Doomsday Descends: My Villainous Destiny

Chapter 8: The Apocalypse Has Arrived!

Chapter 8: The Apocalypse Has Arrived!

The school gate was quiet, everyone watching Chen Zhong, eager to see what he would choose.

An Mian was so furious she almost wanted to rush out and argue with Qin Jun, but An Xinling held her back and shook her head. The An family couldn't afford to provoke Qin Jun.

Chen Zhong's face alternated between blue and white, remaining silent. Then, trembling, he slowly knelt down, in front of An Mian, Qin Jun, Su Ya, and everyone else.

An Mian watched this scene, feeling as if her heart was being cut by a knife. She couldn't help but cry and ran over to hold Chen Zhong, sobbing, “Chen Zhong, get up. We won't go. We'll stay at the school!”

The surrounding students couldn't help but look down on him, making mocking remarks.

“Wow, he actually knelt. He’s not a man!”

“Disgusting. If it were me, I'd just go back to the dorm. What's the big deal?

“Shameful, just die already!”

Kneeling on the ground, listening to these insults, Chen Zhong remained expressionless.

He looked at Su Ya with bloodshot eyes, and said, word by word, “Su Ya, I beg you!”

At this moment, he felt worse than death. This was an enormous humiliation for him, his personality and so-called dignity trampled by Qin Jun!

But deep inside, Chen Zhong was extremely calm. He told himself that it was all worth it, as long as he could get the SSS-level talent seed, he could pay any price!

This moment of humiliation would be forever etched in his heart. He swore to himself that once he obtained the SSS-level talent seed, he would immediately kill Qin Jun.

He would torture Qin Jun thoroughly and repay all the humiliation he suffered!

Looking at Chen Zhong kneeling before her, Su Ya's gaze was indifferent. After a long silence, she suddenly said to Qin Jun, “Qin Jun, I don't want to see him. Let him stay at the school.”

This sentence made Chen Zhong raise his head in disbelief. He never thought that Su Ya could be so heartless!

Chen Zhong suddenly found himself laughable, having loved Su Ya for so many years without ever seeing her true nature!

But Su Ya had her own thoughts. She was a smart woman. Seeing the army come to personally pick up Qin Jun, Su Ya immediately sensed that the lockdown area must be unsafe.

Could the T virus be out of control?

Su Ya had indeed abandoned Chen Zhong, something she even admitted to herself.

So, deep down, she felt guilty towards Chen Zhong. Some people, feeling guilty, would compensate the person they wronged.

Others, however, couldn’t stand seeing the person they wronged and wished they would disappear forever, to avoid the torment of their conscience.

Su Ya was the latter, she wanted Chen Zhong to die!! If Chen Zhong died, she wouldn’t owe anyone anymore…

Not only was Chen Zhong surprised, but Qin Jun was also taken aback. The woman he had grown tired of had unexpectedly made him see her in a new light…

Looking at Su Ya, Qin Jun couldn’t help but sigh, “The most poisonous woman’s heart.”

Who would have thought that a delicate campus beauty could be so ruthless? Such a woman could achieve great things even in the apocalypse….

However, Qin Jun didn’t agree to Su Ya’s suggestion. Chen Zhong couldn’t die yet, at least not until Qin Jun got that SSS-level potential reward.

Qin Jun smiled slightly and said, “Forget it, Chen Zhong has already knelt. Let it go.”

His words seemed magnanimous, but given his actions, they were deeply ironic….

An Mian immediately helped Chen Zhong up, her face full of distress. She thought to herself, once she sees her father, she would definitely complain about Qin Jun daring to have someone point a gun at her!

Qin Jun smiled at Li Weiguo, “Captain Li, let’s go.”

Li Weiguo nodded. From beginning to end, he hadn’t said a word. He was a pure soldier who only knew how to follow orders. Since he was told to obey Qin Jun, he would follow all of Qin Jun’s commands.

Qin Jun, Xie Han, and Su Ya got into the convoy with the soldiers and drove away.

An Xinling also took An Mian and Chen Zhong into the police car, following the army. The lockdown area was already very dangerous, like a powder keg. No one knew what might happen.

Following the army was the safest option….

After Qin Jun and his group left, the students who had been watching dispersed, discussing the events that had just unfolded. It was like watching a blockbuster movie!

Suddenly, a boy shouted, “Wow, Lao Zhou, what’s wrong with your eyes?”

A chubby boy next to him looked confused, “What’s wrong?”

His pupils had become cloudy, white, and bloodshot, looking rather eerie.

“What is this? Cataracts? Eye inflammation?”

The other boys quickly took the chubby boy to the school hospital, causing quite a commotion….

Meanwhile, Jiang Dahai instructed his men, “Seal the school gate. No one is allowed out. If this happens again, I’ll be in trouble!”

In the police car, An Xinling was driving while glancing at Chen Zhong and An Mian in the rearview mirror.

Since getting into the car, Chen Zhong had been very silent, clearly deeply affected by the recent humiliation.

Although An Xinling wouldn’t directly confront Qin Jun for Chen Zhong, she didn’t want to see this promising young man fall into despair.

After thinking for a moment, she gently comforted him, “Being born into a humble background is not a disgrace. A real man can endure and thrive.”

Chen Zhong nodded at her words.

An Xinling then turned on the police radio to check the current situation. As soon as she did, the chaotic sounds of shouting and gunfire filled the car.

“This is the third squad of the Riot Control Unit. We are under attack on Xinyang Street in Nanxin District. Requesting backup! Requesting backup!”

“Fuck, what are these things? Even guns can’t kill them!”

“Requesting backup. One of our men has been bitten! Damn it, Lao Xu, what are you doing? What are you doing?”

Listening to the chaotic police radio, An Xinling’s face turned grim. What was happening?

A riot? Or a terrorist attack?

An Mian, recognizing the seriousness of the situation, clung tightly to Chen Zhong, her face full of worry.

Chen Zhong looked out the window. The night seemed particularly gloomy, with a misty sky and sparse moonlight casting an eerie glow over the city.

The streets were deserted, like a dead city, with faint sounds of gunfire and screams in the distance…

He knew that from this moment on, humanity’s fate was about to change. The days of peace and prosperity were gone forever. In the future, humanity would only know slaughter and bloodshed.

The apocalypse had arrived!


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