Doomsday Descends: My Villainous Destiny

Chapter 4: The Lockdown Begins

Chapter 4: The Lockdown Begins

At this moment, An Mian suddenly received a phone call. Seeing the caller ID, she stuck out her tongue, “It's my aunt.”

Chen Zhong felt a stir in his heart as a beautiful and heroic figure appeared in his mind.

An Xinling… the police flower of Jiangjing City's police department. Due to her exceptional abilities and the care of Jiangjing's governor, An Feng, An Xinling had been promoted to the head of the anti-terrorism unit within a few short years. 

She was the dream girl of countless people. However, An Xinling had no interest in romantic relationships and remained single even at the age of twenty-nine.

Because of An Mian, An Xinling had shared a few meals with Chen Zhong and had helped him with several matters, making them quite familiar with each other.

But Chen Zhong also felt a twinge of regret because, in his previous life, Jiangjing fell, An Feng tragically died, and An Xinling never awakened her talent.

In chaotic times, the fate of a beautiful woman without a background was not hard to imagine. When Chen Zhong rose to power, An Xinling had already disappeared, and it was only heard that she had committed suicide.

This was always a regret in Chen Zhong's heart. Perhaps, in this life, he could make up for this regret.

An Mian answered the call, “Aunt.”

A cold female voice came from the other end of the line, “Xiao Mian, are you at school?”

“Yes, we just received a notice that the school is on lockdown.”

“Come to the school gate immediately. I'm on my way.”

An Mian was puzzled, “Aunt, what's going on?”

“Your dad just called me to pick you up. I can't explain on the phone right now. Just come out and don't tell anyone else.”

The call was then disconnected, leaving An Mian bewildered.

Chen Zhong was not surprised at all. He knew very well that the situation had spiraled out of control…

Now the government was still trying to salvage the situation by locking down several districts to control the T virus.

But it was all in vain.

By now, there were likely zombies appearing, and the spread of the zombie virus was beyond everyone’s imagination.

The number of zombies might initially be only a dozen or so, but it would grow exponentially, increasing every moment!

By tomorrow, these controlled districts in Jiangjing would become hell on earth! Jiangjing would fall completely within three days.

Not just Jiangjing, but places all over the world would face the same fate! The apocalypse had already arrived!

And An Feng clearly understood the severity of the situation, hence urgently sending someone to pick up An Mian.

Chen Zhong said softly, “An Mian, can I go with you?”

Although this was somewhat taking advantage of An Mian, Chen Zhong had no choice because he was running out of time.

Half of Jiangjing was locked down with strict security, and every road was guarded by the military. Without a pass, there was no way out!

More importantly, the SSS-level talent seed would appear outside the quarantine zone tomorrow….

So he had to enter the safe zone today and get that SSS-level seed first!

Of course, An Mian agreed without any hesitation to Chen Zhong’s request, thinking it was an opportunity to go out and play with him….

The naive An Mian thought happily to herself.

Looking at the girl who always agreed to his requests without hesitation, Chen Zhong’s eyes were filled with tenderness.

Some girls, although stunningly beautiful on the outside, had hearts like scorpions. While other girls, although not remarkable in appearance, had pure and kind hearts.

Chen Zhong knew who he really needed to care about….


In the locked-down districts of Jiangjing City, the lockdown had already begun. Roads leading to the outside world were blocked by barricades.

This time, the lockdown was extremely strict, unlike before when only medical personnel and some duty police were present. There were even troops, fully armed soldiers setting up cordons.

This scene inevitably caused panic among the citizens.

Loudspeakers on the streets and news broadcasts on television were issuing notices: “Citizens, please stay at home, do not go outside. Wait for inspection personnel to come to your door. Those who pass the inspection will be allowed to leave the quarantine zone in batches based on their pass.

Once again, do not linger on the streets. Stay at home. Violators will be charged with endangering public security!”

People hurried back home in panic, anxiously waiting. They constantly refreshed their phones and computers, trying to find out what was happening online.

Could it be that the T virus had broken out in Jiangjing City? But wasn’t it said that the T virus was under control?

Adults were worried, discussing in low voices. Some were anxiously making phone calls, trying to get information from acquaintances working in government offices.

Some were packing cash and valuables. Although they didn't know the specifics, their instincts told them that the situation was serious and dire.

Perhaps only the children had no sense of crisis. On the contrary, they found being quarantined at home quite interesting, at least they didn't have to go to boring school anymore.

The children laughed, comfortably watching anime on their tablets in their rooms. They even prayed in their hearts for a longer quarantine so they could play at home for a few more days. The glass windows reflected the children's smiling faces.

Outside, sirens blared, mixed with faint cries and screams. In the distance, it seemed like fires were burning.

Military trucks carrying soldiers sped through the streets.

Laughter, roars, cries, and screams intertwined, like a symphony of the apocalypse.


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