Doomsday Descends: My Villainous Destiny

Chapter 17: Cruel Mercy

Chapter 17: Cruel Mercy

Even though Zhao Yi was loyal to the Qin family, he couldn't help but hesitate at this moment.

Blowing up the Jiangbei Bridge would mean condemning the people in the quarantine zone to death, and that was over a million lives.

Zhao Yi hesitated and said, “Young Master, there are still an estimated million civilians in the quarantine zone...”

Qin Jun's expression remained emotionless, his gaze unwavering. He knew very well what blowing up the Jiangbei Bridge would mean—it would mean those million civilians would be devoured by zombies in despair.

Moreover, there were still a significant number of soldiers and police in the quarantine zone. They would all be buried. But so what?

Qin Jun's eyes were filled with indifference. To him, the lives of those million people were insignificant compared to the SSS-grade talent seed.

If he could obtain the talent seed, what did the sacrifice of a million lives matter?

Qin Jun said calmly, “Commander Zhao, have you not understood the situation yet? The apocalypse has arrived, and the era of evolvers has begun.”

“In the apocalypse, ordinary people have no value—they are ants, pigs. If they die, they die.”

“How can you say such a thing!” One of the officers nearby couldn't hold back any longer and angrily rebuked Qin Jun.

Qin Jun remained expressionless, glancing at the officer. The next moment, the officer's hand suddenly moved uncontrollably, drawing his own gun and pointing it at himself. His face showed extreme terror.

Then, a gunshot rank out.

The other officers were shocked, looking at Qin Jun with a mixture of awe and fear. At this moment, they not only revered Qin Jun's background but also feared his power.

So this is an evolver…

Zhao Yi looked at Qin Jun's now golden eyes, feeling a chill in his heart. This eldest son of the Qin family seemed inhuman after awakening his ability…

Gritting his teeth, Zhao Yi said, “Alright!”

He immediately turned and ordered the officers beside him, “Blow up the Jiangbei Bridge!”

The officer’s entire body began to tremble; everyone understood that this was an extremely cruel order!

They were about to destroy the last hope of survival for a million people! But facing such power, they had no choice but to follow the order.

Soon, the heavy weapons in the camp began to activate, the barrels aimed at the Jiangbei Bridge. The officer placed his finger on the launch button but couldn’t press it down for a long time.

Finally, he gritted his teeth and pressed the button.


Flames erupted from the barrel, and the surface of the Jiangbei Bridge exploded violently, causing heavy casualties among the gathered crowd.

The terrified people began to retreat, but more people were still pushing forward from behind, leading to countless people being trampled to death!

Desperate cries reached the sky. Even the military camp, far away, could hear the sounds! But the bombardment continued, the artillery covering the entire Jiangbei Bridge. 

Finally, after continuous shelling, the magnificent Jiangbei Bridge began to collapse. In just a few minutes, it probably caused at least 50,000 casualties!

The people trapped in the quarantine zone, seeing this scene, cried out in despair, “They blew up the bridge, they want us to stay here and die!”

“They actually dared to blow up the bridge, my god!”

But no one dared to go back, because the quarantine zone was full of zombies, going back was certain death!

“I don’t want to die!”

Those who could swim plunged into the river, trying to swim across, but the river was more than ten kilometers wide, swimming across was nearly impossible!

Countless people drowned halfway due to exhaustion. Corpses floated on the river surface.

A living hell!!!

Even the soldiers couldn’t bear to watch, lowering their heads, but Qin Jun watched coldly, feeling no emotion inside.

Blowing up the Jiangbei Bridge also bought him some time to chase after Chen Zhong and obtain the SSS-grade talent seed.

As for the people who died, what did that have to do with him? Or rather, it was better that they died; at least they wouldn’t become zombies. In a sense, this was also a form of mercy…

A cruel mercy…

Qin Jun said indifferently to Su Ya beside him, “Where are Chen Zhong and his group now?”

Su Ya glanced at her phone and identified Chen Zhong’s current location based on the signal.

“They are at Dongxing Building.”

“Dongxing Building?”

Qin Jun raised an eyebrow. Dongxing Building was a landmark in Jiangjing City. He hadn’t expected Chen Zhong to go there and a smile appeared on his face.

In that case, let Chen Zhong explore first; that SSS-grade talent seed was his for sure! Otherwise, wouldn’t those million people have died in vain?


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