Doctor’s Rebirth

Chapter 91

Chapter 91


The guard’s body stiffened, not even realizing what had happened to him in an instant.

“Judging by the level of security, this seems doable.”

Just as confidence was building, the sound of an animal barking was heard.


It was a large dog. Behind it stood Jin Cheon-hee with a crooked expression.

“They say ‘the good don’t come, and those who come aren’t good’.”

Literally meaning that good people don’t come uninvited, and those who come on their own are rarely good.

At this hour of the night, it’s unlikely that someone boarding the ship would be a righteous person, so Jin Cheon-hee had already taken a stance.

Jin Cheon-hee asked,

“Let’s at least ask who you are. What business do you have here?”

“What good would knowing do you!”

At that moment, First Rat and Second Rat simultaneously threw daggers at Jin Cheon-hee.

Third Rat drew his sword and followed up with an attack.

It was the Trio Assassin Rats’ famous combined attack.

Though they were mocked as rats, when the three came together, they were strong!

Jin Cheon-hee inwardly admired the daggers filling his vision.

‘Ooh, not bad!’

Thinking this, he unleashed the tension in his sleeves.

His sleeves, imbued with the subtleties of the Wind Qi from the Five-Elemental Divine Technique, swelled as if about to tear and created a wall of wind.


‘It’s not as elegant as when Master did it.’

If it were Zhuge Rin, rather than deflecting with wind, he would have used the absorbing principle of Wind Qi to suck all the daggers into his sleeves.

But for now, Jin Cheon-hee could only use the crude method of deflecting with wind.

Of course, even that was quite effective.


As soon as the wall of daggers disappeared, the yellow dog bit Third Rat’s crotch.


It was the most suitable vital point to bite from the dog’s eye level.

Third Rat couldn’t even scream and collapsed forward.

In that gap, Jin Cheon-hee used the Three-Elements Stride to flash in front of Second Rat.


A palm strike hit the eardrum.

The sound of the eardrum tearing churned Second Rat’s brain.

As Second Rat’s body staggered, First Rat drew his sword and swung.

“Where do you think you’re going!”

Jin Cheon-hee pulled Second Rat’s arm and placed him in front of First Rat.

“Damn it!”

The moment First Rat’s sword stopped, Jin Cheon-hee’s white hand wrapped around First Rat’s wrist.

Like a vine, his hand enveloped First Rat’s wrist and bent the protruding part in a strange direction.



A dislocated wrist.

In that gap, Jin Cheon-hee’s palms struck both of First Rat’s eardrums.


It was hard enough to handle one side being hit, but with both sides struck, First Rat lost his vision.

At that moment, Jin Cheon-hee’s hand grabbed Second Rat’s shoulder and dislocated it.


It all happened in an instant.

First Rat lost his wrist, Second Rat his shoulder, and Third Rat his testicles.

The first two were simple dislocations that Jin Cheon-hee could fix with his skills, but for the third one, even Jin Cheon-hee wasn’t sure if he could save him.



Third Rat didn’t respond, foam at his mouth.

It was unclear if he was conscious, but his spine trembled with each movement of the dog’s muzzle.

“Hwanggu. Let go.”


Hwanggu shook its head as if refusing.

As Hwanggu shook its head, the testicles it was holding also shook.


“Did you see? Young Hero Little White Dragon used palm wind!”

“I saw it too. But isn’t palm wind something only peak experts can use? Could he already be a peak expert at that age?”

“Young Master Namgoong Woon is also at the peak! As the direct disciple of the White Dragon Medical Pavilion Master, of course he’d be at the peak.”

Late at night. The guards woke up and tied up the Trio Assassin Rats.

They were all struck at acupoints by Jin Cheon-hee, making it difficult for them to even move, let alone use their internal energy.

While tying them up, the guards discussed Jin Cheon-hee’s martial arts.

It was perhaps natural for them to make a fuss about the appearance of a new dragon in the martial world.

Moreover, the White Dragon Medical Pavilion was one of the fairly powerful forces in the martial world.

Their interests differed from other martial sects, and the nature of their power was different, so even though they rarely used force in the martial world, no one denied that they were a powerful faction.

So it was natural for their attention to be focused on Jin Cheon-hee.

While chattering like this, they still did their job.

Third Rat was still unconscious. Or perhaps he was conscious but lacked the strength to speak.

He didn’t seem dead, but there was blood all over between his legs.

The guards looked at Third Rat’s crotch once, then at the blood on Hwanggu’s mouth, and turned away with pale faces.

Even Jin Cheon-hee, watching from afar, thought as he looked at Hwanggu,

‘The Beggar’s Sect has raised… an incredible spirit animal.’

Despite being of the same sex, Hwanggu showed no mercy. As if that spot alone was the vital point, it ran straight to bite and tear.

Moreover, even when Jin Cheon-hee ordered it to let go, it stubbornly insisted on fulfilling its duty.

It was the instinct of a hunting dog, determined to finish its designated target.

‘Oarsman slave number one, two, three, four… look good but…’

Jin Cheon-hee approached Third Rat and took his pulse.

First Rat and Second Rat held their breath, waiting for Jin Cheon-hee’s diagnosis.

For some reason, even the watching guards were earnest about Jin Cheon-hee’s pulse-taking results.


The next day.

Jin Cheon-hee’s oarsman number one, Flying Dagger, got up to row in the front row.

On the first day of rowing, he realized why the Beggar’s Sect members had looked at him with pitying expressions.

He knew intellectually that oarsman work was the last resort for debtors.

He had also heard that it was so hard to find that slaves were often used to fill the positions.


He didn’t know that curses would involuntarily burst out every three seconds.

On the first day, within one shichen he had called upon Buddha, the Jade Emperor, and the Primordial Heavenly Lord. Within two shichen, he had cursed Jin Cheon-hee, Jin Cheon-hee’s parents, and all his ancestors in succession.

And within three shichen, he thought that dying might be better.

Usually, three workers sit together in the front row to row.

But Flying Dagger was alone.

As if the dog-tired work wasn’t enough, he had to do the job of three people by himself.

By the fourth shichen, tears were flowing like waterfalls.

The ship’s bottom was disgustingly cold, and the work was disgustingly hard.

If he slowed down even a little, shouts would rain down.

‘I hope the wind direction is favorable today.’

Jin Cheon-hee was doing his best to speed up to obtain medicine for his master.

Even if the wind direction was favorable, the oarsman work wouldn’t disappear.

But he held a thread-thin hope that it might become… a little easier.

After eating breakfast, not knowing whether he was putting food in his mouth or nose, he saw two guys sitting in the front row.

“This is my spot, who are you?”

First Rat and Second Rat answered,

“We’re oarsmen sent by Young Hero Little White Dragon.”


He had vaguely heard that there was a fight on the deck.

Flying Dagger asked,

“May I know your titles?”

“In the martial world, we’re known as the Trio Assassin Rats.”

Since there were only two, he couldn’t immediately recall their alias.

“Where did the remaining one go?”

First Rat and Second Rat calmly replied,

“Third Rat… is at a great crossroads as a man.”

“What does that mean?”

“Don’t ask further. We’ll just say he’s at a crossroads as a man.”

Though he didn’t understand, their expressions were so gloomy that Flying Dagger couldn’t ask anymore. However, the fact that he could finally row in the second row instead of the first made Flying Dagger happy.

Even the voices of First Rat and Second Rat cursing every three seconds sounded like sweet songs.


‘I seem to have fought better than expected.’

The ship left Hong Ze Lake and entered the Yangtze River.

The ship crossed the pitch-black Yangtze River, which looked like it was filled with ink.

With slow currents and unfavorable wind direction, the oarsmen must have been having a hellish time.

It was a fitting punishment for Flying Dagger and the Trio Assassin Rats.

Jin Cheon-hee sat like a cat at the bow, taking in the surrounding scenery.

At the same time, he reviewed the fights with the Trio Assassin Rats and Flying Dagger one by one in a corner of his mind.

‘Maybe because it wasn’t the first time, I wasn’t nervous and it felt good. The effects of the Profound Origin Divine Technique helped, but yeah. This level wasn’t bad.’

The Profound Origin Divine Technique.

It’s famous in the martial world for honing the five senses. Of course, that’s just a representative effect, but only a part of it.

As it focused on the mind and qi in the mind-qi-body system, it was also strong in practical combat.

The biggest effect was an Unmoving Heart.

It keeps the heart from wavering even in urgent, life-threatening situations.

When the mind is calm, the head naturally rotates quickly. After the mind and head move like that, the body follows.

‘It’s truly the technique most suited for the Five-Elemental Divine Technique. Because it can combine the Five Elements True Qi to draw out martial arts. It’s comfortable since its purpose isn’t simply to kill enemies but to make the overall situation advantageous.’

Was it because he had been involved in medicine in both his previous life and current life?

He felt reluctant to kill people.

If it was killing in an unavoidable situation to survive, he could accept it as a martial artist’s fate, but otherwise, he wanted to avoid bloodshed if possible.

‘Come to think of it, Master said that even if I had gone to the Taoist sect, it would have suited my nature.’

He said the Buddhist or Shaolin sects wouldn’t have been bad either.

But Jin Cheon-hee was very fond of the Five-Elemental Divine Technique.

He liked that it was helpful not just for martial arts but also in reality and daily life. And he liked that with the Unmoving Heart and the Five-Elemental Divine Technique together, it was possible to subdue without killing.

Like this time.

‘Still, there were parts that could be improved. Next time, I’ll be able to take them down more cleanly.’

He had taken down the combined attack of three first-class experts of the martial world quite easily.

Even considering that Hwanggu had helped with one, it was quite a good achievement.

‘It’s because medical knowledge was combined.’

Knowing where human bones, muscles, and nerves are located and using that in combination with martial arts.

Without needing to wield swords or spears, it was possible to subdue just by twisting and breaking the weakest parts of the human body.

‘How should I deal with opponents even faster?’

The longer the battle time, the easier it is to both receive and inflict fatal wounds.

Practical experience was accumulating as data.

On the other hand, he also calculated where to attack the enemy to subdue them fastest when wielding a weapon.

Being able to review two or three things at once was all thanks to the effects of the Profound Origin Divine Technique.

‘I’ve become a true martial artist now. Thinking about these things, well…’

He chuckled, then honestly admitted,

‘I’m afraid of dying. I don’t like killing either. I don’t understand why we have to do it.’

If he had been born and educated in the martial world without the memories of his previous life in modern Earth, would it have been different?

At that moment, a warrior from the Namgoong family approached Jin Cheon-hee.

“Please have some of this.”

When he opened the wrapping cloth, there were plenty of honey-filled pancakes inside.

“Ah, thank you.”

“No, we should be thanking you.”

“It’s nothing.”

“Your reputation is spreading among us. They say you subdued the Trio Assassin Rats so easily and are using them as oarsmen.”

“As a doctor, I try to avoid taking lives as much as possible.”

Hearing this, the Namgoong family warrior’s face flushed as if deeply moved.


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