Doctor’s Rebirth

Chapter 72 Full

Chapter 72 Full


The two children were able to reach the Beggar’s Sect branch before dawn.

Along with the avalanche.

Fortunately, thanks to the ravine in the middle, the disaster of a whole village being buried in snow was avoided.

“W-what in the world happened?”

The surprised branch leader of the Beggar’s Sect came out.

Two young children and a dog.

All three were pale and covered in injuries.


As soon as it saw the branch leader, the yellow dog growled and bared its fangs.

“L-Lord Hwanggu?”

As expected of the Beggar’s Sect that works with dogs. Who knew they’d use such an honorific for a dog.

“Lord Hwanggu! What on earth happened to you!”

Woof! Woof! Wooof!

It was an angry bark asking what the hell this bastard branch leader had been doing while this disaster was unfolding.

Was it because they had faced life and death together?

Both Jin Cheon-hee and Wang Gak-yeon felt like they were starting to understand what the yellow dog was barking.

“Oh my, Lord Hwanggu!”


“Hwanggu is angry.”

“Yeah. It seems to be raging.”

Jin Cheon-hee stroked the yellow dog.

“Hwanggu. Don’t get excited. You’re also a patient who needs treatment.”


The yellow dog seemed to enjoy Jin Cheon-hee’s touch, closing its eyes and wagging its tail.

Seeing this, the branch leader was dumbfounded.

“Young master, who exactly are you to casually pet our Lord Hwanggu?”

“I’m a passing doctor.”

Jin Cheon-hee took out the identity tag symbolizing the White Dragon Medical Pavilion from his chest.


The moment they saw that tag, the Beggar’s Sect was thrown into chaos.


As expected of a sect that deals with information, everything after that went smoothly.

The moment the branch leader saw Jin Cheon-hee’s tag, he recognized that it was issued by the White Dragon Medical Pavilion, and being made of metal, not wood, and silver at that, it meant he was at least a 4th generation sect leader of the White Dragon Medical Pavilion.

Already knowing the appearance of the 4th generation sect leader, he realized that this child before him could only mean one person.

“Could it be that you are the Little White Dragon Doctor, the direct disciple of the White Dragon Divine Doctor?”

His words became very careful. Jin Cheon-hee answered.

“This is the first time I’ve heard that I’m called the Little White Dragon Doctor in the outside world.”


All the beggars of the Beggar’s Sect, including the branch leader, began to murmur. Wang Gak-yeon, who was watching this, was also a bit surprised.

‘He’s called the Little White Dragon Doctor?’

They say it’s darkest under the lamp.

Being inside the White Dragon Medical Pavilion, she hadn’t realized it.

Come to think of it, the people Jin Cheon-hee had treated right after he arrived were not ordinary individuals. If she had been outside, she would have realized it more easily.

Little White Dragon. The “Little” (小) was added because he was young, but when he came of age, he would become the White Dragon. In the martial arts world, “Dragon” (龍) meant many things.

To think her only friend had such a title. Wang Gak-yeon felt her shoulders rise with pride.

‘Hehehe, I protected the White Dragon Doctor. And that yellow dog too.’

Her first real combat was a failure by her standards. But in the second real combat, she managed to save him splendidly.

It was a shame that she ran out of arrows at the end, but thanks to Jin Cheon-hee’s quick thinking, they got through it well.

She clenched her fist inwardly, determined to quickly reach the level of Divine Archer like her father.

Once his identity was proven, everything after that went smoothly.

Jin Cheon-hee immediately asked the Beggar’s Sect branch leader:

“Please bring all the doctors belonging to the White Dragon Medical Pavilion in the area. Also, gather all the medicinal ingredients I’m about to request.”

“What on earth…”

“We need to treat the yellow dog. You can take the letter in its collar. It’ll take a while to decode the cipher, right?”

Letters of information-dealing sects like this are usually recorded in code.

It’s to prepare for situations where the letter might be stolen midway.


The yellow dog just wagged its tail enthusiastically.

Having gone through life and death together, it seems to have come to fully trust Jin Cheon-hee now.

Jin Cheon-hee said:


At Jin Cheon-hee’s shout, all the beggars of the Beggar’s Sect began to move at once.

They found a clean hut, tidied it up in advance, and prepared strong alcohol.

Doctors from the medical factions affiliated with the White Dragon Medical Pavilion started arriving one after another.

“Is that the White Dragon Doctor?”

Among them were doctors who were seeing Jin Cheon-hee for the first time.

They looked surprised to see him much younger than they had thought. Regardless, Jin Cheon-hee immediately had them prepare for treatment.

Meanwhile, Jin Cheon-hee disinfected and stitched Wang Gak-yeon’s wounds.

“Fortunately, the wounds aren’t deep. Did you push out the poison with your internal energy?”

She nodded.

“Yeah. The Demon-Destroying Divine Bow Technique is strong against poison.”

“I see. I heard about it from Uncle Phantom Archer. Still, it’s impressive. It must have hurt.”

For some reason, those words made Wang Gak-yeon feel like she might cry.

While dressing Wang Gak-yeon’s wounds, Jin Cheon-hee said:

“Thank you. I survived thanks to you. You were really strong.”

“What about you?”


“You need treatment too. You’re only taking care of the yellow dog and me.”

“Hahaha, well, that’s… I’m an adult, so I’m fine.”


At those words, Jin Cheon-hee realized he had misspoken.

In this world, he was also a young child.

Just like Wang Gak-yeon.

Trying to find words to cover up, Jin Cheon-hee said:

“The Five-Elemental Divine Technique naturally increases regeneration. My treatment can wait a bit.”

Given the situation, it somehow sounded like an excuse and seemed insufficient. Wang Gak-yeon bit her lip.

“Cheon-hee. Don’t push yourself.”

“What are you talking about? I’m not pushing myself at all.”

With those final words, Jin Cheon-hee stood up.

A height no different from Wang Gak-yeon’s and a youthful voice no different from hers.

In contrast, his eyes were unusually deep, somehow making it difficult to look at them.

Wang Gak-yeon herself knew that her friend was different from ordinary village friends.

Even she herself had always been told that she was more mature and thoughtful than others her age.

But Jin Cheon-hee was different from that.

She couldn’t tell what it was, but whenever he showed this side of himself from time to time, she would hesitate on how to treat the boy.



“Today, you saved a dog, and because of that, you probably saved someone important to the Beggar’s Sect.”

“That’s thanks to you too, Gak-yeon. Without you, I couldn’t have protected the yellow dog.”

Wang Gak-yeon was about to shake her head, but she paused for a moment, then eventually nodded slightly.

“I’m going to protect you.”

“Because I saved your life?”

Wang Gak-yeon shook her head.

“No, it’s not like that. Of course, I owe you a life debt, but this is different. What I’m best at is shooting arrows, and what you’re best at is saving people, so I mean let’s each do what we’re best at.”

At those words, Jin Cheon-hee laughed for a while.

“I really like that.”

Then he laughed again and said,

“I really, really like it.”

He repeated it twice. Jin Cheon-hee stood up.

“I should go see if the preparations are done. Get plenty of rest. Oh, and eat this.”

He carelessly tossed a pill wrapped in yellow demon skin paper to Wang Gak-yeon.

As Jin Cheon-hee turned away like that, there were still untreated wounds on his back.

Wang Gak-yeon opened the bundle of demon skin paper.

Inside was a White Dragon Divine Pill.

‘This precious thing…’

It was too much for a gift of friendship.

At that moment, Jin Cheon-hee’s voice was heard from outside the hut.

“If you don’t eat it all, I’m giving it to the yellow dog, okay? Chew it well.”


Fortunately, thanks to the good initial emergency treatment, the yellow dog’s treatment didn’t take too long.

‘I’m getting more and more used to this.’

Jin Cheon-hee thought as he finished the surgery.

His past life self was also a fairly competent surgeon. One of the important skills for a surgeon is accurate and quick hand movements.

His original specialty was general surgery, but now he’s suddenly doing orthopedic surgery and veterinary medicine too.

‘If only there were another way…’

In the end, it was one of two choices.

Either let it die, or struggle to do whatever he could.

This wasn’t a modern general hospital, so all the burden fell entirely on Jin Cheon-hee.

Comminuted fracture.

Time was especially of the essence in such emergency trauma. Moreover, without the facilities and support of the medical pavilion, once he opened up the flesh, he had to finish quickly.

Time is always a crucial resource.

However, with the power of the Five-Elemental Divine Technique, he could move at least three times faster than an ordinary person, and like he had done when treating Imperial Prince Consort Yoo-rang last time, he could quickly locate inflammation using the fire energy of the Five-Elemental Divine Technique.

Not only that.

The qi sensation he gained through internal cultivation training turned Jin Cheon-hee into a living ultrasound detector and CT scanner.

He could sense and understand the inside of the human body by probing with qi!

This alone had tremendously increased his skills.

Despite having almost no knowledge as a veterinarian, he was able to treat the yellow dog thanks to this.

‘I’m grateful just for you hanging on.’

A spiritual beast is a spiritual beast. If it had been an ordinary dog, even Jin Cheon-hee would have been helpless.

Moreover, the penicillin, or White Dragon Divine Pill, that Jin Cheon-hee had made greatly prevented complications in patients.

‘This is cheating. It’s cheating.’

As soon as the yellow dog’s surgery was over, Jin Cheon-hee collapsed from exhaustion without even hearing words of gratitude from the Beggar’s Sect disciples.

He felt like he was going to die.

When he opened his eyes, his wounds were bandaged. It wasn’t the bandaging method used in existing medical factions.

It was the latest method distributed by the White Dragon Medical Pavilion.

‘They’re all quite skilled.’

The eyes of the doctors looking at Jin Cheon-hee were shining with enthusiasm.

He thought at least one of them would disregard him for being young. But to his surprise, they had turned that entirely into academic fervor.

‘Master White Dragon has a good eye for people. Ugh… anyway, for a beggar’s den, the hygiene isn’t that bad.’

He thought it would be dirty and smelly, but the inside of the hut was surprisingly clean.

‘Right. Just as martial artists all have different personalities, beggars must all be different too. If there are beggars who like being dirty, there must also be beggars who like being clean.’

Jin Cheon-hee suddenly became curious.

‘But if they like being clean, why be a beggar?’

On the other hand, he thought:

‘There aren’t many jobs that bring in as much money as dealing with information. Is the Beggar’s Sect really out of money?’

‘Beggar’. It’s not just referring to the occupational aspect anymore, but has become a kind of idiom referring to people without money.

‘The Hao Sect is raking in money like crazy, right? But the Beggar’s Sect must have lower maintenance costs for their branches than the Hao Sect, so are they really out of money?’

Beggars aren’t beggars for nothing. The sky is their roof and the ground is their blanket.

When there’s a feast at someone’s house, beggars rush there like a pack of dogs to eat.

This means the cost spent on disciples must be greatly reduced.

Jin Cheon-hee thought:

‘How much should I charge for the treatment fee?’

Not an ordinary person, but a dog, and a spiritual beast at that.

He did an on-site treatment and patient transfer too.

Jin Cheon-hee was busy calculating in his head.

At that moment, the hut opened.

“Ah, you’re awake.”

It was a young beggar. Seeing a knot tied at his waist, he seemed to be a newly initiated disciple of the Beggar’s Sect.

The young beggar said:

“The branch leader urgently called for you.”


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