Doggone Academy

Chapter 80 The Shadow (3)

Chapter 80 The Shadow (3)

The invasion by the dark mage was an event so grave that it warranted discussion of potentially closing Eternia.

Despite this unprecedented crisis, the reason Eternia did not end up closing was because all the regions where the students would potentially return were even more vulnerable than Eternia itself.

During the period set aside for reinforcement and recouping, the class schedule had been postponed, and students were directed to focus on their special skill division activities during the interim.

Due to reasons that my internal body tissues might not have fully recovered yet, I was administered more potion and agreed to receive treatment in my room for one more day.

Thus, I had to laze unproductively in the bed.

Laughter from girls around my age could be heard in the distance. What first opened before my eyes had been hell, and yet the world had changed. Much like flipping over the side of a coin.

The refreshing breeze and the appropriate sunlight made it feel as peaceful as a resort for high-ranking nobles.

The desperate fight I had waged risking death felt like a fleeting dream. Yet part of me feared that when I woke up again, the world would flip once more, returning to the damp mist, blood, and ghoul corpses.

I tightly closed my eyes and shook my head, admonishing myself for getting lost in diverse sentiments.

I didnt particularly welcome this rest. Not everything was over yet.

I requested the attending maid to fetch me a notebook and writing implements I had previously put aside for safekeeping.

I opened the notebook and pondered over the content of the letter I would send to Silveryn. Once she arrived at the Holy City, the communication channels would open, and I planned to send my letter along as well.

Trying to deceive her foolishly would only backfire, and yet I couldnt just tell her everything as it was. It was a complete deadlock.

I wrote sentences only to cross them out repeatedly. No matter how much I racked my brain, the right words eluded me. After several hours of agonizing, I gave up and closed the notebook.

The venom had not fully drained from my mind. Thats why I couldnt say anything to Silveryn.


The next day, as soon as I was discharged, I immediately went to see Ella.

There, I finished giving my account of the skirmish with the dark mage. Ella listened intently to my story without blinking an eye.

I had grasped an idea of the situation while investigating but its surprising your calmness after experiencing such an ordeal. In this aspect, youre scarily similar to Silveryn.

And you saw the dark mages face?

Yes, I faced them up close.

Have you tried drawing before? Could you produce a facial composite? It doesnt have to be right now.

Its possible even now. I should be able to do a simple sketch. May I borrow a note and pencil?

The first task in metal crafting was always to sketch a design. Having held a pencil for extended periods, drawing a simple portrait was not a problem for me.

Do you wish to draw it now?


Ella handed me parchment and a pencil, and I quickly began to sketch. I drafted the features and hair and handed it to Ella.

When I first took up the pencil, Ellas gaze held skepticism, but it vanished as soon as she received the sketch.

Did you train in metalwork, as you said? You have quite a skillful hand.

Thats about as far as my skills reach.

Its enough. Thank you.

Ella then explained the situation at Eternia following the dark mages intrusion.

The dark mage had controlled Luna to neutralize the barrier erected by the Guardian Tree, thereby enabling his infiltration.

It was presumed that a person named Kedwen, who was a graduate of the Masters Class, was exploited to deduce the labyrinths disruption method.

After the battle with me, the dark mage had vanished, and investigations were still underway.

The investigation is still ongoing. We have yet to accurately identify the-being responsible for what happened to Eternias Guardian Tree and Luna. There is a high probability that it came from another dimension.

How is it different if its from another dimension?

It makes a big difference. Without prior experience, neither prevention nor response is possible. Furthermore, deciphering a disruption method requires extensive research.

Is Luna in very bad shape?

I had encountered Luna in front of the Guardian Tree the night before the entrance ceremony. I wonder what happened to her then.

There was nothing I could do at the time. Luna seemed terrified, and I couldnt detect any anomalies around the Guardian Tree or Luna.

Its pretty bad. The external injuries were treated, but the curses binding has not been lifted yet. Even now, Lunas mana continues to seep out, attacking the Guardian Tree. All we can do is seal them both to prevent further progress. The Kedwen you mentioned and the fellow named Zverev are likely afflicted by the same entity.

Can I see Luna personally?

Honestly, Id rather not add to the burden you already carry. In order to properly identify that being, weve decided to halt all Northern affairs and recall all dispatched professors and your direct seniors. Once Eternia, which has been half-empty, becomes whole again, the situation should improve. For now, you should focus on adapting to the Academy.

Ella pondered for a while before adding,

If you still wish to dig into that being, come and see me again tomorrow.

Understood. And you mentioned everyone is returning, does that mean my teacher will be coming back as well?

The matter of Silveryns return depends on how things unfold in the Holy City. If you want to pass a message, give me a letter, and Ill report it to the higher-ups tomorrow while conveying it along.

Ella took a thoughtful look at my face before saying,

Is there something troubling you?

I hesitated for a moment but then steeled my heart and broached the topic.

Professor, I have a favor to ask.

What favor?

I would like to keep my entanglement with the dark mage a secret from my teacher if its not too late.

Ella immediately pinched the bridge of her nose and tightly closed her mouth, scrutinizing my expression as if trying to grasp my real intent.

Is there some unspeakable reason it has to remain a secret?


Ella, seemingly vexed in thought, pressed her temple with the pen holder and took a deep breath before exhaling slowly.

Im not sure its a good idea. If it concerns the dark mage, Silveryn should know, and had to find out eventually. Even if you managed to deceive her somehow, once she returns, shell come to know everything.

But at least it would buy me some time and allow me to come up with some countermeasure.

Thats fine. I dont want to worry my teacher with this.

Ha, alright. Ill look into how we can do that and we can continue this talk tomorrow. Stay in Witthrush Hall for a while, or if you prefer to be safer, you can commute from Silveryns Castle.


Also, choose your special skill activity soon; otherwise, you might end up in an unpleasant department like the Literary Arts, which would be quite a misfortune.

It seems there are bad vibes in certain departments. After hearing it described as damp, an aversion to the Literary Arts sprung up in me. Ill have to investigate that properly.

Ill keep that in mind, Professor. Ill see you again tomorrow.

Alright, see you tomorrow.

As I began to turn and leave the professors office, Ella threw out a casual suggestion.

Oh, since youre proficient with your hands, check out the arts department as well. The drama club is also a good option. Just a suggestion, not an order.


Leaving the Magic Divisions research building, I made my way toward Witthrush Hall.

However, during my walk, I felt an odd sensation of being watched.

A sense of unease caused me to repeatedly glance back.

A female student with bluish hair clutching her textbooks was following me.

As our eyes met, she hesitated for a moment.

Then, like a guard searching for a fugitive, she narrowed her eyes and fixed her stare on me as she approached with large strides.

Hey, are you a freshman?


Do you happen to know Damian? Or, are you Damian?

Yes, I am. Who might you be?

Oh, I was right! I was just suspecting and wasnt sure. Its nothing serious, but someones been looking for you desperately. Doesnt seem like an Academy student A girl in a maids outfit seemed to have lost her way on campus. We have been looking after her since this morning. Her name was Nini? Liri? Do you know her?

If shes wearing a maid outfit, it must be Liria. She got lost looking for me?

Yes, I know her.

I felt a twinge in my chest. I should have given her a map of Eternias campus in advance.

Where is she?

Oh, so you do know her. Thats good. Shes at the Magical Divisions Kalthera Elemental Training Ground no, you being a freshman probably wont know. Ill show you the way.

No, thats not necessary.

No, its very common for freshmen to get lost on campus. Its big enough. Even I got lost and ended up crying at first. Just follow me.

She said, and then led the way as I followed her without protest. We walked in silence and a bit of awkwardness.

Several times during our walk, she would turn and sneak a glance at my face.

Unable to help herself, as we neared the regular courses of the Magic Division, she finally addressed me.

Can you relax your face a bit? Its kind of scary.

Excuse me?

You seem to care a lot about the maid, are you that kind of upright young master? Are you two close?

Yeesh, youve got the face of an older brother whose sisters been kidnapped. Im not abducting or confining anyone, okay? So ease up. Its making the back of my neck hot.

The vision of Liria, trembling and afraid among strangers, was on my mind the entire time, so I was anxious.

Apparently, my unease had contorted my expression without my realization. It was a bit embarrassing.

Its true that Im very concerned about her. Shes a young friend. My apologies.

Were almost there. Dont worry too much.

We continued a little further and reached the outdoor training ground of the Magic Division. She halted momentarily, scanning the area.

Hmm around here Ah! There she is.

She pointed towards a small garden fashioned as a resting place. Around a tree stump, half a dozen students had gathered, chatting loudly.

And through that crowd, I spotted Liria.

As I hastened there, and before I could even weave my way through the students, Liria noticed me and called out.


The students parted ways, allowing Liria to dash out and press herself against me as if embracing.

Liria, did anything happen to you?

She looked up at me briefly and nodded her head.


The male students gave us a once-over and left, seemingly happy with the outcome.

Did any of those guys bother you, asking strange questions or acting rude?

No! They were all really nice to me. I think today, Ive been called cute more times than ever in my life. They even took care of snacks for me.

Some cookie crumbs remained at the corner of her mouth, untouched. It seems shes been well.

I removed the crumbs from her lips and took a moment to relax.

Seeing my face, Liria was the one to feel concerned for me.

Damian really, its okay. They were kind people. Cheer up a bit.

Ah, my face mustve hardened again. Perhaps it was the aftereffects of the recent disturbing events and the remaining venom hadnt quite dissipated yet.

Liria went back to where she had been sitting, picked up her basket, and returned to me.

Last week, I sent you a letter, but then a message came that you were injured and couldnt be contacted! There was something wrong, wasnt there?

Im okay now.

I was worried about you. Just in case, I gathered some herbs, potions, and snacks for you here.

She then handed me the basket.

Inside were herbal extracts and griffin potions we used during training with Silveryn, butter cookies, and even petal candies that Cecil liked.

Looking at the contents of the basket, something solidly frozen in my heart melted away gradually.


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