Doomsday Pillars

Chapter 176 - Second Phase Plan

The sun began to set marking the end of the second day's battle. All of the first division and elite forces, totaling more than 70,000 troops, formed a line stretching 12 kilometers across to make sure no zombies would cross to the north..

Alex traveled around the streets of Denpasar; zombie corpses were scattered along the road. The asphalt floors and walls of the buildings of this city were painted with blood and littered with rotting corpses. From time to time, Alex heard battles in some areas. 

At this time, the first division troops guarded the line, whilst the second division troops cleaned the entire city of Denpasar. Before sunset, it is estimated that star troops will have succeeded in neutralizing the center of Denpasar city.

Although the city of Denpasar was in the center of the island of Bali, the busiest location with a lot of people is still on the south of the city. The Legian and Kuta regions were the most densely populated areas on the whole island of Bali. At present, more than 70,000 troops were stationed in seven outposts and took turns guarding the south. To strengthen their ranks, there were 100 tanks as well as other various iron vehicles..

After the quick inspection of the parameter, Alex visited the new command center that had been prepared in one of the buildings in the city of Denpasar. The leaders of the regiments, as well as a dozen other people, had been waiting in the room. A map of the Bali island was laid on a big table with miniature green soldiers and monsters figurines installed according to the information they had gathered.

From the data collected, the second day's battle ended with casualties ten times more than the previous day. More than 500 troops had lost their lives today and 2,000 more seriously injured. Among the seven regiments, the one which had the most casualties was the regiment led by Major Sandi and Dario.

Today, they had successfully eliminated almost 1 million zombies. In conclusion, with the six engagement within the 2 days, a total of 1.5 million zombies were successfully killed by the Star Army. It was estimated that there were still 1 million more zombies left in front of the line.

During these 2 days, they managed to kill 10 stage three zombies. One by Arief on the first day, and another on the second day. Nathanael with his Delta forces also defeated two black zombies. Rama defeated three, and another three were eliminated by Alex and his golem. 

Compared to Alex's previous life, for humans to be able to kill ten black zombies before the Doomsday Pillar arrived was truly amazing. But his worries weren't at ease because according to Aira's report, there should be at least 16 more black zombies. 

Alex read the detailed report about each encounter with the black zombies and felt that they were still very lucky. Even for fighters with the calibers of Jerry and Sergei almost died facing this one monster. As he continued reading and got to Sandi's Regiment report about their struggle fighting several black zombies at once, it's a miracle none of the spirit enhancer units died.. 

For this reason, in front of the squad leaders, Alex decided to proceed with the next plan. "Colleagues, we will initiate phase 2 of our plan."

Alex looked at the person standing quietly in the corner of the room. "Admiral Gerard, it seems like we will have to trouble you this time."

Admiral Gerard, the captain of the Carrier Midway, was quite enthusiastic about Alex's words. "At last, I can join the battle."

Simply put, the second stage plan was related to bombings. It was a strategy of consecutive bombings carried out from land and sea. Dozens of mortar will be prepared from behind the line, while from the sea, the cannons of the warships.

The Star Army had received dozens of warships from the island of Java, but only six of them were destroyer-class ships that contained a cannon with high explosive power. The Midway Aircraft carrier on the other hand had 18 high explosive cannons, its a real monster of the sea. Therefore a total of 24 cannons will be fired from the ocean.

Alex had initially planned to use this strategy after 4-5 days but seeing the irregularities in the movements of stage-three zombies that caused many casualties, he decided to carry out this bombing strategy immediately.

There were three reasons why Alex did not use this strategy from the start. First was the area of ​​attack was so broad and second was the limited explosive ammunitions. Alex wanted to reduce the target area as much as possible so that each explosion would blast more zombies. The last reason was that he wanted the 100,000 more star troops to have more experience in combat. This reason may sound absurd, but Alex had seen the threat that will be faced by humanity, so he needed this army to be better prepared mentally.

After the six engagements in the past two days, Alex received reports about people who have begun to show special abilities. Surely there were more spirit enhancers from these 100,000 troops. These spirit enhancers would only further improve as they fight more pressured battles.

"As for the new troops placements"

The miniature green soldiers were moved from the top of the map to show the current position of the star troops. With a shorter defensive line, this time the seven regiments will be divided into 3 posts 

Post 1: Arief Regiment and Dario Regiment

Post 2: Nathanael Regiment and Winter Regiment

Post 3: Donny Regimen and Jerry Regiment

Major Sandi, with a body still full of wounds, didn't see his regiment's name and was speechless. 

"Major, your regiment will be stationed at the command center along with me," Alex said.

Major Sandi understood that he was the weakest link amongst the seven regiments, it became even more so with the loss of many fighters from the last battle. Another reason is that Alex did not want to lose his spirit enhancers army before Doomsday Pillar came, he decided to place them on the backline instead.

Alex then assigned Rama and his bear squad on post 3 along with Donny and Jerry. With this, each post would have fighters who will be able to face black zombies. Arief at post one, Nathanael at post two and Rama with his troops at post 3 while Alex will be at the center in case one of the posts is in danger.

The strategy was carefully thought out. Successive bombing attacks from the sea and land, accompanied by a full line of elite troops equipped with machine guns, armored vehicles and tanks. Alex took a moment to think of what else he could prepare. He asked the regiment leaders and Farell, but everything was prepared to their most optimal conditions. Alex then dismissed the meeting, but his feelings were still not calm.

Theo approached him soon after and said, "The battle won't start until tomorrow morning. Do you want to accompany me to an event?"

"Event? What kind of event?"

"Just come along." Theo knew that Alex was not in the mood to do anything. Alex's head was just full of the black zombies that threatened his people. He's been this way for the last five days, Alex couldn't calm down.

"Hooray! Leader will come along with us!" said the twins who are happy too.

Alex joined Theo and walked into a park in the middle of Denpasar city. This area had been cleared of zombie threats and was about 5 kilometers behind the defensive line.

As it was in the middle of the night, a garden that should have been empty was filled with dazzling bright candles. There was also a crowd of about 20 people that have gathered as well as rows of chairs and a small stage made of perfunctory that have been prepared.

Alex was surprised and wanted to ask Theo, but a man in his 50s approached him first. The former governor of Bali and the leader of the education division, Agung.

"Alex, I'm glad that you've come!" Agung was quite surprised to see Alex's presence.

"What is this program?"

"Sorry, Alex, this is actually my daughter's wedding."


Agung told Alex about how his daughter who wanted to get married to a soldier from the first division forced him to prepare this immediately. The former governor was worried since he used his authority and connection so that this particular soldier could get permission out of the defensive line to undergo matrimony. The former governor also asked Theo's help, who's a priest, to lead the ceremony and bless the marriage of the two lovebirds.

It was a classic story of a woman and her lover who will go to war tomorrow faced with uncertainty and decided to get married. Alex certainly let the wedding ceremony go on. 30 minutes later, the ceremony finally ended with the bride and groom kissing each other. Something beautiful in the midst of the chaos of the end times.

Theo approached Alex. "So what do you think? Isn't it interesting?"

"Yes, it is..."

Theo felt the burden on Alex's mind eased a little. "Ok, good! Now let's continue to the next event!"

"There's more?"

Not long after, a jeep stopped on the side of the road and three men came out and walked toward them. The two men walked behind a bulky man with a red beard carrying a large box on his shoulder. These three people are Sergei, Jerry and Darius.

"Ooiii, are you guys partying without inviting me?" Sergei said mischievously.

Cindy immediately answered the giant man, "How can we party if the drinks aren't here yet!"

Sergei put down the large box and opened it immediately. Inside it were alcoholic drinks enough for at least 30 people present at this event. Sergei the Russian man then shouted.

"Let's get the party started!" 

"The first drink for the bridal family first ..."

The former governor was ecstatic as he immediately went away with some people to bring food they had prepared in a truck. The quiet atmosphere became lively especially for Raufgar. After today's deadly battle, food is the only thing on his mind. Sergei started throwing beer cans like a professional baseball player, and Cindy started to berate him again.

"Stupid red bear! You'll ruin these drinks!"

"Huh, if you don't want it, you don't have to!"

Sergei started throwing cans at the beautiful women. First toward Aria and then Daisy.

However, Daisy did not catch the beverage can and it fell on the grass in the garden. Alex, who had started to smile, suddenly flinched as he looked at Daisy's expression.

"Impossible!!!" Daisy exclaimed.

Alex then felt a pressure approaching them. 

Thud... Thud... Thud… Thud...

Suddenly, several giant figures appeared from the darkness. One of the giant figures threw something at Alex's feet.

It was the bloody head of the former governor Agung..


The stage three zombies decided to do a surprise attack during the night. Alex was not expecting this to happen. Finally, Alex's foreboding had arrived. It seems like tonight will be the final decisive battle for island of Bali.


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