Doggone Academy

Chapter 159 Recompense (3)

Chapter 159 Recompense (3)

About a dozen knights of the Duchy maintained two lines, ready to receive a distinguished guest from Eternia in a display of ceremony.

This was for Silveryn, who was traveling to the Duchy at the request of Grand Duke Gainax.

During the journey, Silveryn leaned wearily against the carriage windows, chin propped on her hands, sighing deeply as if burdened by heavy thoughts.

Her expression, a mix of irritation and the wide-eyed look of a cat awaiting something, seemed a bit incongruent with the grandeur expected of a Grand Magicianunexpectedly endearing and beautiful, drawing the instinctive gazes of the knightly escort.

Whispering at the very back, the lowest-ranked knights cautiously murmured among themselves.

But we havent done anything wrong, have we?

You idiot. Percival broke protocol, Rule 3, Article 28.

Is it because of that? Im still a first-year, so its kinda confusing.

Its suspicious, alright. Theres no other explanation.

Amidst this, a buzzing similar to that of a hornet echoed from the sky.

Stitch, the messenger creature, darted in front of Silveryn.

She snatched it swiftly with her hand and then slammed the carriage window shut with a bang.


Thats it for Percival. Its confirmed now. Hes trying to contact a superior.

A moment later, Silveryn extended her hand from the carriage and released Stitch into the air.

The knightly procession remained silent thereafter. The sun blazed down, and the spring day was unseasonably warm.

In the back row, a young knight murmured again.

Its rather hot for a spring day.

As time passed, the sun grew harsher, and the knights sweated profusely. Even the horses seemed to wilt in the heat.

Has this area always been so warm?


Gerald was subtly coaxing me without being forceful, adding to his words as if he knew my inner thoughts.

Moreover, the Grand Magician happens to have scheduled business in the Duchy. Ive heard you two share a special relationship.

Is my teacher truly coming to the Duchy?

Gerald nodded.

Its a long-standing appointment.

That was really something. Silveryn was coming, and it seemed like he was suggesting I stay put instead of wandering aboutlest we miss each other. Its a shame I couldnt find whatever those five rubies the forest guardians spirit mentioned in the cathedral city. When would I be able to search for them? I have to visit Trishas home during the vacation It seems impossible to head to the cathedral city within this year.

Youre free to move about unhindered by the shackles. Consider it Lady Vivis awkward way of showing concern, and please be generous enough to overlook it.

I massaged my stiff wrist and said,

While I welcome the freedom, I cant quite relax with nobles holding grudges against me.

Gerald smiled lightly and shook his head as if it was no big deal.

Its not necessarily so. Take this opportunity to explore the surroundings. The gardens of Kameron Castle are so beautiful they elicit admiration even from imperial ambassadors. And nearby, theres a knights training ground. You could observe the cadets of your same age group. Its a sufficient way to pass the time until the trial.

Was he hinting at something, or was it just my imagination?

You might also convey your regards to Lady Vivi. If needed, I can assign a servant to assist you in your observations. Now, I must be going.

Gerald bowed briskly like a busy man and left the room.

I stepped out of the room to stretch my legs with a walk in the courtyard.

Kameron Castle was indeed as beautiful as Gerald said. It was a unique place, carved out from the top of a hill to create a flat surface upon which gardens and a fortress were built. The craftsmanship of the stone sculptureswalls, stairs, fountainsspoke of the artisans skill.

Along the walkway, there were ponds and willows, and man-made streams whose origins were a mystery.

Frankly, it seemed like an obscene amount of money had been lavishly spent. Then again, with the magnificent city stretching to the horizon, a single silver coin taxed from each building could fund dozens of such gardens.

And some twenty paces behind me, a middle-aged servant with glasses silently followed, scribbling in a notebook every time I did something, as if tailing me.

As I sorted my thoughts during the walk, Stitch arrived, carrying a letter in its beak.

Silveryns response came much sooner than expected, indicating we were not far apart physically.

Her letter was succinct, with only a brief response to my heartfelt message.

[Youre dead to me now.]


Receiving such an intense expression of affection made my heart race. It was a kind of excitement I seldom felt. How long was left? Maybe tomorrow, or perhaps even this evening.

To calm my nerves, I placed the letter in my pocket and took a deep breath. Then I gestured to the tailing servant to come over.


Vivi still lay on her bed, turned away from the door like a mouse hiding in its burrow.

Belatedly, the servant conveyed some welcome news.

Damian has been exchanging letters with someone while he was out in contemplation. Judging by his expression, it appears theres been some unpleasantness with the other party.

Go on.

And he says he will come to pay you a visit.

Vivi remained silent for a moment before responding.

Summon the court beautician and the maids.

Very well.

The team dedicated to maintaining Vivis dignity hurried in at her command.

Vivi slowly rose from the bed and stepped out. Her face was faintly flushed.

Then she took a seat at the vanity.

Lets keep it light, so it doesnt look overly done.

Some maids nodded and headed to the wardrobe. The beautician quickly brushed through Vivis unkempt hair, and the other maids attended to her nails.

Once dressed in a simple white gown, Vivi sent all the attendants away.

And so, she paced in front of the mirror, checking her appearance until the appointed time arrived. Her hair was neatly tied up, shoulders boldly exposed, lips a soft pink, an emerald necklace the size of a pebble around her neck, and finally, she sat back down on the bed with a pillow propped behind her.

As someone knocked on her door, the time came. Vivi fidgeted, opening and closing her hand several times, before saying,


The door opened and Damian walked in.

Without greeting, he grabbed a chair from the small table and placed it in front of Vivis bed, sitting down.

Vivi, hands neatly folded atop her abdomen, gazed steadily at Damian.

Damian broke the ice with an unexpectedly teasing remark.

Why have you dressed up so?

Caught off guard, she felt a rush of heat but managed to reply.

This is how I normally look.

Havent you only seen me living like a primitive? I suppose its a sight. Unlike commoners like you, I must always maintain the dignity of a sovereign.

Hm Are you feeling well? Your complexion looks good.

Im fine, but my body seems a bit feverish.

Let me see. Its odd that youre dressed so lightly.

Damian placed his palm on Vivis forehead. Her eyes widened momentarily in surprise, but she soon settled into the touch.

My body tends to run hotter on the cheeks than the forehead.


Damian touched her cheek to check her temperature. Vivi, perhaps embarrassed by her own words, averted her gaze. Sensing the atmosphere had shifted, he withdrew his hand.

Breaking the awkward silence, Vivi spoke.

Whats the matter? Youre not usually so cautious.

This is the Duchy, after all. If someone sees us, theyll have me locked up in the dungeons.

Whats the point in worrying about it now? Weve shared life and death together. What bond could be stronger? Besides, youve seen me naked, touched my body, and shared my private quarters, have we not?

That would be enough reason to imprison me, indeed.

Dont worry. The trial is merely to assess merits and demerits. And Ill keep the matter of your fiance a secret.

Why do you care so much about my fiance?

In Barvisia, our closeness was such that being called a married couple wouldnt be unfitting. Although I had no personal feelings, it would tear your fiances heart if they knew, wouldnt it?

We werent that close.

We were close enough to be considered a married couple.

The fact that youre keeping it a secret seems rather significant, as if you might one day seek out my fiances identity.

Vivi flinched, then composed herself to speak calmly.

I admit it. I was curious about what kind of woman a headstrong man like you would choose. But lets not dwell on that. Why not share with me first? Ive shown you my secret, and our bond isnt so weak that we cant afford this much.

Damian paused for a moment before speaking.

I dont have a fiance.

What do you mean?

I never said I had a fiance.

Vivis eyes widened in surprise.

Then Li No, I understand. It was my misunderstanding.

Vivi quickly conceded, as if it felt wrong to probe further.

And may I ask you for a favor?

You making a request is no small matter. Speak.

Damian looked hesitant, as if troubled.

If I end up imprisoned would you get me out?

Are you worried about the trial? The Duchy isnt a lawless tribe. That place is to discuss your reward.

No, it was just a thought. Dont mind it.

Who would dare imprison a man as strong as you?

Damian took a deep, unsettled breath, then returned to his usual relaxed demeanor.

Id like to have apple pie when I can see the sun. You dont seem to have a fever; would you care for a walk?

Caught off guard by the sudden proposition, Vivi answered with unexpected cheerfulness.

Really, that would be! Ah, a fine suggestion indeed. Since its your request, I shall personally grant it.


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