controls better. But Lord Lord, you shouldn't follow him all day long. Those female wolves should improve their strength a lot. Otherwise, after two years of my clan ceremony, wouldnt they be laughed at again?"

The expression on the face of Lord Wind Wolf stiffened, "I see."

Tang Thirty people bathed in the wind element, there is a faint blue light lingering on their bodies.

Tang San narrowed his eyes, silently feeling the richness of the wind element, and the wind blade he controlled in his body seemed to be affected. He carefully drew the power of the wind blade and blended with his own blood. Let your own breath begin to change.

He suddenly discovered that the strong wind elements around him seemed to be being absorbed by him after his bloodline changed. The energy of the wind blade seemed to be accumulated.

How smart he is and how rich his experience is. I suddenly understood one thing. Before, I couldn't improve my Wind Blade and Leopard Flash, not only because of the limitation of bloodline, but also because of the lack of the same attributes and strong elemental assistance, so I couldn't improve. At this time, among the rich wind elements, the wind blade was obviously touched. In other words, if conditions permit, his wind blade can also be improved.

"Roar" At this moment, among the ten people, the only young man who survived the most beastization at the time of awakening had cracked his clothes, his hair rooted out, his body was obviously swelled, and there was a slight glaucoma Wind around.

Wang Yanfeng's eyes lit up, and with a wave of his hand, a whirlwind suddenly engulfed his body, pulling him aside. This is obviously a sign of passing the assessment.

Tang San was not eager to express himself. This kind of rich wind element would not exist in the natural world. With his current cultivation base, he couldn't actively condense, how could he not take the opportunity to absorb more. It might be good for breaking through your bottleneck.

What surprised him was that the second person who reacted turned out to be Ling Muxue next to him. Ling Muxue screamed, and her delicate body swelled up a bit. It was not as obvious as that of the young man before, and only the hair appeared on the back of her neck, but the blue in her eyes was obviously a bit richer. The blue light shone in front of her, and even lifted her body slightly upwards.

Wang Yanfeng waved his hand again, swept her body with the wind element and fell to the side. At the same time, he said, "The blood is not strong, but it is more compatible with the wind element."

Next, two more fifteen or six-year-olds had strong reactions.

Wang Yanfeng was obviously a little anxious, and the condensed wind element became stronger and stronger. But Tang San clearly saw that his forehead was already covered with sweat. Supporting such a strong wind element obviously consumes a lot of him.

With such hard work, he naturally hopes that more of them can pass the blood test.

"It's almost enough. What's not enough is not enough. Don't delay the time for the ceremony." Lord Wind Wolf said coldly.

Wang Yanfeng reluctantly said: "Lord Lord, give me another minute, I think there should be more."

Tang San knew that he couldn't wait anymore, he closed his eyes, and slowly raised his hands in front of him. When he opened his eyes again, bright blue light bloomed in his eyes, and the surrounding wind elements obviously condensed in his direction, and disappeared out of thin air. Then on the palms of his hands, a wind blade of about three inches was condensed. The wind blade is not big, but it is very active. In the next instant, the wind blade seemed to be out of control, flying out into the air with a sound of breaking through the air.

"Wind Blade Awakens? This is..." Wang Yanfeng was startled, but he waved his hand without hesitation and brought Tang San out.

"Huh?" The high priest sitting there frowned slightly, and couldn't help looking towards Tang San's direction.

At this time, Wang Yanfeng's wind element maintenance also ended. He gasped and gasped, obviously he was approaching the limit.

"The body has not changed much, but the wind element has a strong affinity, awakening our Wind Wolf clan's talent wind blade. The reason why the body has changed little is probably because of age. It is a bit similar to mine." Wang Yanfeng panted. Said respectfully to the high priest.

"Hmm." The high priest gave him a noncommittal look, and then moved his gaze away from Tang San. For her, a child is really insignificant.

A total of ten people came to participate in the test, and five of them responded that they passed the test. The remaining five people suddenly seemed a little at a loss.

Lord Wind Wolf waved his hand, and several strong wolf monsters rushed forward, grabbed the five humans who failed the test and pulled them aside.

The high priest also stood up slowly at this time, walked towards the altar step by step, and said solemnly: "Lets begin the ceremony."

"Yes!" Lord Wind Wolf respectfully saluted her, and then followed behind her and walked towards the altar together.

Wang Yanfeng did not follow them, but stood beside the five people who had just passed the assessment. His aura had already calmed down a bit. He lowered his head and looked at Tang San. Tang San's eyes were a bit dull. Yes, he was also a little at a loss. In terms of disguise, he was absolutely flawless in his third life.

The high priest came on stage, and Lord Wind Wolf stood beside her. Looking up to the sky, there was a long howl.


Accompanied by his long howl, all the wolf demons present all raised their voices to the sky and made wolf howlings. For a while, the entire Wind Wolf Town was full of wolves howling, as if the beasts were about to attack.

The high priest slowly raised his cane, and the howling of the wolf gradually subsided. She looked old, but in the deep green eyes, icy brilliance was shining, and she said coldly: "Today is the day to worship our ancestors. Our wolf clan is a bloodline, and it is also strong among the saints. The war race. The great wolf ancestor created us so that we can thrive. Let us use the most delicious blood to pay homage to the wolf ancestor, and make our wind wolf line stronger."

At this point, she suddenly turned her head to look aside, under the altar the five human youth slaves who had not passed the examination before.

"It is contaminated with the blood of my clan, but cannot awaken the brilliance of my clan. Your filthy blood actually wants to cover up the breath of my Fenglang line. Only blood can wash away this shame. Kill them!"

The wolves seemed to be ready for a long time. The high priest spoke, and the wolves who grabbed the five human youths instantly grabbed the shoulders of the few people. With both hands, they directly tore their bodies. In between, blood burst and splashed on the altar.

This scene happened very suddenly. Tang San who saw this scene only felt that blood rushed to his forehead instantly, his hands were already clenched while his body was stiff.

But at this moment, his eyes went dark, and a figure silently stood in front of him.

It was Wang Yanfeng who blocked his sight.


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