Doctor’s Rebirth

Chapter 87

Chapter 87

Jin Cheon-hee and Hwanggu.

Then who are these three men watching them?

“From now on, we’ll have to rely on the Dark Palace Medical Pavilion if we get injured, but for 1000 gold taels, we have no choice. Second, get ready. Are you watching?”

“I’m already prepared.”

The three men boasted such vicious appearances that they seemed more like legendary monsters than humans.

They were the three brothers famous for specialized assassinations in the Hao Sect.

They are bounty hunters of the martial world called the Three Killing Rat Chasers.

Unlike their appearance, they were given the alias “Chasing Rats” because their actions were said to be like those of rats.

They’re classified as evil sect members, but petty criminals.

They haven’t committed major crimes. However, they’ve become targets of various sects because they don’t distinguish between affairs they should or shouldn’t get involved in.

So they live by running away and doing dirty jobs, and the three brothers are known for their excellent escape skills, each having different specialties.

The martial prowess of all three is about first-class level, but their specialties are extremely tricky.

“Judging by the direction they’re going, it seems they’ll cross the Yangtze River via Hong Ze Lake…”

“If they cross the river during the day, we’ll attack afterwards, and if they cross at night, we’ll attack right there.”

The eldest was a master of tracking.

Especially known for his excellent sense of smell, said to be able to track targets with a nose better than a dog’s.

The second had special eyes.

It’s said that when using inner energy, he could distinguish objects at least 1000 zhang (about 3km) away.

The youngest excelled in swimming and concealment techniques.

These three had built their own reputation as bounty hunters while roaming the martial world.

“I’ve memorized the scent for now, so let’s follow slowly.”

“Let’s do that, brother.”

“Sounds good.”

The three brothers reached this conclusion.


Jin Cheon-hee and Hwanggu finally arrived at Hong Ze Lake, connected to the Yangtze River.

This Hong Ze Lake, famous in Jiangsu Province, is known not only for its vast size but also for its beautiful scenery.

The sight of mist rising over the wide, mirror-like Hong Ze Lake was spectacular.

It was said that hot springs also flow in this area.

Perhaps because of this, connoisseurs would often say:

‘On cold mornings, it’s as if clouds have come down to wet their throats. With clouds in both earth and sky, it’s no less than a celestial realm.’

Among the cities bordering Hong Ze Lake, one with a scale large enough for boats to come and go.


Jin Cheon-hee arrived here in the late afternoon as the sun was beginning to set.

“This is a lake, not a sea?”

Entering Baoying, Jin Cheon-hee looked at the lake stretching out like a horizon.

He had never seen such a lake in person even in the real world.

To begin with, he hadn’t traveled much, either domestically or abroad.

‘I only get to see this after dying.’

Living hectically is the same then and now. But still, having the opportunity to come out like this was a valuable experience.

Woof woof!

“You must have seen things like this often.”


“It’s my first time, that’s why.”

In his previous life, Jin Cheon-hee’s world was very narrow.

It was just the hospital and home.

Even when he built relationships, they were only work relationships, with almost no personal ones.

In other words, he was always cordial as a colleague but didn’t make friends with whom he could completely open his heart and travel together.

That was the path Jin Cheon-hee himself had chosen.

Jin Cheon-hee savored the emotion while vigorously scratching Hwanggu’s head.

“When Master gets better, we should travel around more.”

I don’t know why things I haven’t experienced seem to shine so brightly.


Chatting with Hwanggu like this, Jin Cheon-hee arrived at the Baoying relay station. It was to leave the horse he had used at the station.

‘Now I need to find a boat.’

From here, it would be much faster to go by boat along the Yangtze River tributary to the destination.

“The horse’s condition is good considering how much you’ve ridden?”

“Ah, is that so?”

The relay station worker said while stroking the horse’s neck.

“Looking at the time written on the horse token, it’s a time that should only be possible by riding at full speed, but the horse is only a little tired, which is strange…”

“I guess it must be an excellent horse.”

“Hmm. It doesn’t look like it though.”

It was because Jin Cheon-hee had used the Five-Elemental Divine Technique on the horse to forcibly give it vitality.

Of course, it’s not omnipotent, so even a relay horse can’t help but get tired, but it was possible to make it endure longer.

Jin Cheon-hee feigned ignorance and came out to the street.

But just as he came out to the street, a beggar approached Jin Cheon-hee?

‘Must be a Beggar’s Sect member…’

While Jin Cheon-hee was thinking this, the middle-aged male beggar approached and showed his knot.

“I’m called Bang-il of the Beggar’s Sect. Are you the young master Jin Cheon-hee, the Little White Dragon?”

“I am Jin Cheon-hee. It’s a pleasure to meet a great hero of the Beggar’s Sect.”

A martial world greeting.

When Jin Cheon-hee made a respectful cupped-hand salute, the middle-aged man nodded and said expressionlessly:

“There will be a boat tomorrow, so you’ll have to stay here for a day. But be careful because various vermin have gotten involved due to the bounty spread by the Hao Sect.”

He scratched his head and added:

“There are a few of us Beggar’s Sect members here, including me, but not many.”


Jin Cheon-hee was surprised.

He knew that the Hao Sect had put a bounty on him, but he didn’t know that the Beggar’s Sect had made such arrangements in advance.

‘I guessed as much when they sent Hwanggu, but this is more thorough than I expected? This is really helpful.’

Jin Cheon-hee recalled Seol Gyeon’s face.

Saving Sect Leader Il-geol back then was now becoming Jin Cheon-hee’s strength.

“Probably the ones with brains won’t move rashly because of us, but it might be a bit dangerous on the boat.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.”

“Go to the Yeong-gyon Inn. It’s run by our side.”

“What about the relay station?”

“If your purpose is to move secretly, it’s better to stop using them now. Originally, officials are notoriously sloppy. If we know, it means the Hao Sect knows too.”

At those words, Jin Cheon-hee realized that he had relied too much on the book.

“So this is how I learn about the nature of the martial world.”

“Hahaha, no. Little White Dragon has acted more wisely than the young masters of most prestigious families. It’s just that these things are a matter of experience, not knowledge, so it can’t be helped. Though unintended, thanks to Little White Dragon moving faster than even the escorts, you were able to avoid getting involved in troublesome matters.”

It was a compliment if it was a compliment. But it was also the truth.

No matter how well one can track where someone has passed, it’s difficult to catch them if they move so fast. That was why Jin Cheon-hee was safe.

Jin Cheon-hee smiled bitterly.

“I’ve learned a lesson from a senior of the martial world.”

“So it’s true that Little White Dragon is humble. If you show such modesty, I have no choice but to do my best.”

“It’s not like that. It’s true that I’m still lacking.”

Jin Cheon-hee politely waved his hand.

“Hahaha. Anyway, leave the preparations to us. Let’s meet at the Yeong-gyon Inn.”

The middle-aged beggar finally loosened his expressionless face and left with a smile.

Jin Cheon-hee looked down at Hwanggu and said:

“After all, people should help others. Right?”

Woof woof!

“Now, where is this Yeong-gyon Inn…”

Hwanggu took the lead.

“You know where it is, don’t you? Alright, guide me.”


So Jin Cheon-hee began to walk the streets following Hwanggu. Then suddenly, a sensation he had never felt before washed over him.


His spine felt chilly.

For a moment, he felt the air fluctuating uneasily.

As he was trying to judge whether this was a simple illusion or a premonition.

At the same time, he heard the sound of wind being cut.

Before his thoughts could connect, Jin Cheon-hee instinctively tilted his head to the side.


Something grazed past Jin Cheon-hee’s cheek. Though it didn’t leave a wound, it gave him goosebumps.

If he had been even a little late, the long needle would have hit Jin Cheon-hee’s brow, making a pretty hole.

‘An ambush! Didn’t they just say that those with brains wouldn’t rashly attack?’

Jin Cheon-hee heightened his qi sense.

Jin Cheon-hee quickly found the direction from which the long needle had come.

Below the wall of one of the buildings on the street.

At that middle point where the street leads into an alley. In that slightly shaded spot, there was a man with several daggers stuck in his waist.

The man held a dagger in his left hand, and his right hand was in the posture of having just thrown a dagger.

“Tch, I thought you were just a softie who only knew medicine.”

Although it was a slightly secluded spot that couldn’t be seen well, to launch a surprise attack from such a place without warning!

‘What should I do?’

Jin Cheon-hee was momentarily flustered.

It was natural since he had been attacked out of nowhere. But seeing Jin Cheon-hee’s hesitation, the opponent suddenly turned around and started running away.

It seems he decided to flee after the surprise attack failed. But then two beggars popped out from inside that alley.

“Flying Dagger Jo Hwan! How dare you try to harm our sect’s benefactor!”

“Hmph! You lowly Beggar’s Sect trash who can’t even name yourselves dare to try and catch me, the Flying Dagger! I know there aren’t even ten of you here!”

“Shut that mouth!”

In the end, the man called Flying Dagger clashed with the two Beggar’s Sect members.

Watching this, Jin Cheon-hee’s feelings were complicated.

‘I see. They can’t help it when it comes to those without brains.’

They said those with brains wouldn’t attack, but it seems they can’t do anything about thoughtless riffraff.

‘Is this the magic of 1000 gold taels?’

The Hao Sect put a bounty on him, creating attackers, and the Beggar’s Sect tries to help because he’s their benefactor.

As a result, a life-and-death battle like that has started.

Is this the debt of gratitude and enmity of the martial world?

‘My feelings are complicated.’

And it wasn’t a very good feeling.

He thought he would someday realize what the debt of gratitude and enmity of the martial world meant. But he didn’t know it would be in this way.

Should he not have saved Wang-ya Ju’s son-in-law?

What if he had prevented Wang-ya Ju from seeking revenge on the Hao Sect in advance?

If he hadn’t saved the Beggar’s Sect Leader, those Beggar’s Sect members wouldn’t have had a reason to fight risking their lives.


That’s when Hwanggu barked.

The dog known as a spiritual animal looks at Jin Cheon-hee with clear eyes.

Looking at those black, clear eyes somehow made him feel at ease.

“Right, Hwanggu. I should do what I can do.”


Jin Cheon-hee started running.

Straight towards the man called Flying Dagger and the two Beggar’s Sect members. Flying Dagger was fighting with daggers in both hands, and although they were short weapons, his skill looked remarkable.

The two Beggar’s Sect members were facing Flying Dagger with short staves. However, they were already bleeding from wounds here and there.

As soon as Flying Dagger saw Jin Cheon-hee, he threw a long needle at him.

Though his alias was Flying Dagger, it seemed he also used needle-like hidden weapons.

Jin Cheon-hee used the Three-Elements Stride to move his body as if sliding.


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