Doctor’s Rebirth

Chapter 5.1

Chapter 5.1

If the Shaolin Temple’s Daeh Wan-dan is similar to Cheon Song-dan, this Baek Song-hwan must be similar to the Soh Wan-dan

That’s right. This alone is an item that can draw blood in Gangho.

‘Considering her position in the Gongson family, it was rather small… but you cannot give something like this to a child with no background. What is the Gongson family aim?’

Jae-Gal Rin, also known as Baek Rin Eui-seon, smiled wryly.

They seemed to have a suspicion that it wasn’t entirely true that a child had saved her. Instead, they believed Baek Rin Eui-seon was handing the credit to the child out of modesty.

Jae-Gal Rin felt the same way. He too could not entirely believe it.

‘That’s why it’s even more important to be polite, because it implies that you have something to gain.’

Jae-Gal Rin thought to himself, gazing at the exceptional boy before him. And inwardly, he laughed, while outwardly concealing his amusement.

Everyone was holding their breath, while the boy in front of Jae-Gal Rin was only rolling his eyes. It wasn’t because he had noticed Baek Rin Eui-seon’s amusement, but rather, because he was feeling a different kind of emotion.

‘A little bit of irritation and frustration? Really…’

‘Isn’t he an interesting guy?’

And now, he wanted to take Jin Cheon-hee as his disciple even more.


While Jae-Gal Rin was thinking to himself, Jin Cheon-hee was feeling frustrated.

‘What on earth is it? And what is this silver medicine? Ah, my goodness. If they had just said the name of the medicine, I could at least guess…..’

“Excuse me… What kind of medicine is this? Since everyone seems surprised, it must be something valuable…”

‘I can remember the novel, so just give me the name. I’ll take care of the rest.’

With strange thoughts in his mind, Jin Cheon-hee asked.

Baek Rin Eui-seon replied, “It’s a medicine for internal injuries. It will also help alleviate headaches. Your body has suffered a lot from overexertion, so it’s best to take it now.”

‘What is this? If it’s good for internal injuries… is it some kind of elixir? It seems like it from the way everyone is acting… I don’t know. But I’ll take it for now. A patient should listen to his doctor.’ Jin Cheon-hee thought.

Not too long ago, he had saved people, but now he was the patient.

Jin Cheon-hee took a sip of the medicine and felt a refreshing sensation in his throat. At the same time, his head slightly spun and he staggered.

“Oh, please take this too. It will help you sleep.”

The narrow eyed man handed him a decoction. Jin Cheon-hee swallowed it quickly.

‘Just a small dose… Huh… my eyes are closing…’

As soon as he finished it, Jin Cheon-hee fell asleep.

“The patient needs rest, so I hope everyone will leave now.”

Those around nodded at his words.

“He’s even more unusual than we heard.”

“He reminds me of my immature son.”

One official even scratched his head and face was red with embarrassment.

Baek Rin Eui-seon kindly smiled and escorted everyone out.

And suddenly, the room was empty.

Yoo Ho quietly brewed tea so as not to disturb anyone.

“Will you really take him as your disciple?”


“What if he doesn’t want to… Oh, who would refuse to become the disciple of the great Baek Rin Eui-seon… I’m just worried.”

“Yeah, me too. What if he refuses?”

“What do you mean…?”

Yoo Ho bit his tongue. The person he served always had something unexpected up his sleeve. This time would probably be the same.

Baek Rin Eui-seon pulled out a golden needle from his pocket.

“Even if he refuses, if he shows sincerity, won’t his heart be moved? Let’s begin.”

“Are you really going to use that precious thing on him?”


With those words, Baek Rin Eui-seon inserted the golden needle into Jin Cheon-hee’s forehead.


Jin Cheon-hee’s body convulsed unconsciously, accompanied by an unpleasant sound.

Yoo Ho watched him with concern.

“I don’t know if it’s pitiful or enviable. Since you’ve been marked by the master, you’re in trouble living comfortably too.”


I had a dream of becoming a butterfly.

It wasn’t like the butterfly dream in the Zhuangzi’s ‘The Joy of Fishes’. It was a dream where I was caught by a madman and had needles all over my body. I also traveled back and forth between fire and ice, and it was almost like I was going to die.

“Ugh… Save the butterfly.”

I remember cursing out loud.

I just wished this situation would end.

When I woke up from the dream, the ceiling I saw before going to bed was still there, but the only difference was that I was naked.

‘What’s that stench?’

An unbearable stench, like rotting food waste, filled the room.

“Oh, you’re awake.”

It was Baek Rin Eui-seon.

‘Did he stay up all night taking care of me? Hmm, but doesn’t Baek Rin Eui-seon usually have his subordinates do simple care like this…?’

‘Surely the famous Baek Rin Eui-seon did not do the care himself. He probably came to check on me and luckily woke me up.’ That’s what I thought.

When I got up, I felt something sticky on my back.

It was a black, sticky liquid. It felt more like a dried and twisted lump of rubber than a liquid.


It seemed that this was the cause of the terrible smell.

“Surprisingly, there wasn’t much waste buildup in your body. Your constitution is not bad either. Do you feel uncomfortable?”

“Not at all. In fact, my body feels incredibly light. Oh, by the way, please speak informally to me. I’m a child and I can’t keep up with formal language.”

At that, Baek Rin Eui-seon smiled slightly. It made the room feel much brighter.

‘Sheesh, I was just saying something like that for show.’

It was amazing how so beautiful a person could be.

“In that case, let’s speak informally.”

“Okay. Please do. But you said waste buildup? Wasn’t this for treating my injuries?”

“While treating your injuries, I also took the opportunity to give you a purification bath. Since you’ll need a healthy body to learn martial arts later on, it’s better to do this much, don’t you think?”

‘A Purification bath!?’

A Purification bath.

It was one of the common practices in martial arts novels.


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