Don't Heal the Others

Chapter 36 The Invincible Red-eyed Bull King

Chapter 36 The Invincible Red-eyed Bull King

“This’s a big deal, do you want to attack it?”

Nicholas Zhaosi stared at the huge body of the Red-eyed Bull King greedily and asked for Xiaofeng’s opinion. Even Nicholas Tiezhu couldn’t hold back his desires.

“Don’t hurry, we need to wait for the opportunity.”

Xiaofeng touched his chin and looked around.

“This BOSS is found by War Spirit Hall. Please do me a favor.”

“It’s ridiculous! There’s not your name on the head of BOSS and why do you think it belongs to you?”

There were hundreds of people standing around the BOSS, which was very spectacular. The BOSS Red-eyed Bull King stood in the center and players around it were divided into different groups. The atmosphere was tense.

“Here’s the opportunity!”

Xiaofeng and the Nicholas brothers looked at each other and each of them picked a team and squeezed in from behind.

“Stop talking rubbish! The wild BOSS belongs to those who catch it! It’s impossible for you to keep it for yourself!”

“Does War Spirit Hall have prestige? We’re Tough Man Alliance and we refuse to accept this!”

All the guilds which Xiaofeng was familiar with were present, including the War Spirit Hall, Doomsday League, and Midsummer Guild. The Midsummer Guild was headed by Midsummer Lily and Xiaofeng didn’t see Midsummer Rose. But later he found Night Cooer in the crowd who was wearing the night clothes.

All players were focusing on the Red-eyed Bull King in the center and they were also in guard against each other. So they didn’t realize that three players squeezed in their teams from behind.

The players who were standing at the back were all peripheral members and they joined the guilds at the Novice Village. They didn’t have the unified prefix and the guilds also didn’t have any logo, so when Xiaofeng and the Nicholas brothers squeezed in their teams, the nearby players just took a look and didn’t say anything.

“Hey, bro, why are you also here? Did the leader ask you to come over?”

“Well, yes.”

Xiaofeng and the Nicholas brothers squeezed in fair and square and also greeted the players around them. So those players had no doubt about them. After all, the guilds had many members and they just joined it and couldn’t know everyone.

“Well, the wild BOSS belongs to the strongest player. We can have a fight if you disagree. Do you want to keep it to yourself? You have to fight with us first!”

Doomsday Law God was also here. He snorted and walked forward. Over a hundred players of the Doomsday League also followed him and stepped forward at the same time, which was quite overwhelming.

“Yes, if you can defeat all of us, we can give this BOSS to you.”

Another player with a shaved head stepped forward. His name was Tough Saber and over a hundred players behind him also stepped forward at the same time.

War Spirit Knife’s face darkened with anger. This BOSS was found by a member of War Spirit Hall. But many players were also attacking monsters and leveling up in this plain, so other guilds also received the message and came here before he arrived.

That was why they were confronting each other at this moment.

There were 4 major guilds present, including War Spirit Hall, Doomsday League, Tough Man Alliance, and Midsummer Guild. The former three guilds were equally matched while the number of players of the last one was twice that of the War Spirit Hall. But the Midsummer Guild didn’t express any opinions.

The other small groups walked away after seeing these four big guilds.

“There’s no time to waste. More players will come here if we can’t make a decision quickly. This is an elite BOSS, and we can’t kill it alone. So let’s work together and kill it at the fastest speed.”

Midsummer Lily finally opened her mouth and said arrogantly.

“It’s easier said than done. Work together? How do we share the drops?”

War Spirit Knife, Doomsday Law God, and Tough Saber frowned at the same time. On the one side, Midsummer Lily was right and other major guilds may also come if they couldn’t reach an agreement quickly. On the other hand, the Midsummer Guild was a large organization and had a say.

Players were distributed to different Novice Villages based on their places of residence and nearly all the players in No. 9191 Novice Village came from Chenghai City. Midsummer Guild was the local guilds of Chenghai City, so it was stronger and had more players than the other three guilds. So, it was impossible for them to defeat the Midsummer guilds alone.

“I have a simple solution. The player who gives the final blow can get all the drops of the BOSS and he/she needs to give 50 gold coins to each one of the other three guilds as compensation.”

Midsummer Lily said. Although she was just a weak female player, she was very proud and continued to say, “Based on the current exchange rate, 50 gold coins were 20,000 yuan. And I think this sum of money is enough to pay for the hard work of the guilds who don’t get the BOSS rewards. ”


War Spirit Knife and the other two players started to think about it. What she had said was right and it was no good to delay.

“OK. Doomsday League agrees.”

“Tough Man Alliance also agrees.”

“Then let’s do as you say.”

War Spirit Knife and the other two men nodded one by one. They verbally agreed to the method proposed by Midsummer Lily but no one knew their true thoughts.

“OK. Don’t waste the time and let’s get started!” Midsummer Lily stepped back.

“The front row walk forward! Pay attention to the skills of the BOSS! Let’s attack it!”

“Priest group focuses on the HP of the players in the front row!”

“Archers! Shoot together!”

“Mage group makes free attacks!”

“Get started and attack the BOSS!”

Since they had decided to work together, the leaders of different guilds didn’t waste their time anymore and ordered their men to get started. The teams which remained quiet earlier launched attacks on the BOSS Red-eyed Bull King at the same time!


Over one hundred archers started their attack first and shot at the same time and they could hear the buzzing sound of the arrows. The numerous arrows flew across the battlefield and fell on the Red-eyed Bull King!







But they were shocked by the damage figured on the head of the Red-eyed Bull King.

“Fuck! It’s definitely an elite BOSS! It has already got the dodge attribute! Players in the front row walk forward quickly and don’t let the BOSS attack the archers!”

Heads of the major guilds cursed silently. This elite BOSS was definitely invincible in the Novice Village and any one of them couldn’t kill it without cooperation.


The Red-eyed Bull King was irritated and its huge body suddenly moved. It hit the ground with two maces in his right and left hands and was going to rush over at the numerous archers who were attacking it.

“Hey! Stop running!”

“Kill it!”

But the front row players also arrived after the arrow shower fell on the BOSS. More than 20 players formed several circles and surrounded the Red-eyed Bull King. Then they attacked it with all kinds of weapons.


The Red-eyed Bull King got angry and waved its two maces furiously. Two front row players were hit by it immediately.


“-110! Crit!”

Under the high attack, the first warrior only had few health points left and the second one was unlucky and was directly seckilled by the crit.

“Shield warriors go to the inner circle and mad warriors go to the outer circle! Where’s the priest group? Increase the player’s HP!”

The heads screamed and a dozen holy lights appeared on the heads of players who only had few HPs.






Many healing figures appeared and players’ HP became full immediately.

This was the advantage of attacking wild BOSS. There were numerous players and they could kill the strongest BOSS if only their front row players were alive and the priest group could heal the players in order. So all the guilds spared no effort to develop the best shield warriors.


The intensive arrow rain continually poured into the Red-eyed Bull King, which also suffered from the element bombs of over one hundred mages. Although the damages were not enough to break its defense, the HP of the Red-eyed Bull King started to drop under the massive attacks.







But as an elite BOSS, the Red-eyed Bull King was very strong and Xiaofeng, who had looked at its skills introduction, clearly knew how powerful its skills were.

The Red-eyed Bull King pounded on a player with both of its maces.


They just heard a loud sound and the shield warrior was seckilled by the BOSS before he realized what had happened. This was its skill of Hit with My Hammer and ordinary players couldn’t resist its damage, which was 150% of its attack power.


But it was not the end. The Red-eyed Bull King lowered its head once again and slammed into another shield warrior. This player was also seckilled and his corpse was sent flying by the BOSS.

“The damage of its skills is too high! They can’t resist! We need more front row players to walk forward!”

The heads of guilds shouted and another 20 warriors stepped forward and stopped the Red-eyed Bull King with their body. So the BOSS couldn’t move at all.


But suddenly the Red-eyed Bull King cried at the sky and trampled the ground 3 times with its hooves. In an instant, the shock wave influenced the dozens of players around it.






Many red damages floated like snowflakes, and dozens of warriors who stopped the Red-eyed Bull King from moving all had three damage figures on their heads. These warriors had died at the same time before the priests realized what had happened. Their corpses fell on the ground.

“Fuck! Hurry up and fill the gap! Stop the BOSS from rushing out!”

“Front row players hurry up and walk forward! Don’t be afraid! The BOSS can’t keep using these horrible skills!”

“Fuck! Warriors hurry up and fill the gap!”

In an instant, all the front row players were seckilled, which was astonishing. All the guilds heads were shocked and they kept on screaming.

Luckily, there were many players. Dozens of warriors rushed forward after the front row players were seckilled and they stopped the Red-eyed Bull King in time which just became free.

“Don’t be so close! The first team can be close to it and the second team needs to form the second circle one meter away to surround the BOSS! In this way, we can avoid being killed by the previous skill!”

Xiaofeng had to admit that the players in major guilds had rich experience in attacking BOSS. What was more, they had a large number of players to fill the gap after the front row players were killed. Other players who were not seckilled by the BOSS would be healed by dozens of priests and their HP could become full immediately.

The HP of the Red-eyed Bull King was reduced constantly.

But Xiaofeng and the Nicholas brothers, who hid in the crowds, were not in a hurry. Because they had seen the introduction of the skills of the BOSS and knew that it still had some terrifying skills.


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