Doomsday Wonderland

Chapter 1247: Puppeteers Direct Tactics

Chapter 1247: Puppeteer's Direct Tactics

A gust of wind swept in from the distant sky, causing the dense forest to ripple like waves in the breeze. The rustling of leaves, usually calming, now sounded oddly dry and lifeless when juxtaposed with Lin Sanjiu's response. She spoke as if she were a desiccated leaf, poised to meld into the forest at any moment.

Lin Sanjiu remained motionless behind the tree for quite some time. After Bohemia's question, there was a lengthy pause before she responded in a voice as slow and weary as ancient branches creaking, "No, I can't come out."

"Why not? I'm really hungry. Come out and prepare something for me first," Bohemia urged, glancing briefly at Puppeteer and wiping her nose with her oversized sleeve, a hint of panic in her tone.

Lin Sanjiu stayed silent for a while before saying, "If I leave, I might not be able to find the traces left by that person when I return." Her attempted smile appearing more like a grimace to those outside. Bohemia shivered as Lin Sanjiu's face was pulled upwards, layer by layer, until her rigid features and skin fell within the realm of her grin.

"So, it's your choice," Lin Sanjiu continued, her voice taking on a peculiar edge. "Either you come in, or I venture deeper into the forest to find him."

Bohemia realized something was terribly wrong. She was acutely aware that if Lin Sanjiu went deeper into the forest, they might never see her emerge again.

"Just hold on a moment," Bohemia said, rushing forward two steps and gripping the railing. "Let's talk this over first!"

Lin Sanjiu turned her head gradually, and though Bohemia couldn't see it, she could almost hear the dry sound of Lin Sanjiu's neck moving.

"I... I don't mind coming inside," Bohemia said, glancing at the gradually brightening horizon for an excuse. "But consider this—it's almost dawn. Wouldn't it be safer to wait for daylight before venturing into the forest? If you don't want to exit, you don't have to... Just remain there and wait for us."

If she could delay Lin Sanjiu for a while, they could at least figure out a plan.

Lin Sanjiu remained silent. Meanwhile, the pale male ghost behind her appeared somewhat indecisive. He glanced at Lin Sanjiu and then at the two individuals outside the fence. After a few seconds, Yuan Xiangxi awkwardly adjusted his clothing and said, "This may not be a good idea... I think you should come out. Your friend mentioned she's hungry."

Bohemia was taken aback and turned to observe Puppeteer, only to find him wearing a contemplative expression.

Why was this long-haired male ghost now advocating for her?

"It's truly uncomfortable to go hungry," Yuan Xiangxi continued, seemingly oblivious to the gravity of the situation, as he attempted to persuade Lin Sanjiu, "I really hate being hungry... You can't let your friend starve. On the other hand, I haven't experienced hunger in a long time."

"I won't come out because it's better for her," Lin Sanjiu said, her face gradually losing its smile and reverting to a blank, emotionless expression. Bohemia couldn't help but think that if she crowned Lin Sanjiu's head with leaves right now, she would resemble a tree.

Yuan Xiangxi's gaze briefly lingered on Lin Sanjiu's face before quickly diverting, as if he felt uncomfortable looking at her.

"Stay here and watch her," Puppeteer suddenly said in a low tone. "Keep an eye on her."

Bohemia quivered and leaned over the railing, only to close her eyes in the sudden gust of wind. When she reopened her eyes, she witnessed a slim, tall figure leaping into the air and hurtling towards the forest.

Puppeteer jumped out?!

Bohemia was on the verge of crying out in astonishment. She hurled herself against the fence, half of her body extending outwards, her mind reeling. Lin Sanjiu, who had lingered in the shadows all this while, suddenly sprang into action, moving a few steps forward as if she intended to meet Puppeteer, even extending her arms as if to welcome him. However, in the subsequent moment, the mid-air figure froze and appeared to be forcibly flung backward, tracing a neat parabolic arc before landing securely back on the railing, as if thrown back.

She gazed vacantly at the black boots that had just landed nearby, then lifted her gaze.

This... this defied the laws of physics, didn't it?

Puppeteer's leap hadn't made contact with anything but the air. He hadn't touched the ground or brushed against any trees. The sole difference was that he now clutched a black leather rope in his hand. The rope was tightly wound around Yuan Xiangxi's neck, silently dragging him out without anyone's notice. Now, with the rope slackened, Yuan Xiangxi lay prone on the railing, gasping for breath.

"I'm fine in the air here, and I'll be fine in the air over there," Puppeteer said, betraying no indication that he had just leaped such a great distance. "Because the fence doesn't obstruct the airflow. Now, you have two friends in my grasp. Don't you desire to come out?"

Indeed, Bohemia could smack her thigh in regret.

Lin Sanjiu currently appeared to be in such a precarious state that it would be unwise to approach her until they ascertained what was amiss. Nonetheless, this long-haired individual had already vaulted over the fence once, and capturing him should pose no problem. As expected of Puppeteer sir... As expected of Puppeteer. Not only was he cautious enough to deduce that the air was safe to touch, but he could also effortlessly seize someone concealed dozens of meters away in the dense forest. If it had been someone else, who could tread upon thin air to move to and fro without making contact with anything and then effortlessly apprehend someone in the midst of a dense forest?

She sighed inwardly for a moment, but then an unsettling sensation coursed down her spine.

Two friends?

If Yuan Xiangxi was one, then there was one more. Bohemia scanned her surroundings and ended up scrutinizing her own hands.

Suddenly, Lin Sanjiu darted forward, coming to an abrupt halt in the open space outside the forest. She sounded somewhat anxious as she said, "Don't kill Bohemia."

'Don't just assume that I'm your friend!'

Bohemia experienced a mix of emotions and wished to kick someone. Puppeteer didn't release Yuan Xiangxi, yet he spared her? Well, in this regard, Lin Sanjiu appeared to exhibit a trace of conscience, affirming their friendship and making it easier for Puppeteer to threaten her.

"Don't kill me either," Yuan Xiangxi muttered as he perched on the railing, then abruptly added, "Oh, I almost forgot."

Bohemia clenched her teeth, indifferent to whatever he had forgotten. What if Puppeteer genuinely intended to try it? Why couldn't Lin Sanjiu simply come out? Even when she made an attempt to step forward a moment ago, imploring Puppeteer not to harm her, she stopped after just one step.

While Bohemia contemplated intensely, Lin Sanjiu persisted in her wooden demeanor, saying candidly, "She is important to me. And not just her, but you as well."

Even without glancing at Puppeteer, Bohemia sensed the atmosphere surrounding him becoming increasingly taut and oppressive, as if a tempest was brewing, poised to shatter the world.

"What did you just say?" Puppeteer said.

"Both of you are important to me," Lin Sanjiu said, maintaining her erect stance on the gravelly terrain. "Both of you need to follow me into the mountains. It would be better if we all stayed together."

Bohemia's shoulders abruptly relaxed—she couldn't discern if it was relief or disappointment. She lowered her head and used her sleeve to wipe her face.

"She's quite obsessed with going into the mountains," Yuan Xiangxi mumbled. Despite having been pulled out by Puppeteer just like a hawk seizing a rabbit, he had adapted to the situation in the blink of an eye. Now seated on the railing, he hadn't even removed the leather rope from around his neck but appeared entirely at ease. "I still don't understand why both of you refuse to enter or exit. It isn't a matter of principle, after all."

At that instant, Puppeteer finally lowered his gaze and meticulously scrutinized Yuan Xiangxi.

"You're not a living person," he said, cocking his head slightly. His black hair cascaded from his ears, revealing a few thick and frigid purple gleams in his eyes. In fact, he appeared less animated than Yuan Xiangxi. "You truly are a useless thing."

With these final words, the leather rope appeared to come to life, sliding off Yuan Xiangxi's neck. Puppeteer raised his foot and kicked him off the railing. Yuan Xiangxi landed noiselessly on the ground, albeit responding with a fitting "ouch." He got to his feet, brushed off his clothes, and glanced up, appearing somewhat taken aback. "Why are you trying to capture her? Aren't you all friends?"

Bohemia now found herself ensnared in the grip of searing pain around her neck, tears freely streaming down her cheeks. Puppeteer had never laid a hand on her before. She understood he was far stronger than her, but the experience of even a fraction of his nearly violent power exceeded her wildest imagination. If she had a soul, it would surely feel as if someone were strangling it, on the verge of forcibly wrenching it from her bones and flesh. She couldn't even struggle; the fear induced by this sensation paralyzed her more than the pain.

Had Lin Sanjiu been resisting this power all along?

"I'll ask you once more. Will you come out?" Puppeteer said gently.

Bohemia, imprisoned, could merely gaze at the night sky through her tearful eyes. After a few seconds of silence, she heard Lin Sanjiu say in her wooden tone, "No."

She didn't want to die here.

"S-Sir!" Bohemia said, straining to articulate the words through her constricted throat. Each word felt disproportionately large within her narrow throat, causing her distress. "I just noticed... I..."

Puppeteer bent slightly, and a strong fragrance wafted over. "What is it?"

"When she lifted her foot," Bohemia said, word by word, "it seemed like there was something beneath her feet... connected to the ground."


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