Doggone Academy

Chapter 93 The Shadow (16)

Chapter 93 The Shadow (16)

Maladirut is said to rarely grow in places where magical energy bursts from the ley lines and is abundant. The denser the magic, the greater the chance of finding it, Haley advised, but the stronger the magical pressure, the more difficult it would be to approach such areas.

A virgin forest dense with rare vegetation, untouched by human hands and gushing with hyper-concentrated magical energy, was much closer than I thought.

It was the Forbidden Forest, the very place where my Masters class entrance ceremony was held.

Although Haley said one had to give up on obtaining it from the strictly off-limits areas of Eternia, that didnt apply to me.

I navigated the labyrinth. Since the time Ella advised me to visit the Philaion Magic Research Institute was still quite a ways off, I set out first to find Maladirut.

Though appearances of magical beasts were rare in the Forbidden Forest, and there were no overly dangerous types, I still prepared potions and the sapling sword just in case.

After traveling for a while, when I finally entered the outskirts of the Forbidden Forest, I didnt feel any significant magical pressure. Considering the warnings about the forest and its magical pressure, I realized anew how high my resistance was.

This land was bursting with incredible magical density yet I felt no magic at all. I could already tellmy lack of magical talent was profound.

Nonetheless, being able to enter this forest whenever I wished was a stroke of incredible luck and privilege.

For the Forbidden Forest perfectly matched the optimal conditions mentioned by Zverev for finding the best herbal flora.

It was nothing short of a treasure trove.

From the perspective of mainstream alchemy, this place might be considered good conditions, but not worth seeking out.

Rejecting mainstream theories and following the notions of an unidentified alchemist was akin to gambling. However, I committed to accepting Zverevs theoriesas I worked on the recipe, I was unwittingly persuaded by his philosophy.

Drawing the Maladiruts description on paper, I aimlessly wandered the Forbidden Forest. With a compass, there was no worry of losing my way while venturing without a plan.

The sunlight filtered through the mist gently, and the spaces between the trees werent too dense, making for a pleasant walk. There was plenty to see along the way.

Flowers that shriveled at the slightest touch, vines that pulsed in rhythm as though breathing. Soil that shone white when trodden upon.

The myriad of mystical sights inwardly impressed me.

As I aimlessly moved wherever my gaze took me, I happened upon human traces by chance.

The ground here, glowing at any disturbance, revealed clearly glowing footprints on the dirt.

The footprints continued into a small trail within the forest. There were no suspicious signs along the way.

It was likely they belonged to someone from the team of scribes or researchers from the Philaion Magic Research Institute.

Still, you could never be too cautious. I placed a hand on the wooden sword at my waist and slowly followed the footsteps.

Not far along, no more than thirty paces away, I caught sight of a persons silhouette.

A small clearing. And someone was standing with their back to me in front of a tombstone at the edge of the clearing.

Long hair in a half-tie draped down to the waist. The platinum hair had streaks of brown, as if partially dyed. In hand, they held a familiar mask.

And I doubted my eyes, unsure if Id seen correctly.

The ears were pointed. That meant it indicated an individual of a different race.

After meeting Erzsebet, this would be the second time in my life Id encountered someone of another race.

The person, who had been gazing quietly at the tombstone, sensed my presence, donned the mask, and slowly turned towards me.

Our eyes met, with no hint of hostility present, so I gradually relaxed my guard.

Without a word, the person turned and disappeared into the woods.

I approached the tombstone cautiously. It was smooth, showing no signs of erosion.

In front of it lay a pristine white artificial flower, presumably left by the woman.

I read the inscription on the tombstone.

[The great swordsman of the Nameless Knights. In death, reclaiming the name Kedwen.]

A meaningful phrase. Moreover, the name Kedwen was the same name of a previous victim mentioned by the black magician alongside Luna.

Who was that woman? A friend of Kedwen? Or was she another from the Masters class?


I managed to collect a sprig of Maladirut without difficulty and then turned my steps toward the Philaion Magic Research Institute.

Outside the institute, a man wearing a mask and leather apron awaited me, introducing himself as the senior beastiology researcher.

Professor Ella has mentioned you. Youre looking for Dofler. Please, come in.

You neednt use formal speech with me.

Although I was much younger than him, he treated me with great respect.

Masters class students are among the most precious resources in Eternia. Its only proper that they are treated accordingly; please dont feel uneasy.

He led me through the institutes lobby to the room dedicated to magical creatures. Rows of cages lined the corridors like a prison; within, various magical beasts screeched and howled at the sight of people.

Would you mind if I ask for what purpose you seek Dofler?

I plan to use it for an alchemical recipe.

Hmm Do you know what type of creature Dofler is?

Other than the incident where Dofler infiltrated Eternia Im not well informed.

I didnt know what kind of species they were or what they even looked like.

Silveryn had once told me that the labyrinth had been devastated by Dofler. It seemed certain, at least, that it was a dangerous species.

Aah, yes, that happened. But Dofler is not typically such a dangerous creature.

It doesnt add uphow can something that razed Eternia to the ground not be dangerous?

He continued,

Dofler is derived from doppelgnger, due to its trait of perfectly mimicking the appearance of anything it sees. The original form of a Dofler has about the intelligence of a dog or a cat. When wild, it uses its transformation ability to take on the appearance of a predators natural enemy to escape danger.

And how did that cause ruin in Eternia?

Thats where complications arise in human society. It copies the appearance, speech, and behavior of any human it sees. If you listen to a Dofler talk, it sounds quite convincing, but upon closer inspection, theres no coherency. It cant copy the thinking process and just mimics mindlessly. That makes it easy to catch. Although its pattern recognition capability is less than a humans, as mimicking and transforming repeat tens of thousands of times, Doflers gradually learn patterns too. They become capable of basic human interactions.

And the next step is the slow integration of Dofler into human society. Thats when problems arise after Dofler has blended seamlessly with people for a range of 30 to 50 years.

Hes quite the fascinating creature. What kind of problems does it cause?

Doflers have an excellent understanding of relationships. It could be a byproduct of their evolution under the pressure of being eaten by predators if they fail to grasp relationships. The key is that this is actively manifested in human society as well.


When a Dofler meets someone, it transforms into a figure with a deep connection to that person. It then seduces the individual into consuming its secretions. Afterwards, it invariably consumes them.

Hearing the explanation I cant help but think that Dofler exploited not just the weaknesses of Eternia but those of humanity.

How advanced was the Dofler that invaded Eternia?

The danger level is gauged by how many humans it can copy. That Dofler could mimic approximately eight thousand individuals. It remembered all their conversational styles, habits, and was intelligent enough to engage in light discussions about the social state of affairs.

The issue is that Dofler has no limit to its growth. Although it may develop slowly due to its less capable inherent pattern recognition ability, once it surpasses a certain threshold, the rate of cognitive improvement is steep. The Magi Association is convinced that Doflers are hidden throughout major cities like the empires capital. Interaction in large numbers could have evolved the local Doflers to a level indistinguishable from humans.

The notion of limitless growth sends a chill down my spine.

What about swordsmanship or magic?

Doflers blended into human society are truly exceptional. While magic was uncertain, reports have surfaced recently of Doflers handling lower-tier magic. Its proof that higher-grade intellectual evolution is possible.

Some scholars in the Magi Association speculate that Doflers may even occupy the apex of the human societal pyramid. It may seem like a conspiracy theory, but logically, it isnt unfounded.

I see. The Doflers kept by Eternia are they safe?

The Doflers we maintain are very safe. Initially captured for research, theyve mimicked only two humans. We deem up to two thousand copies to be a safe margin. The Dofler we have now is akin to a mysterious magical tool or toy.

Ive heard Dofler belongs to a different breed. Is there any evidence for that?

Im not sure how much youve been informed about the Land of Death, but thats regarded as the origin of extraterrestrial species. Doflers are terrified of going there because entering causes them to revert to their primal formclusters of thought-forms, essentially. Academia currently sees Doflers as thought-forms from the dimension that have materialized in the physical realm by some power. The force at play is still under study.

At the end of the corridor, a square cage constructed of steel blocked the way, featuring a sturdy door and deliberately devoid of even the tiniest hole to peer inside.

The Dofler is inside.

Im now really curious about its appearance, after hearing all that.

Unfortunately, you wont be able to see the Dofler, Damian. Its an order from the higher-ups.

Its an unavoidable measure to minimize any potential risk. Please wait in the lobby. Ill carefully bring you the Doflers bodily fluids.


After sending Damian back to the lobby, the researcher gathered his equipment. One was a glass bottle, and the other was a stone knife from the Land of Death.

He unlocked the specialized cages lock and entered.

Inside, the space was again divided by white bars, and behind them, a Dofler, chained at hands and feet, squatted down and greeted him.


He made sure to close the door firmly to prevent any sound from escaping.

The Dofler spewed random memories of people it recalled at the sight of a mask.

However, since this particular Dofler remembered the complete form of only one person, it poured out everything it knew about that one individual.

When will we be able to see each other?

A portrait of a young boy was placed opposite the iron bars obstructing the Dofler. The researcher draped the picture in black cloth.

Do you remember our promise to see the sea together? We agreed to live together in a house with a view of the sea.

The Doflers hair turned silver.

Damian was deliberately made aware of the Doflers potential danger, and despite wearing a mask that confused the creatures abilities, he was not allowed in for a reason.

Ive joined the art club now. If you saw what I paint youd surely like it too.

This cage was designed for an emotionally unstable young girl.

For her doll play.

To soothe a troubled and anguished heart.

The Dofler, transformed into a girl, suddenly buried her face in her knees and began to sob.

It was a distressing sight. The researcher expedited the task at hand, drawing the knife and opening the cage door.

Liza Pascals shadow wept thus, murmuring her longing.

Damian Damian, I miss you I miss you so much.


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