Doomsday Pillars

Chapter 171 - Second Day

Arief fought using a 2 meters long sword weighing up to almost 100 kilograms. The giant sword in the hands of Arief became the most sinister butcher sword. At this time Arief's special power turned the huge iron sword shiny silvery... Each time the giant sword slashed, more than 5 zombies split into two.


Colonel Arief, as the highest-ranking soldier in the Death Squad, was accompanied by more than 100 Death Squad special forces who had followed him since they were in Sumatra. Compared to these 100 special forces, the other 1000 elite troops were still inferior in fighting techniques..

"Black Zombies Appeared!!"

A five meters tall monster with a jet black body showed itself from behind a high rise building ..


"Colonel, what is your order? According to the plan we must retreat in two minutes.

"Give order to all the elite troops to start retreat ... You Death Squad troops stay and be on alert at  the back ... 2 minutes ... we got to dismiss the monster in 2 minutes"

"Ready !!

Tratatattaata tartaatattatat

Current condition of this location was not only black zombies existed but tens of thousands of zombies had filled the streets. A thousand elite regiment 1 troops had begun to slowly open the way back .. Elite troops had seen the gripping figure of the black zombie stage 3. But they only followed orders and saw the colonel from behind, raising his giant shining sword, came forward attacking the monster ...

Thud Thud Thud ...

Not long after while walking backwards ... An elite army saw a group of mutated bears quickly passing them in the opposite direction.

"Master Rama!!"

Rama with the other four white belt martial arts fighter masters came to provide assistance to fight against black zombies. But as Alex predicted, as soon as Rama and his bear troops came over to the black zombie threat area, they only saw the colonel standing on a giant corpse, with one hand holding a giant sword and the other hand holding the black zombie's head ...

Rama was amazed seeing the figure of the 40-year-old man .. The colonel took a yellow spirit stone and then threw the head ... he then jumped towards Rama

"2 minutes have passed, let's go back ..."


Round three ended at around 5 pm. Soon night started to replace the day, and the whole army was also very tired of fighting all day long. Alex decided that today's battle was enough and would be continued tomorrow.

As soon as the sun set, all the troops had retreated to the third line, the Division 2 troops now switching their shift as the 7,000 elite troops and 70000 troops of Division 1 were having some rest. Even though the entire army had stopped attacking, groups of zombies were still coming on and on because of the loud noise that had happened all day ... But at this time, there were only hundreds of them attacking at every regimental location.

8:00 p.m.

The battle was almost nowhere to be seen. This time the troops of Division 2 moved forward to the area of ​​the first line. Not long after, thousands of workers came to clean the bodies of zombies .. Currently the situation was still dangerous, so workers were only able to pile up the bodies of these zombies to the nearest location. The main purpose of their arrival was to prepare a trap for tomorrow. Thousands of workers worked all night preparing traps in 7 locations.

Command Center

Currently Alex, Farrell, Rama, Aria, the 7 regimental leaders and also 70 battalion leaders had filled the command center tent. They reconvened to discuss the results of today's battle.

Farell started to present the reports based on the collected data.

"It is estimated that from 3 attacks today we managed to kill around 500,000 zombies. The number of victims who died today were 62 people and there were more than 400 people seriously injured and could not continue the fighting tomorrow. With due concern for the victims today, I must say that the first day's battle went very well "

First day's battle seems to went according to plan.  With a cohesive cooperation and good defense forces, casualties are very minimal. When they got injured in the attack, colleagues around them could easily bring them back to a safe area. More than half of these victims were elite troops who were trapped and could not go back.

Farell began to give some inputs that could escalate tomorrow's cooperation. Such as locations that needed to be avoided and strategic defense positions.

"Tomorrow at the same time we will do this strategy over again, but this time the whole line will move forward 3 kilometers further. Tomorrow the elite forces will start entering the main zone of the yellow zone .. Pay attention! It is estimated that the waves of zombie attacks tomorrow will be 2 times more intense. So that the threat will increase several times ... also see the results of the surveillance, tomorrow you will start visiting the area allegedly controlled by black zombies ... be careful! "

The meeting went pretty fast ... at the end of the meeting Devita gave the newly finished 200 pairs of special black protective vest. This lightweight-looking shirt was able to hold special high-caliber bullets. This was the protective clothing of the mother Snake that was cut by Colonel Arief. The 200 vest were given to 7 regiments to be distributed according to their respective authorities .. Devita also gave another 100 vest to Alex.

Not more than 30 minutes, all the leaders had returned to their respective areas ... Alex did not give too many comments, Farell had done a very good job as a strategist .. After the meeting was over Alex got some information that something he was waiting for had come already ... He hurried away at night and returned the next morning with a much lighter heart.

The second day


All the troops were set already in their respective positions ... And finally the signal that they had been waiting for was already floating above the sky ... A firecracker shot colored the blue sky above this island of the gods.

"Attaaaaccckkkk !!!!"

7000 elite troops moved forward over again to the yellow zone to enter the main area of ​​the city of Denpasar.

Tratatataat taratatatatata !!

First round in the morning went pretty normal ... but in the afternoon when the second round started ... this time the Dario's regiment, head of Surabaya's Death Squad, was beaten back by nearly 100,000 zombies. Not only the sea of ​​zombies they had to face ... But also one black zombie that lead them. At the same time each location was also attacked by more than 50,000 zombies, so it was not easy for them to divide the troops away to help without damaging their own defense.

Rama came to help fight the black zombies, but Dario and his troops were still forced to retreat to the third line to survive. The attack cost hundreds of casualties to the second regiment.

3:00 p.m.

The seven areas were successfully defended ... Although the previous attack was quite dangerous, Alex and Farell agreed to carry out another round of attacks. Dario did not give up, he resumed the ranks of his elite troops and again took a position to advance to the center of the city of Denpasar.

In one corner area of the fifth regiment, black uniformed troops were seen filling the streets of Denpasar city. They passed while checking the condition of every single house. If they moved too far and get attacked from behind, it would be very dangerous.

"This house is empty"

"The next house is empty ..."



"Dead red zombie ... 2 others jumped out ..."

"Wolf 3 squads move forward, Wolf 4 cover from behind"

This team entourage was the Wolf Armies formed by the combination of the remaining Black Snake and Dead Squad forces led by Jerry. The wolf squad had spent the last 3 months, almost never stopped in freeing the islands in the east of Bali. Each of them had killed dozens of red zombies.

"I've managed to get 5 red zombies ... what about you?"

Hearing the challenges from the colleague next to him, he turned more aggressive heading to the front

Trataaaatata Taratatatatatat ... KABOOM !!

"We have to go back soon !!"

"A little bit more…. You see the group of red zombies there ... Let's finish them off and then we will return afterward "


But indeed this special force, really had the ability .. Even without firearms they were able to easily face the siege of red zombies. One of the reasons that made them more confident today is the new armor given this morning.

"Haha, this new protective vest is really much more powerful, I don't feel any pain at all"


The laughing soldier was careless.. When the soldier looked back he didn't expect the one standing behind him was a black giant monster …


The monster immediately caught the ill-fated warrior with both hands


The other colleague was stunned to see that the black monster could move so fast .. But whatever they were doing now would be too late. The fateful soldier could only see the black monster opening its mouth wide ... dozens of fangs like crocodiles ready to pounce on him ..

AAAAA ... !!!! No!!

Less than a second until this fateful soldier lost his head ..


Someone saved him. The black monster was knocked to the ground and released the soldier ... A blow so hard that it could bring down a giant monster as high as 5 meters was definitely not from an ordinary fighter ..

Standing with a smile on top of a red bearded figure, a fighter large muscular fighter with a height of more than 2 meters.. He saw the ill-fated soldier

"REMEMBER!! I just saved your life .. You owe me ... Hahah "

This man was Sergei, the Earth spirit enhancer warrior, part of the Wolf Squad .. Sergei currently would not let go of the black zombie just like that .. Sergei once again gathered all the strength in his arms .. The soldier was surprised to see Sergei's arm size enlarged to double the size of a normal human ... Sergei immediately made a barrage of blows to the fallen black monster


"Die!!  Die!!"


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