Doomsday Wonderland

Chapter 1338: Operation Plan

Chapter 1338: Operation Plan

If all her actions were under surveillance, many details could be explained—why she felt uncomfortable walking on the street, why she subconsciously wanted to cover herself... and Wu Lun's attitude, and her sudden disappearance.

Whenever Lin Sanjiu thought of Wu Lun again, it felt like her heart was being pressed down heavily again. Thinking deeper about it would be too heavy; who could have imagined that a friend she had briefly interacted with would be monitoring her. She sighed deeply, lifted her eyes, and pushed Wu Lun out of her mind.

Her mood was heavy at the moment, but the surroundings were quite inappropriate or even called out of place: it was a sunny afternoon, with gentle ripples on the green lake; several brightly colored cartoon boats were paddling on the lake, children's laughter drifting from afar, blending with the sound of water and duck calls in the wind.

This world, at this moment, didn't seem bad at all.

Most posthumans probably felt this afternoon was very leisurely and relaxed, but she couldn't help but shiver when she looked at the cartoon pedal boats on the lake—yet, it was her idea to go boating.

There were surveillance cameras everywhere, perhaps even microphones. Now that the hostages had been released, the industrial area was probably no longer safe; if they wanted to discuss what to do next, they needed to find a place where the surveillance couldn't hear or see them.

Regarding this, Han Suiping, who had just joined them, added, "It's best if there's no one nearby. If someone overhears even a word and becomes suspicious, they will report us, and we will be in trouble.."

After thinking it over, the pocket dimension of the lake tour she had experienced suddenly popped into Lin Sanjiu's mind. There were fewer surveillance cameras in the park, and they could quietly reach the lake shore without being noticed; the lake provided a broad view and lacked surveillance methods, making it convenient for them to talk without fear of being overheard.

Lampposts would have been fine initially, but Han Suiping and Guan Hailian couldn't get on them.

So, at this moment, Lin Sanjiu was sitting in a yellow duck boat with Han Suiping, her feet stepping on the pedals with a creaking sound. With her strength, Han Suiping only pedaled a few times in the beginning before resting his feet on the pedal. This guy had only joined recently but already didn't consider himself an outsider.

A white swan followed the yellow duck boat. Nu Yue and Guan Hailian were inside the swan, followed by a large frog. Inside the frog were He Huan with a sour expression and Wan Qingge with a slightly embarrassed look—neither of them was willing to sit in a cartoon boat with the appearance of a thirty-year-old adult male, but they had to admit it was a good idea.

Because both were posthumans, they could hear everything said in front of them. To avoid gathering together and attracting attention, they stayed a short distance behind.

"When I first arrived, I also found it strange that the modern world had no internet." Nu Yue sat in the white swan but crossed her legs and refused to pedal the boat, leaving Guan Hailian to huff and puff. She folded her arms and said, "I even thought that because there was no internet, the doomsday hadn't arrived yet, which meant I couldn't use my methods to contact the doomsday universe."

This point coincided with Lin Sanjiu's thoughts.

"But now it doesn't seem like that... There is internet elsewhere, but the doomsday still hasn't come, which means whether it comes or not isn't related to the internet." Nu Yue said.

"Don't forget, we also don't want this world to experience the doomsday." Lin Sanjiu reminded her.

Han Suiping nodded hurriedly. His parents were still in this world.

"The internet might not be the key to whether doomsday comes or not, but we still can't conclude that it has nothing to do with 'the inability to contact the outside world.'" While speaking, Lin Sanjiu tried to think like the grand prize: "It's possible that when we go to a place with the internet, we can send out messages."

He Huan's voice came from behind in the wind, "It's worth a try."

"After sending out the message, what will happen?" Guan Hailian asked softly, "Will this world still be unaffected?"

Lin Sanjiu turned to glance at him—He was sitting on the other side of Nu Yue in the swan, so she couldn't see his expression.

"I have a... junior." She didn't know if the grand prize counted as a younger brother or sister, so she could only say vaguely, "Who is currently looking for me. They have a means to travel through the stars. As long as I send out the message, they will definitely come to pick us up. I can't think of any impact it would have on this world, and the locals wouldn't even notice that we had been here."

"It's nice to have someone like that around," Nu Yue sighed. "If this is the only way to leave without destroying the world, it's no wonder previous posthumans couldn't leave."

"So our first task is to go to another country?" Wan Qingge asked from inside the frog.

"No need to take such a big risk." Lin Sanjiu thought for a moment. "As long as someone takes my communicator to the open sea to try, that's enough. Leaving this world is the top priority. If this method doesn't work, we can consider moving collectively to another place."

This plan required extensive preparation. The Copper Harbor cruise ship still departed regularly, but the only ones among the six who had legal status were Guan Hailian and Han Suiping. Unfortunately, these two couldn't use their IDs to buy tickets again, so they had to rely on the posthumans to find a way to get them on board.

After discussing it carefully, they decided Nu Yue would handle this task. She was the most convenient among them to disguise and transform: her height and facial features were closer to the average, and she was a young girl, so if she changed her hairstyle, makeup, and clothing, she would look like a different person—getting a fake ID with a similar appearance should be no problem.

"Everyone needs to bring their IDs when going out." Han Suiping also thought this plan was feasible, saying, "There are checks everywhere, so it should be easy to steal... The problem is how to return it."

The other posthumans all looked at him.

"Oh, right, just don't return it... Anyway, it can be replaced."

Han Suiping rubbed his pants and said somewhat embarrassedly. "But how do we bring the communicator on board?"

The communicator didn't belong to the Special Items, so it couldn't be integrated into another object, and its appearance was strange, which would definitely be stopped during the inspection. Even if it were covered with an anti-X-ray computer coating, it wouldn't completely conceal it, and making another cover would take months just for the materials.

"Well, I have a way." Nu Yue said, "My ability can be told to you. It doesn't matter. It's an 'inheritance' type of ability."

"What does that mean?"

"I can inherit the ability of a deceased posthuman."

She looked a little proud, like a child who couldn't help but show off her toy: "Whether you know them or not, as long as I know the person's name, know the details of their ability, and know that they are definitely dead, I can inherit their ability. If these three conditions are not met, even if the body is in front of me, I can't inherit it."


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