Doggone Academy

Chapter 121 Circulatory System (23)

Chapter 121 Circulatory System (23)

Could there be a reason she pursued me this relentlessly? Was she truly devoted to the art of the sword, her life dedicated to her craft? Would defeating me somehow improve her quality of life? I could understand if she wanted to steal my sword.

But seeing her on the verge of death Ill have to take her with us.

Luna looked at me with eyes full of awkwardness.

We cant just leave her, can we?

Its rather amusing that Luna seemed to share my sentiment.

As much as Id like to, shes too talented a resource to let become eagle fodder. We should save her.

Surely, she wouldnt repay her rescuers with swordplay. After all, she is the proud disciple of a great swordmaster.

I lifted Sion onto the wolfs back and we continued our journey.

She did not awaken until evening.

And the heavy clouds hanging overhead since the day before finally started pouring rain.

We found a sheltered spot beneath an overhang of rock and set up camp to avoid the downpour.

When I lifted Sion off the wolfs back, to move her closer to the warm campfire, a square object dropped from her.

After settling Sion on a drier patch of ground, I picked up the letter to examine it.

An invitation of sorts, it seemed, with high-quality packaging and a purple ribbon attached. It looked like an invitation to an aristocratic soiree.

Why would someone carry such a letter all the way to the Circulatory System?

Then my spine chilled as I saw the back of the letter To Candy it read in bold letters. It was addressed to me.

It felt like I had seen something I shouldnt have.

Too lavish to be a challenge. It doesnt fit Sions character to ornately prepare something like this when she seems the type to quickly scrawl something on a scrap of cloth in blood.

Then, her words from our previous encounter echoed in my mind, My master yearns to see you.

Could it be? Why would the Swordmaster wish to see me?

I contemplated whether to take the letter. Stashing it away without notice seemed like thievery, but giving it back would make our next meeting awkward.

After internal conflict, I slipped the letter inside my jacket.

Luna quietly warmed herself by the fire and watched the rain.

I joined her, admiring the Circulatory Systems scenery. On our way back from the exercise, even the fierce rain no longer seemed so disagreeableit felt soothing, calming my overheated mind.

The only flaw was our unwanted guest, but I suppose its fine as long as she doesnt suddenly wake up and start a fight.

After some time killing the quiet moment, Luna asked tentatively.

What will you use the potion for?

She meant the potion of love, the prize for securing first place.

Ill share it with you.

A faint smile graced her face as she looked at me.

You arent greedy.

What about you? Where do you want to use it?

Luna spent a moment watching the rain before speaking.

Im fine. You dont have to split it with me.

You better claim your share. Considering we may continue to group together in future activities, its best to be clear about the rewards

I unintentionally showed my true intention of continuing to work with Luna and paused, my words caught in my throat.


Luna covered her mouth with her hand and laughed silently.

Ive already received a lot. This exercise was really fun.

I felt a bit guilty for putting her through so much, but her appreciation was all too welcome.

Just let me know where you use the potion That will be enough.


The next day, we resumed our journey.

Around noon, we encountered familiar faces.

Iris and Polson.

They had been wandering, lost in the misty oak forest on the outskirts. Judging by their wretched appearances, they seemed to have been stranded there for days.

Dammit, real people!

Iris group waved their arms frantically, as if they saw rescuers, dashing towards us.

Beads of sweat dripped down their faces colored in dirt, their cheeks sunken in from days without food.

Polsons face was swollen on one side, as though hed been struck.

Initially, I thought they might be up to no good, but their pitiful state quickly dispersed any such thoughts. Why intentionally stir trouble?

Upon seeing our well-kempt demeanor, Polson and Iris were taken aback; they were further shocked to find Sion unconscious on the wolf. An unconscious Sion was a rare sight indeed.

To, to, help us!

As Polson advanced, I drew my wooden sword and aimed it at his throat, warning him.

Back off.

He raised his hands in surrender.

We havent eaten for three days. Were classmates, cant we help each other?

I pulled out a piece of jerky from Sions pocket and flung it onto the mud with a splash, where it became soaked.

I had no intention of tormenting them, but I wasnt inclined to help either.

After warding them off, Luna and I left together.

As we approached the end of the Circulatory System, we frequently crossed paths with Plantara. They worked like a patrol, managing lost students and animals in the forest.

Considering the potential gossip if the three of us returned together, we entrusted Sion to Plantaras care.

After discussing for a while, I also decided to ride on Plantaras back, apart from Luna.

It wasnt necessary, but Damian had to appear to have participated in the exercise. It didnt look right to sit with a mask where other students were.

Luna and I agreed to act like strangers until we reached Eternia.

I wrapped my wooden sword in bandages to disguise it, and Luna held all possessions I had while living as Candy. Luna would silently return to the port unnoticed, and I would be at the safe boundary with the students.

Taking a cue from Iris groups appearance, I dirtied my clothes to look well-worn. Then, draped over Plantaras shoulder, I said to Luna.

It looks like this is it for us as well.


Ill invite you to my home soon, so come visit.


She waved as I drifted away.


Upon arriving at the safe, barrier-protected area on Plantara, I surveyed the surroundings.

The area was bustling with Eternias students, forming a vast makeshift village.

A few of them peeked out of their tents to check my face but quickly lost interest, seemingly undisturbed.

And contrary to my expectations, someone enthusiastically greeted me.


Trisha caught sight of me, and with hair flying, rushed towards me with vigor.

Her loud call shattered my hope for a discreet return.

Trisha reached me and wrapped her arms around my waist as if binding me with ropes.

I was worried!

She then buried her face in my chest, remaining quiet.

A few students nearby looked at us with sentimental eyes.

In the distance, Cecil and her friends watched us, Cecil widening her eyes in surprise I felt a bit uneasy.

What are you doing?

Why is she acting like this all of a sudden?

Then Trisha replied with an indignant tone.

Im allowed to worry about my friend too.

I glanced around nervously and whispered back.

I was trying to slip away unnoticed. Now youve done this

Sions situation wasnt even on your radar, anyway.

What about Sion?

You dont know? Hours ago, Sion was carried here unconscious. There was a buzz about who would bring back the horn of the beast, and things went crazy when even she returned unsuccessful.


And me being without a group would stand out, which would be awkward.

Groups have been scattered for a while here. It wont matter.


Apparently, I was the one being overly sensitive when no one else seemed to care much about my presence.

Trisha whispered so that no one else could hear.

What about the horn?

I dont know.

You didnt secure a horn?

I never met the beast.

Well, that figures. Even combining the top scholars in magic and overall, the beast is untouchable!

Her voice had an oddly cheery tone, considering the failure. Of course, whos worrying about whom? Shed definitely come rushing just to satisfying her curiosity about the horn.

Hee hee, Im off!

She patted my back soothingly and then scampered back to where Cecil was.


The exercise was nearing its end.

Plantara led all the stragglers to safety, and everything concluded without further incident.

Gale might have brought one.

How could he if Sion didnt make it?

Did really no one manage to get it?

Remember what the professor said at the start? Not to get our hopes up about bringing one back.

Within the safe boundary, the discussion was rife about who would earn the top spot, but by the end, no conclusion had been reached.

They seemed secretly relieved by the leaders failure, yet they were also stunned that not a single person had succeeded in the task.

We stayed one more day before heading to the dock for our return journey.

Leaning against the ships railing, I watched the river flow lazily by and contemplated whether to read the letter snatched from Sion.

While killing time with these thoughts, someone approached from behind, the deck creaking under their steps.

Soon, that person leaned beside me.

It was Trisha.

She bit into an apple silently, then glanced at me with smiling eyes and pushed the half-eaten fruit towards me.

Eat this.

Arent you hungry?

I shook my head to decline, and she finished the rest before throwing it into the river.

She then looked around, ensuring the deck was empty, and spoke up.

Theyre saying I need to return to that mist-shrouded dormitory next week. I really dont want to go.

Returning already?

It seemed like Trisha was about to be confined again.

She told me before the exercise began. Didnt she say anything to you?


Trisha looked gloomy.

Youre lucky.

I should stop by Witthrush Hall soon.

Trisha leaned against the railing, stretching out.

Ah, youre gonna experience the welcoming ceremony for new students I never got to do that.

Welcome ceremony?


What happens there?

I dont know. But Im jealous.

Jealous of something you know nothing about?


I remembered Silveryn mentioning that Witthrush Hall had some sort of ceremony for new students. It involved handling lingerie somehow, and messing up the roomsI vaguely recalled that much.

Seeing the deflated Trisha, I felt somewhat sympathetic. I racked my brain for something uplifting to say.

We could have our own welcoming ceremony.


Yeah. Ill learn the procedure and bring it with me.

Good, good. I really like that!

It was time to prepare for the return to everyday life. I had quite forgotten how much was awaiting me.


On the third floor of Witthrush Hall, two girls made their way covertly to the far-left end, pausing in front of Room 31F.

Haley, the art club president, twirled a stolen key copy on her finger and inquired.

Is this the right place?

Jenia, the art club vice-president, chuckled affirmatively.

Yeah. This is our cute freshmans room.

Why so far in the corner? Did she offend someone? Or maybe the pig girls got here first?

Weve been holding onto the stolen key, so were first in line, no doubt.

Haley didnt hesitate. She inserted the key into the lock and turned her wrist.

With a click, the door to Room 31F swung open, and they cautiously entered.

Expecting to find the raw spirit of a teenage boy, Jenia was slightly disappointed by the overly tidy state of the room.

Hmm, this newcomera bit of a letdown.

Haley locked the door behind them and grinned mischievously.

Disappointing a senior? We need to enforce discipline.

Jenia approached the expansive window to take in the view. In the distance, the wind blew through the silver Guardian Tree, situated front and center of the view outside the window. Despite being the farthest room, the view was a premium spot.

Haley nudged Jenia.

What are you waiting for? Time to get to work.

Then she approached the dresser, rifling through the clothes one by one.

Moments later, Haley held up a bunch of undergarments.

Found it, kindling.

Jenia burst into laughter at the sight.

Haley crammed the undergarments into a basket she had brought with her.

As Haley was busy, Jenia started rummaging through the bed.

Where might our freshman have hidden the forbidden manuscripts?

Finding a teenage boys secret weakness could bind the newcomer tightly to the art club. Their primary purpose for being here revolved around hunting for such forbidden books.

As Jenia rummaged under the bed, an odd item caught her fingertips.

Whats this

She pulled it out.


A womans brassiere tumbled into her hand.

The stricter the school rules, the more intense the hidden acts of rebellion grow.

Eternias strict regulations led to a radical, albeit unspoken, initiation ritualburn the old undergarments and leave new ones as a marker.

The mere presence of these items implied that someone had broken into the freshmans dorm and preempted the initiation ceremony.

Jenia seethed as she brandished the garment.

Damn it, the pig girls have already been here!

Haley was taken aback and rebutted.

What? That cant be true, can it?

Jenia waved the item as evidence. It was high-quality lingerie, crafted by an artisan, with elaborate embroidery. Jenia checked the initials stitched onto the straps.

S. Who uses this initial?

Hah! Its someone from the drama or dance club, for sure.

Jenia held the undergarment against her chest in astonishment.

Thisthis is seriously a damned pig girls doing.


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