Doggone Academy

Chapter 83 The Shadow (6)

Chapter 83 The Shadow (6)

Come here.

What is it?

I, too, took off my shoes and tossed them onto the sand, following Trisha into the river.

As I approached her, she pointed deep into the riverbed.

Over there, do you see it?

The glow of the sunset reflected off the waters surface, blinding rather than revealing anything below.

I cant see anything.

Hey, come here!

Trisha grabbed my hand and pulled me deeper into the water. We stopped where the water churned around mid-thigh level, and she pointed again.

Bend down and look.

What are you talking about?

Unexpectedly, Trisha had moved behind me and whispered,

Actually, theres nothing there!


And then she pushed me squarely in the back.

Losing my balance from the sudden attack, I plunged into the river.


The ice-cold water drenched me completely, snapping me fully alert. It was so cold that my skin stung with the shock.

I slowly got to my feet. Soaked from head to toe, my body felt heavy. My bangs drooped over my face, obscuring my vision, so I pushed them away with both hands.

Then I finally saw Trisha, holding her stomach, laughing her head off.

Buahaha! Haha. The best part is teasing you!

A laugh of disbelief escaped me.

Great. Laughing was not the response I was aiming for.

I strode toward Trisha.

The quick-witted girl backed away, still with laughter on her face.

It was only thigh-deep for me, but it reached her waist, making my advance much quicker.

Wait, wait! At least save my outer garment!

She even crossed her arms behind her, shouting to avoid being seized.

I quickly closed the distance, grabbed both of her legs with one hand, and hoisted her over my shoulder.


Like a sack of flour, I carried her back into the deeper water. She hit my back with her fists in earnest, but it had no effect.

Just a minute, a minute! You crazy bastard!

With a sharp cry, I threw both Trisha and myself back into the water.

With a splash like a large rock thrown in, we both plummeted to the riverbed. Underwater, she struggled against me, pushing and grappling to keep me submerged.

Buoyed by the water, our bodies slowly rose to the surface, and we gasped for air outside.

Trishas hair was plastered to her face like waterweeds.

People would mistake you for a water sprite if they saw you.

She chuckled and brushed the wet locks to the sides, tucking them behind her ears.

Geez, how far did we go? Its too deep!

It seemed difficult for her to stay standing; she had to balance on her tiptoes, barely keeping her head above water, while I was submerged only to my collarbone.

When our eyes met, she burst into laughter.

And seeing her rosy-hued delight, I found myself laughing, too.

When had been the last time I enjoyed such a frolic in the water? It felt as if I had returned to the time of my youth a decade ago.

Back when my small frame made the temples central fountain feel like a deep, vast lake. Liza and I faced each other within it, just like now.

Back then, with her hands on my shoulders and looking at me, Liza had a wide grin like Trishas.

But now, I couldnt envision that moment. It had faded and peeled away like old paint, blotted from my memory, Lizas happy face no longer exists within my recall.

I once thought it would be unforgettable, but now its being erased, carried away by the slow tide of time, along with memories that once seemed eternal.

Trisha then lightly placed her palm on my cheek.

Did you know? Ive never seen you smiling like this. You always have such a dour and brooding face.

Smile more often.

In the place of my memories with Liza, a new memory was overlaying.


Why are you staring? Do I look that pretty?

You look like a soaked cat.

You could just say youre so pretty, would that hurt you?

I turned my head, looking toward Liria, who was fretting on the sand.

Looks like theres still one left. Should we continue?

Trisha followed my gaze toward Liria, then quickly grasping my plan, she spoke with excitement.

Great! I absolutely love that idea.

We slowly walked out of the water. Liria had been pacing anxiously until she saw us and quickly came closer.

A-Are you okay?

Like prison guards, Trisha and I each grabbed one of Lirias arms and dragged her along.

Hey, what are youeek!

Liria resisted, but she was no match and simply got hauled along.


We paid the price for our spur-of-the-moment frolic in the water without considering the consequences.

The carriage raced to rescue us from hypothermia, and inside, we huddled together, shivering in the cold night air.

If people saw an adult man and woman with drenched bodies clinging shoulder to shoulder, they might shake their heads scandalized, but we had no other choice. It was too cold to be embarrassed.

Liria pressed her body against my left side, and Trisha clung to my right arm like a doll.

The shivering sensation transferred directly from her to me, invoking a sense of pity.

I turned my head toward Trisha.

Sensing my movement, she slowly looked up at me.

No trace of regret was visible on her face. Whatever had made Trisha so happy? What was causing such joy? She looked into my eyes and a shy smile appeared on her lips.

That made me smile too, as if the mood was contagious.

Perhaps because of the cold, Trisha spoke in a slightly weak voice.



Today, a senior from the drama club asked me to tell you to visit. Looks like its an invitation to join are you interested?

While I appreciated the drama clubs interest, I had no desire to go on stage.


Do you have something else in mind then?


Until before we had stopped by the riverbank, I truly had no particular plan, but after what happened with Trisha, an idea took shape, and I made up my mind right then.

I was going to join the art club.

Okay. Then Ill relay that.

Trisha hugged my arm tighter and continued.

Im cold. Damian, cant you summon something like a fire spirit?

I need a spirit stone to summon. I dont have one on me right now so it wont work.

Whats a spirit stone? Cant you just try? Its freezing.

I had attempted it several times when I was alone, but each was a futile effort. With my current ability, a mere summoning was impossible.

While I pondered how helpful it would be if a spirit would respond to my needs, something suddenly materialized amidst a shimmering red light in the thin air.

A tiny bird with reddish feathers, no bigger than a fist.

It was undoubtedly the corporeal spirit I had contracted with.

More baffled than delighted, I wondered,


Instead of flying to me, its master, the corporeal spirit fluttered its wings and alighted on Trishas knee.

Trisha nonchalantly stroked the spirit with her finger.

Whats this? You did well, so why hide it? Is this your spirit? Its cute!


Upon arrival at the residence, we took turns thawing ourselves in warmed water.

I was the last to enter the bath. There, I called the spirit again. Surprisingly, the spirit responded to my summons and revealed itself.

It didnt seem to recognize me as its master, not coming near, but the fact that I could call upon it whenever I wanted was satisfying enough.

Could it really be that Silveryns training method was effective? Id only played in the water, after all.

Regardless, having witnessed progress in my training, and realizing theres potential for further development, gives me a bit of hope.

While drying off, I ran my hand over my abdomen. Rough, distorted scars caught under my fingers. I needed to remove these scars before Silveryn returned.

I had to start moving more busily.

After the bath, upon returning to my room for the first time in a while, I encountered an unexpected scene.

An uninvited guest had taken over my room.

It was Trisha.

She was slouched in front of the fireplace, draped in my white shirt.

The drawers and wardrobe were wide open, as if burgled. The bathrobe Trisha should have been wearing was discarded on the floor, shed like snakeskin.

Her disguise was undone, and her snow-white hair stretched down to the floor.

I asked Trisha.

I gave you a guest room. Why are you here?

She didnt even turn to look at me while warming herself by the fireplace.

I had nothing to wear.

So she came to my room and rummaged for something suitable to wear.

Why not ask the maid?

No way. What kind of place gives their guest the servants clothes?

That doesnt mean you can act like the master here. Go back. I have important work to do.


Trisha snorted but didnt budge an inch. Whats with her now?


Looking closely, I saw she was up to something in my room.

She had hung a pure white cloth on the poker and was waving it over the fire, skewer-style. Hanging on it were Trishas undergarments.

As if Id seen something I shouldnt, I rubbed my eyes with one hand.

And what are you grilling?

Im drying my underwear. Dont worry. Theyre clean since I washed them myself.

You were given spare underwear. Why are you drying them now?

I cant wear other peoples underwear. It feels icky. It must be mine.

Then never mind.

All kinds of vexations flooded my mind.

Her words implied she wasnt wearing anything underneath at the moment. I felt my sanity threatening to unravel.

Dont you have any sense of shame?

We live in the same dorm, anyway. You see my underwear, and I see yours. Whats the big deal between friends? Its all about living together.

When do friends show each other their underwear?

I read it in a book. In Children of the Wolves, Pavilis and Kaltz run around a rainforest in just their undergarments.

I had read that novel. It was a story about two boys raised in the wild.

Trisha, youre a woman. And were civilized people.

I gave up on lecturing her further. Perhaps she lacked friends and thus, her knowledge of friendship came solely from books.

I sighed and said,

You dont act this way with other friends, do you?

I dread what will happen during the camping trips we have this semester.

Of course not. Im not one to open up so easily. Pavilis and Kaltz, even after heading to the civilized world, always thought of only each other as true friends, hiding their true selves from others.

Even when Pavilis entered the country illegally, Kaltz gave up his own home and bed for him.

Sounds like youre implying I should stay in the guest room.

Kaltz sure knows how to listen to civilized folks.

Im not Kaltz. Dont covet my room and bed.

Ive got the room all warm with the fireplace. Who knows when I would get to sit there again.

Still, no. Go to the guest room.


Trisha promptly scooped up her steaming undergarments with the poker and leaped straight into my bed.

Then Ill just rest a bit. Thats fine, right?

Fine, do so.

She covered herself with the blanket and fidgeted inside, seemingly putting on her undergarments.



Suddenly, Trisha spoke in a more somber tone.

But whats this in the bed? Hair?

I asked not to clean my room.

Not your hair. Red hair. Its really long. Womans hair.

My heart sank. Ah did I not clean it up before leaving for the dorm?

I made up an excuse to avoid any misunderstanding.

The professor sometimes rests here. The sunlight in the professors room is too bright for her to sleep. On those days, I sleep in the guest room.

Why Silveryns hair kept appearing on the bed I honestly dont know, either.

Whenever I woke up, I sometimes found Silveryns hair beside my pillow.

I didnt question it because I was willing to accept whatever Silveryn did.

Really? Now Im curious about what kind of person your professor is.

Shes a good person.

I want to meet her!

Ill introduce you if theres a chance.

The promise to introduce them wasnt sincere.

To be honest, Id prefer they never meet. Both are unpredictable, and dealing with them together might be more than I could handle.


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