Doctor’s Rebirth

Chapter 83

Chapter 83

Jin Cheon-hee shouldered the huge Sleeping Dragon statue again and repeated several more sets.


“Huff, huff. My body’s hot. I’ll be building proper muscles at this rate.”

From a modern medical perspective, Jin Cheon-hee is continuously performing based on the martial arts he’s learning.

Originally, since it’s inner energy, specifically the Five-Elemental Divine Technique that focuses on brain power, such basic aspects would normally be avoided. However, according to the new Five-Elemental Divine Technique revised by Zhuge Rin, muscles become increasingly important.

“Come to think of it, our master has quite a physique too.”

In contrast to his elegant face, he boasts a large build approaching 190 cm in height, broad shoulders, and formidable muscles. His strength is also tremendous.

Once, there was an arm wrestling competition among the sect leaders, and he sent them all packing with a gentle smile without changing his expression.

Of course, Zhuge Rin was the winner, and the Acupuncture Hall Master came in last.

Because he’s this kind of person, it seems people don’t really believe he has a terminal illness.

One shouldn’t be deceived by his brilliant mind and dazzling beauty. In reality, there’s no one as frail as him.

‘I need to treat him quickly. And to do that, I need to become stronger.’

Jin Cheon-hee immersed his body in a jar filled with black liquid.


As he circulated his qi, the water in the jar began to boil, and a strong medicinal smell filled the air.

After overworking the muscles, our bodies begin super-recovery.

However, this world is a martial arts world where qi exists.

By absorbing qi and circulating it, and using the Zhuge family’s secret medicinal liquid, one can accelerate the super-recovery speed even further.

“By repeating this process, I can make the physical body itself even tougher.”

This is external training. The Zhuge family’s secret external training.

The Zhuge family had been showing a trend of increasingly emphasizing internal energy, so originally, external training would have been thoroughly abandoned by now.

However, in Master Zhuge Rin’s generation, he gathered and restored the scattered external training manuals.

“Moreover, by doing internal cultivation breathing exercises, I can minimize sleep. I’m doing internal cultivation instead of sleeping.”

Along with this, he needs to practice the Bewildering Steps, the next level of the Three-Elements Stride, and train in the Ten Steps Divine Spear together.

“And finally, I’ll consume the Profound Origin Five Elements Divine Pill.”

He plans to absorb it completely into his inner energy without leaving a single drop.

To do that, he needed to strengthen his body even more.

“If I do that, I should be able to raise my inner energy to the first realm, and my body will be somewhat perfected, and my height… hmm… I hope I’ll be taller than that guy.”

Jin Cheon-hee kept thinking of Yeo Ha-ryoon, who had grown so tall in such a short time since he last saw him.

He had been frustrated about his height in his previous life, so he hoped to grow tall steadily in this life.

“Height is ultimately genetic, though.”

A colleague who runs a pediatric clinic in Cheongdam-dong once said this.

That genes ultimately determine 80% of height.

It actually seems like 90%, but if you struggle desperately, you might grow 1 cm to 1.2 cm, so he’d give it 80%.

“Right. My goal for this life is to be a winner above 180 cm.”

Then as now, it’s all the same not knowing what my parents look like.

While circulating his qi, Jin Cheon-hee also focused on sending inner energy to his growth plates.

A month later.

“Oh, I’ve grown a bit?”

Jin Cheon-hee marked his height on the wall with a spear.

One month.

Even for a growth period, this rate of growth is quite fast.

Stimulating the growth plates with inner energy seems to be quite a good strategy.

‘That Yeo Ha-ryoon bastard, he’ll be so surprised next time we meet. I’ll show you our true eye level.’

Jin Cheon-hee then lightly swung his spear once.


Lightning qi moved along the trajectory of Jin Cheon-hee’s spear, sparking.

Before, it was something he had to do consciously, but now he was using it as naturally as breathing.

Jin Cheon-hee’s body left afterimages in three different directions.

It’s evidence of entering the initial stage of the Bewildering Steps.

Then he flicked up the Sleeping Dragon statue with the spear tip.

This time, not with his shoulders but with the soles of his feet.


“First, one!”

He began practicing external techniques while standing on his hands.

And the second month.

“My hair has grown too much. The rate of hair growth is as fast as my height growth, huh?”

He roughly tied it with a hair tie and ran his hand over his face, using the pond as a mirror. Then he immediately reached out and caught a carp.

Jin Cheon-hee’s hand that caught the fish scattered in three different directions.


As if retrieving something he had left behind, he put three carps into a basket at once and stood up.

Jin Cheon-hee’s body had gained quite a bit of muscle.

Martial artists generally grow fast, but Jin Cheon-hee is growing even faster.

The Sleeping Dragon statue had many marks from afterimages.

“I’ll need to get a new one made when the closed-door training is over.”

Finally, the last month arrived.

Jin Cheon-hee measured his height with his fingers instead of a spear.

“25 cm… I’ve grown 1 chi by martial arts standards…?”

Jin Cheon-hee sighed as he tried to tie back his disheveled hair.

“Right. I ate my hair tie while training.”

Habits are scary things.

“Is it puberty? My voice is starting to deepen too. Hmm…”

The once youthful boy now looked more like a teenager.

Under his long, disheveled hair, his deeply set muscles looked almost like weapons.

His top was completely worn out and discarded, with only his bottoms barely covering his muscular thighs.

Perhaps because he had eaten nothing but fish and fasting pills, his body looked somewhat lean overall, but even so, it was a considerably trained body.

Strangely, now when Jin Cheon-hee walked, afterimages were no longer visible. It just looked no different from an ordinary person walking.

However, oddly enough, no matter where you looked at his gait, the next movement was completely unpredictable.

-When you reach the third level of the Bewildering Steps, your walking and running will be like the wind. You’ll no longer be bound by form.

He had learned all the important principles while training hellishly with his master.

As if arrangements had been made for Jin Cheon-hee to grow even if he died at any time.

Thinking that far, Jin Cheon-hee’s expression hardened.

‘I won’t let you die easily. No matter what happens. That was the oath I made with Master.’

When he closed his eyes, he could still recall that garden where dandelion seeds were floating, that scent.

There, Jin Cheon-hee swore to Zhuge Rin that he would never let him die easily.

Like all humans, you will die someday, it will eventually happen, but at least not now, he said.

Even if you beg to be killed, I will save you, he said.

Jin Cheon-hee drew a formation on the training ground floor with his spear shaft.

Lightning-scorched marks form the formation wherever he passes. Finally, in the center.

Jin Cheon-hee sat down and circulated his qi for a long time.

A faint smile formed on the lips of the boy who still had traces of childhood.

“Well then, shall we begin?”

The Profound Origin Five Elements Divine Pill.

When he opened the jade box lid, there were five divine pills inside.

Again, he couldn’t smell any fragrance. However, Jin Cheon-hee could sense that the five pills were emitting different scents.

Of course. Each contains the energy of one of the five elements.

Originally, it would be correct to consume them one by one slowly. Because even one alone is a powerful elixir.

“It’s amazing that just the scent makes me dizzy.”

However, Jin Cheon-hee’s answer was different.

“I’ll take them all at once.”

The same answer as when he first ate the Five Elements Pill after coming here long ago.

Jin Cheon-hee swallowed all five pills at once. It wasn’t difficult. The moment they entered his mouth, they began to melt like sugar.

At first, he thought it was nothing special.

However, the moment the five divine pills completely melted, the inner energy of the five elements began to run wild.


Inner energy so powerful that it would have burst the blood vessels of the old Jin Cheon-hee.

But now it was different.

Instead of sending the five inner energies to his danjeon, Jin Cheon-hee began to circulate them through the meridians in his body.

Rather than blocking the rampaging horses, he gave them a path to move in the desired direction, letting them run to their heart’s content.

The newly entered inner energy began to break through Jin Cheon-hee’s middle danjeon.


Even one divine pill, if properly absorbed, is an elixir that can add ten years’ worth of inner power.

Due to its extremely strong energy, it’s normally standard practice to eat them one by one in order. However, the result of eating them all at once occurred inside Jin Cheon-hee’s body.

As the five energies interacted in generation and overcoming cycles, the energy created inside his body was truly unprecedented.

Normally, one should gain inner power equivalent to the first realm, but the actual increase in energy far surpassed that.

‘Phew, is this where it starts?’

Jin Cheon-hee had already predicted this would happen.

‘The Profound Origin Five Elements Divine Pill. After Baek Rin’s death, one of the demon leaders in the novel happens to get their hands on it. That guy had learned a martial art different from the Five-Elemental Divine Technique, but he transformed after eating all five pills. And the method was…’

He doesn’t try to control the enormous energy occurring inside his body.

He just guides its direction. That is the answer.

If it were the energy of another elixir or spiritual object, this method would be dangerous.

No matter how much you guide the direction, the powerful energy would shatter the meridians.

But for the Profound Origin Five Elements Divine Pill, this was necessary.

Because this is not an ordinary elixir, but a medicine for treatment.

‘It breaks down, heals, and strengthens. That’s the true function of the Profound Origin Five Elements Divine Pill.’

His middle danjeon has just been broken through. And in the process, his meridians are thickening and strengthening. The energy and medicinal power of the Profound Origin Five Elements Divine Pill begin to permeate his entire body.

Even after that, energy still circulates. The five horses begin to gallop continuously.

Eventually, it heads towards the brain.

‘Here it comes. I need to be very careful… If I mess up, I could end up disabled for life.’

It’s a matter of affecting the brain. If I fail and die, it’s unfortunate but unavoidable.

The biggest problem is when you succeed ambiguously.

A situation where you’re alive but your brain is damaged.

That’s the gamble that occurs in the martial arts world when you touch the Baihui acupoint.

Your personality could change, you could lose your memory, go insane, or have to live as a quadriplegic.

‘It’s okay. I’ve prepared thoroughly.’

What remains is the courage to take one more step forward.

Jin Cheon-hee prepared himself for death.



But something unexpected happened. It doesn’t seem to be breaking through.

The energy just flowed abundantly through a large hole.

The reason is simple.

His Baihui acupoint was already wide open!

‘What is this? Why?’

While Jin Cheon-hee was bewildered, the excess energy had already begun the grand circulation.

In that torrent, his consciousness advanced into the realm of the unconscious.

Crack. Crackle.

The moment he entered a state of no-self, his bones made strange noises.

An enormous amount of black liquid began to overflow from his body, and even a layer of skin peeled off.

Transformation of bones and shedding of skin!

A situation that only those who could be counted on the fingers of one hand in the current generation of the martial arts world had experienced occurred.

After several hours passed.

Jin Cheon-hee awoke from his trance.


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