Doomsday Pillars

Chapter 310 - Main Chamber Battle

After the scouts returned and the research teams finished doing their analysis, the group quickly moved through the icy blue landscape as they advanced towards the end of the Abyss Gate. The scouts who had returned brought an abundant amount of information on what was waiting in front of them, such as the terrain they were going to pass through and the locations of the gargoyles.

Alex studied and pondered about the information he received as meticulously and thoroughly as possible. Moments later, he told the others that they should fight their way to the end, given the large number of fighters of the expedition group. 


From the sky, one could see a rhombus-shaped formation advancing through the icy plain as the group headed towards the hill where the nearest horde of gargoyles was spotted by one of the scouts. When the group reached the foot of the hill, they were instantly greeted by several ear-piercing screams coming from above them. When they looked up and tried to find the origin of the scream, the fighters could see dozens of humanoid flying creatures rushing towards them.

Seeing the incoming monsters, the Sky realm fighters specialized on close combat readied their battle stances to prepare for the attacks while the fighters specialized on ranged attack began to cast their spells. Flurry of colorful lights swiftly appeared around the group as the fighters chanted their spell incantations and enhanced their bodies.

This time, the fighters had to fight seriously and couldn't take the approaching monsters lightly, otherwise they could suffer severe casualties.. They would not be able to fight as casually as they did against the previous hordes of critters or hellhounds.

This Abyss creature, which has a human-like body and a face like a tiger with wings on its back, was the culprit who would bring hell to the world after the first tribulation occurred. Not only did they have wings that allowed them to maneuver in the air. allowing them to take the initiative to attack, they also possessed the same speed and strength as Sky realm fighters. This fact, coupled with their maneuverability, made these monsters a headache to deal with, which a Sky realm Magus might not necessarily win against it in a one-on-one fight.

However, the biggest threat they had to face against these gargoyles was their endurance which could take blows easily, specifically the innate ability of the gargoyles which made them unable to be injured when attacked except by magic weapons, magic attacks, or ordinary weapons enhanced by magic spells. Therefore, starting from the moment the gargoyles attacked the group, some of the fighters suffered losses due to the gargoyle's innate ability which made them unable to injure the gargoyles.

Only less than half of them possessed magic weapons, so they had to fight the gargoyles entirely using offensive magic spells, which quickly drained them. Some of them who were not Sky realm Magus could only watch and follow the battles without being able to do anything like an audience. However, Alex could see some of those who could not injure the gargoyles trying to help by blocking the gargoyles' attacks or becoming a diversion.

When Alex and Aria explored the main chamber of the Abyss last time, they had to move through this icy expanse very carefully and undetected as they swiftly killed all the gargoyles they encountered, preventing them from being surrounded by them. Unfortunately for them, thanks to the striking appearance of their current 160 fighters moving together, this large company of people quickly caught the attention of the gargoyles resulting in the current situation, where what was previously just several gargoyles quickly turned into dozens of gargoyles that attacked simultaneously. However, it was in this kind of precarious and critical situation that the real abilities of the fighters began to show, revealing their grandeur and brilliance to others.

Alex could see that an Egyptian fighter with brown skin and a half-face makeup named Baako unleashed a lightning element special spell [Lightning Snake] towards the gargoyles. In the blink of an eye, a 4 meter long purple lightning appeared and zigzagged through the air like a living creature before it hit 4 gargoyles at once, immediately immobilizing them.

Not far from Baako, Alex could see a fighter from the Philippines, a young boy with severe burns covering almost half of his face furiously threw multiple fireballs at the gargoyles as if he was possessed by a fire demon. The sight of a boy acting like pyromania made Alex wonder what happened to the boy to make him like that.

Winter, who was standing in the front lines, tried to use his energy rifle to attack the gargoyles. Lines of blue-colored beams were seen moving through the air towards the gargoyles as Winter's shot was followed by James' and the two other fighters beside him. Winter saw the energy shots were not very effective against the gargoyles and only left slight burn marks on their skin. However, despite the unsatisfactory result, this test had proved that the technology they made was capable of creating a weapon that could kill these gargoyles. All they needed was time to let this technology mature.

After seeing and realizing the energy gun was ineffective, Winter calmly ordered the rifles to be stored back in the storage ring and brought out their melee weapons again. Winter then stepped forward facing the gargoyle horde with a sword in his right hand and a shield in his left. The expression on his face and the gait displayed on his body showed that he was ready to defeat his enemies.

Looking intently at the horde of gargoyles like a tiger ready to pounce on its prey, Winter used [Warrior Spirit] spell and swiftly stomped the ground as he zoomed towards the gargoyles while brandishing his sword forward. The fighting spirit of the fighters rose through the sky as they were enhanced by [Warrior Spirit] and saw Winter charge towards the gargoyles.

Currently, as more and more gargoyles attacked, it became increasingly important for all the fighters to stay in formation, lest there be chaos and casualties. Alex nodded in gratification when he saw the Japanese fighters neatly form a line of fighters with katana swords that were given various kinds of element infusion spells such as [Fire Infusion]. With that, these 10 fighters could kill all the gargoyles with ease and receive only minor injuries.

However, Alex's face fell when he saw the 10 fighters in black robes, the Heaven Gate bunch, moved out of the formation. He clenched his fists in irritation that those people didn't want to follow his directions.

"Let all of them die" said Aria emotionlessly, when she saw Alex annoyed with their unscrupulous behavior. She herself had also seen how cruel were the deeds of those cult people, such was her cold-blooded attitude towards them.

When Alex was about to ignore those people, he noticed something strange in them, more precisely the way they fought. He was dumbfounded to see the 10 people in black robes fighting as if they did not have basic martial arts. Heck, some of them were just randomly swinging their weapons towards the gargoyles while the others were adapting an eye-for-eye strategy, trading one blow for a chance to deliver one.

As a result, they did manage to kill half a dozen of the attacking gargoyles, but half of their party fell on the floor too, motionless. Seeing that, Alex could not help thinking that causality is unavoidable. Eventually someone will die during a fight such as these.

But this time, Alex was not bothered by the death of this group from the Heaven Gate. He just continued to observe this group of people fighting against the rest of the gargoyles they faced.

Not long after, the gargoyles that attacked the Heaven Gate group were finally killed. Shaking his head, Alex just about to turn his attention elsewhere, when he suddenly saw one of the bodies on the ground moved. Unexpectedly, the black-robed fighters who had been lying motionlessly suddenly rose to their feet again.

Seeing that, Alex couldn't help but curse in a small voice. "Damn! Those black robed people look like people who have been experimented with. They can regenerate their injury really fast"

On another side of the battlefield, one could see the blitzkrieg troop begin to move towards the gargoyles with Christina seen running at the front with her blazing sword. When the blitzkrieg troop reached their target, they immediately went ahead and did their job, causing mayhem among the gargoyles.

Even though the situation in close combat was successfully controlled by the human side. There were still a few among these 160 people who could carry out long-range attacks against the flying gargoyles. If there was not anyone who could handle the flying gargoyles, then there would be the risk of surprise attacks coming from above that could result in casualties.

Aria, who didn't want to be left behind in showing her abilities, finally took out a large box out of her storage ring as the new weapon created by Alex made its first appearance to the world. Seeing the weapon on her hand, Aria couldn't help but smile widely.

"Let's test this weapon, shall we?"


Written and Directed by Avans, Published by W.e.b.n.o.v.e.l, 

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