Dominatrix System

Chapter 30

Chapter 30

I crept up the stairs and saw the first guards laying back bored. It was a travesty to call it security in this world to be honest. They lacked any discipline they should realize like a good security guard that the first thing you do is pay enough attention to save yourself most leaders want you to stop the intruder but what they want more is for you to report. If you are dead you can't report if you don't see anything because your asleep or slacking off not looking up at least token glances you will not observe shit and cant report shit. I didn't even bother as the guards just whispered to each other about what they want to do to the bosses woman as they were hot and bothered listening to her moans.

Whoever was fucking her must be doing a good job of it she hadn't stopped. I crept closer and closer but something in my mind was warning me. I didn't know why then I realize the moaning sounds like it is on repeat, no expletives, no male groans, nothing other than a woman moaning on repeat. I have been in brothels I have been around woman Freya and Stacy as well and I know that is bullshit to only moan and not being obvious when faking it. I get ready because my instinct tells me that a fight is about to break out. I go back and I see those guards are now ready for a fight. I look up and don't see a rafter or anywhere to hide. I have fallen into a trap and I know it. It doesn't matter how they found out at this moment I need to get out of this first.

My bladed whip is instantly unsheathed and I put it into its whip form. I throw a knife at one of the guards and he is good but the strength I throw it at makes it faster then he thought and when he tries to dodge it lodges in his neck. My whip is already wrapping around the second guard's neck and I feel a presence behind me the person is fast. I dodge to the side my whip pulling with me as I use it to slit the second guard's throat. I see a half-naked man with a scar down his chest and assume its the gang leader. He is strong and fast I guess. This will be a fight I cant retreat from easily he should be the same rank of strength as me. There should still be a third guard as well.

I toss out a throwing knife at him forcing a movement as I roll to the side looking for the third guard. I see him in the corner of my vision still in the guard room trying to hide. Probably ordered to hide just in case to look for an opportunity I was not going against an Idiot. The gang leader is wielding a Rapier brings back old memories of the forms that I hated so. He starts a stand-up fight with me while holding something in his offhand clenched in his fist. I wish I was outside thinking of that. His rapier almost stabs me but I dodge by millimeters. I go into a sort of trance as I dodge and counter-attack with the whip and he dodges. Our fight is making a lot of noise. The room's walls are breaking giving vision to the other two rooms which seem to be warehouses of boxes. In the last room, a woman with a collar on her with some nice tits watches frightened.

My whip lashes out and I see the third guard make a move for me. He has a fucking bow and unleashes an arrow at me. I dodge showing off my amazing flexibility and my hand grabs my whip and grabs the guard by the neck and I pull him down. I see the gang leader go for an all or nothing attack on me. The climax reaching faster than I thought as I question for split second I am in an unfavorable position so I remember what Jack told me one time If the game unfavorable change the game. I let go of my weapons and go low tripping the leader. I grab his leg as I slip by. He face plants and I do not let an opportunity slip by. I pin him like my old teacher so many times have done it to me. I dislocate his leg receiving a nice scream for my effort before I recover quickly to a standing position. I locate my weapons a bit away from me. I hear noises downstairs knowing the rest of the gang has been alerted. I make a quick decision and run for my discarded weapons. The third guard has my whip and I refuse to leave evidence. I tackle him with claws extended before he can recover.

He was surprised how fast I tackled into him, my claws cut into him and my bladed whip was retracting into blade form and finished just as we hit the floor. I stab him in the gut and tore his intestines open. I let my whip extend to whip form again and attack where the gang leader should be and I was not disappointed as he was struggling to get up on the leg. Seconds only had past put he did not get out of the way fast enough as my bladed whip wraps around an arm and my other hand grabs my leather whip. My whips start to perfectly dismantle him. I hear the pounding of men running up the stairs from the first floor. The gang leader was dead on the ground, not a single limb attached to the torso. I smile quickly at my work. My cloak was covered in blood as his arteries splurted blood increasingly slow to his heartbeat. I retract my bladed whip and watch as confused subordinates reach the third floor. They stop as they see their leader on the ground bleeding out and me standing above him.

By right of might I have taken over this gang that seems well organized it was the worst way to take over them but in a world of strength most of the time that's what was needed. I look down at the men coming up the stairs who had stopped. I was questioning how to do this when one of the men ran at me. He was weak as fuck and I killed him with a throwing knife before he knew what was up. He fell to the ground with a knife to the heart. I looked down at them.

"Either Join me or die tonight!" I yell and a few run. "Kill them and live through the night!"

Two people run and kill the ones that ran. I was in precarious control here they do not want to die and I do not want to run if I don't have to. My body is screaming at me as I overexerted it. I went and got my gagged friend downstairs and started to control the situation. The night turned to morning and I commanded the lot. I was curious to see what I earned in my spoils. I had no crew under me and I know a lot of these men are abandoning ship as soon as they leave sight. After another day of work on it and lots of killed members, I had a solid core of men that would fight for benefits. They were a savage lot who took pleasure in other's pain and I liked that. I smiled at them. The Guy I first commandeered was named Frank and to be frank, he was put in charge of the others. He was a smart cookie. None of the men had seen my face and I needed to change. The night was falling and I needed to make it back to the academy at least for a change of clothes I was sure Stacy or Freya would feed the cubs as they had seen the care I was showing them.

I hadn't slept for days now and my body was screaming for sleep but before that, I looked at the upstairs. I needed to see what I got. The warehouses were full of more valuable merchandise and drugs that had been collected I told Frank to use them as rewards to those loyal for now. I made sure to put money aside for alcohol and prostitutes buying their loyalty for now. The last was the woman left in his bedroom. She just watched as it all went down I decided I would take her with me. My mind was clouded but I knew that I didn't want to lead to me I remember a vague conversation with Tango before he pissed me off that people can track through slave collars. It was Inconvenient but whatever. I will take her with me the alternate was killing her and that seems like a waste of potential. If she was useless then I will kill her but for now, she was an inconvenience. It would take me slightly longer that's all.

With my decision, I told her to shut up and follow me. I grabbed a cloak from the things the gang leader left behind. I would be visiting this place again very soon but I needed to not be missed. hopefully, one night will not be the fall of it that would be annoying. I need to get more information on the gangs and the situation in the slums but for now, I was sneaking back with a slave. I made progress slowly compared to before dawn would be here soon and I was tired. I slipped into the noble's area before making my way into the academy. The woman behind me was labored in breathing but kept quiet.

When I made it back daylight started to shine and I knew Freya and Stacy would be waking soon. I peeled blood dried clothes off me and stepped into the shower taking the slave with me washing the filth and sex off her that had dried on. She did not talk. I heard movement outside the bathroom and knew that Stacy and Freya were awake. I cared little at this point I knew they would be worried but I didn't care. I noticed though I was scratched at some point in the fight on my side a good amount on my lower waist. I might have nicked myself or the Rapier it did not matter. I saw the slave woman just follow whatever orders I gave. I finished cleaning her and myself and dried ourselves. I was exhausted and wanted to nap but I had shit to do first. I went out and Stacy and Freya asked where I was which received a cold response of later. I pointed at the woman.

"Give her food I need to go see my cubs," My cold straight forward demeanor made them realize I was not in the mood to explain myself. They started cooking and she sat at the table. I checked on my Cubs they instantly pounced on me happy to see me. I played a little they were all fine and I went back inside to grab food for them to eat before coming back inside to eat. When I sat in that chair I felt my muscles loosen and relax I didn't realize how tense I had been.

I checked my system because I couldn't give a fuck at this moment. I was surrounded by people who are slaves they will never give my secrets away.


Name: Sally

Age: 11

Titles: Ex-Slave, Apprentice of Jack the Torturer, Martial Genius, Apprentice Wizard, War Provoker, Gang leader

Race: Beastkin - Phantom Snow Tiger

Level: 2

XP: 1105/10000

System Points: 21800

Mana: 30/133

Strength: 25

Agility: 75

Vitality: 37

Toughness: 33

Charisma: 22

Intellect: 73

Wisdom: 74

Luck: 16

Points to Spend: 0

Shop - New Items Available;

Inventory - 3 Slots Available;

Lotto - No spins;


I dropped a lot of mana. I have no idea though how this XP system works. I never get the same amount. Does it work like the amount is based on how difficult the battle is? That will be my working theory that the harder the battle the more XP I get. I hope that isn't the way It will make it the more powerful I get the more work I will have to put into it.


Congrats on level up Shop opens new Items and Discard old items.



Talents -New Items Available

Skills - New Items Available

Items -New Items Available

Stats - New Items Available




Whips Enhanced - 10000 Points

Are they attached? - 15000 Points

Do you see me now? - 25000 Points




Energy Cultivation - 4000 Points

Grooming - 5000 Points

Eloquence - 1000 Points

Tea making - 4000 Points




Sadists Bladed Whip - 50000 Points

A bolt of Soft Cloth - 100 Points

Book of Enchanting with Energy - 20000 Points

Fruit of an Enhanced Apple Tree - 5000 Points




Instinct Candy - 15000 Points

Luck Candy - 5000 Points

Charisma Candy - 3000 Points

Breasts Enhancer Candy - 5000 Points


Things this time were fucking expensive my exhausted mind noted. I looked through it again and Are they attached? stuck out to me. I wasn't going to make decisions on a mind this exhausted. I need sleep and I was crashing hard. I ate Freya and Stacy and the unknown slave just ate waiting on me.

"Woman, What's your name?" I ask simply.

"Carol Ma'am-"

"MIstress, To all my Slaves I am Mistress and that is how you will call me," I cut her off.

"Yes, Mistress" she replies, "My name Mistress is Carol, I am yours to command."

"Okay, I will tell you something Carol I don't care about you at this point Look at the little Sissy Freya," I point at Freya then to Stacy, "Or that pervert Stacy I care about them they are useful. Find a way to be useful to me and your life will be better than some fucking Slave in the slums but I care not how you find yourself to be useful I will find something if you don't I will be that changing you to coin or selling you off back in the slums or whatever I need something disposable at the time. I will give you some time but you will not mutter a secret of mine to anyone or you will be dead. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Mistress."

"Good I am fucking tired and I do not want to go on a long speech. Freya I want to fall asleep to a massage I am beat." I walk to the bedroom and Freya follows. "Freya watch her and tell me if she's any good or whatever I trust you will not be biased if you are you will not like my punishment. Now attend me I need to sleep.

I fall asleep to Freya's fingers relaxing my body blissfully.


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