Doctor’s Rebirth

Chapter 115

Chapter 115

“Can it be treated?”

“It’s possible. But there are risks involved.”

At this point, Jin Cheon-hee felt he could treat it with his abilities. However, with surgery, one never knows what unexpected situations might arise.

Following the principles of modern medicine, Jin Cheon-hee recited the potential side effects and risks associated with the surgery.

Sama Hyeon said:

“So, brother! You’re saying there’s a way to treat it, right?”

“That’s right. But I can’t give you a definite answer.”

“If it can’t be treated, Hye will die anyway.”


Sama Hyeon’s black pupils dilated, then filled with tears. Sama Hye, lying down, covered her eyes with both hands.


Sama Hyeon hugged Jin Cheon-hee. Jin Cheon-hee said:

“It will be a time of patience. Can you fight?”

“Damn it, if I’m still alive and haven’t killed myself, why couldn’t I do that!”

The child couldn’t hold back and spat out a curse.

Jin Cheon-hee stroked Sama Hyeon’s black hair.

‘I know there’s a White Dragon Medical Pavilion branch here too, so I’ll need to move the kids there. It’s going to be busy preparing for the surgery.’

There was a lot to think about, from start to finish.

Jin Cheon-hee felt like he was stepping into the ring.


As Jin Cheon-hee was taking the children to the Hangzhou branch of White Dragon Medical Pavilion, dawn broke.

The constables and their chief, who had received the report, lazily headed to the murder scene.

Crime in Hangzhou was a common occurrence, and none of them were uncorrupted.

“What’s this, the facial skin has been peeled off?”

Fights among ruffians were common. As a result, they had seen all sorts of corpses, but even for them, a face with its skin completely torn off was unusual.

“Damn martial artists must have had a go at it.”

“Chief, what should we do?”

In an era without forensic investigation, there was actually no will to investigate either.

Their job was to deal with what was visible, and they had no desire to interfere with what wasn’t.

“What else? Send an official letter to the government office for those with identification tags, and just take the others to the burial ground. It’s not like we can do anything about it anyway. It’s not like this is the first or second time we’re doing this.”

“That’s true, but…”

“At least there are no children’s bodies to clean up today.”

Sometimes, they had to clean up children’s bodies among the adults’.

At those times, even the constables felt something erode in their hearts.

Even though their lives were as numb as they could be, it still affected them.

“It’s just the usual dawn scene in Hangzhou. Even if the wounds are a bit unique, that’s all there is to it.”

“I suppose so.”

Exchanging such words, the constables cleaned up the bodies.

At that moment, from the far corner, someone was watching the constables.

“Finally… found it.”

The black-masked figure disappeared into thin air after those words.


“Little White Dragon, Little White Dragon has arrived!”

“The Little White Dragon has finally come to our branch too!”


Hangzhou branch.

Jin Cheon-hee felt like he had become some kind of superstar.

‘Was I that famous…? No, I am famous. Right. Of course.’

If even Sama Hyeon, who performed in Hangzhou, knew him, there was no way the people at the White Dragon Medical Pavilion branch wouldn’t know Jin Cheon-hee.

While he knew this intellectually, his middle-aged soul felt a bit embarrassed.

“I’d like to learn from you!”

“I always read your medical reports!”

“We’ve sent some of our branch people to the White Dragon Medical Pavilion main compound several times!”

Their eyes burned with enthusiasm.

Jin Cheon-hee realized the reason.

Hangzhou was a place where the treatment room, or what would be called the emergency room in modern terms, was always bustling with trauma patients.

Since White Dragon Medical Pavilion originally accepted patients regardless of whether they were from righteous or evil sects, there was a constant stream of emergency trauma patients.

If medical care were compared to a battlefield, the Hangzhou branch of White Dragon Medical Pavilion was on the frontline, firing shots.

Martial artists being carried in every night.

It was impossible to handle all these trauma patients with just traditional acupuncture and acupuncture.

‘This is good.’

Living in the comfortable cage created by his master, he had only vaguely thought about the reality of the martial world from a modern person’s perspective.

This was an opportunity to educate the doctors while treating the children.

“First, let’s wash the kids. One of them will undergo surgery. I assume you’re all familiar with the basic diagnostic techniques.”

“We also have White Dragon Divine Pills and White Dragon Elixir.”

“That’s great.”

Jin Cheon-hee began directing everything step by step.


“Even if the surgery is successful, it’s not the end. After that, we need to do physical therapy every day.”

“What’s physical therapy?”

“Um… would you understand if I called it a technique for sculpting muscles?”

“Ah, yes!”

Life returned to Sama Hye’s face.

Even though she must still be in considerable pain at this moment, the child was contemplating life.

“That’s right. That’s a good expression.”

Fortunately, although her spine was curved, it hadn’t progressed to paralysis.

Jin Cheon-hee managed Sama Hye’s condition and treated the other children who needed additional care.

Of course, it was free, but before treating them, he presented a certificate.

“White Dragon Child… Support Foundation?”

There was one child who could read, so it was easy to explain.

“Yeah. It’s nothing special. It’s a certificate saying that when you grow up, you need to bestow three favors.”

Medical skills in this era were profitable.

Naturally, White Dragon Medical Pavilion, one of the Three Great Medical Sects of the world, also made a lot of money. And the monthly salary of Jin Cheon-hee, the Surgery Hall Master of this world-renowned medical sect, was high.

The vague idea he had when treating the young Wang Gak-yeon had gradually taken shape and come this far.

Jin Cheon-hee gathered part of his monthly salary to create a system that could provide free treatment to poor young martial artists.

When he mentioned this, suddenly the other four Hall Masters were unexpectedly deeply moved and contributed money.

“Ugh, this old man didn’t know you had such depth at such a young age.”

“We’ve also contributed a little. We hope you’ll use it as you wish, Young Hall Master.”

For Jin Cheon-hee, his master’s wealth was his wealth anyway, and thanks to treating famous figures in the martial world, he had accumulated enormous wealth beyond his years.

It was money he couldn’t spend in a lifetime, so he created this system to share it with growing young buds.

However, there was a condition for this White Dragon Child Support Foundation.

– Children who receive this support must perform three favors in the martial world someday.

– That will be considered as repayment for the treatment costs.

When he set this condition, he didn’t think much of it.

Just as a person is different when entering and leaving the bathroom, the standard for these “favors” was vague, and no timeframe was specified.

Even saving a dog on the street could be considered a favor.

It was unknown whether these children would walk the path of righteousness or evil when they grew up.

There was no way to prevent that, and what life they would lead was their freedom.

He just hoped that if they remembered someday, they would share some warmth with those around them.

It was nothing more than a slightly fancier way of saying “grow up to be a good person.” However, for some reason, the children of the martial world closed their mouths tightly and pondered seriously.

Suddenly, some children were wiping their eyes with their sleeves.

Even the people from the medical sect branch who took out the certificates looked solemn.


‘No, it’s not something to think about so seriously.’

Suddenly, one child tried to bite their finger.

Jin Cheon-hee hurriedly stopped them.

“Let’s not write blood oaths, kids. Children shouldn’t write blood oaths!”


The children stopped their actions at Jin Cheon-hee’s words.

Indeed, they were buds of the martial world.

“I, Mak Jinhoo, will sign to bestow three favors upon the martial world according to the oath!”

At that solemn voice, the branch head wiped his eyes with his sleeve.

“Little White Dragon. You are truly the light of the martial world.”

That’s right. In this world, there was no concept of modern sponsorship systems.

While there were cases of the country distributing relief rice to the hungry or sending doctors to areas with epidemics, it wasn’t an era where martial world doctors systematically provided medical support.

In a world without medical insurance, it was essentially the first child support foundation in the martial world.

The children solemnly signed with ink instead of blood.

Among them was Sama Hyeon, the future Hao Sect Leader.

“…Is this enough? It’s too much of a losing deal~ brother.”

After the treatment, not knowing how much his sister could rehabilitate or how successful it would be, Sama Hyeon had signed on her behalf.

That was the White Dragon Child Support Foundation, or White-Dragon-Child (Baek-hwan-hoo) for short.

That’s how the Baek-hwan-hoo children were created.


While preparing for the surgery, Jin Cheon-hee was lost in thought.

‘The doctors at this Hangzhou branch are certainly skilled. But can they keep up with this surgery?’

Jin Cheon-hee began a thorough diagnosis of Sama Hye.

Multiple coffee-colored spots larger than 5mm.

In addition, skeletal abnormalities. Eye tumors. Armpits.

Family history couldn’t be known in detail due to the child’s limited memories.

After carefully conducting qi pulse diagnosis as well, he was able to diagnose scoliosis caused by neurofibromas.

Neurofibromatosis Type 1.

Surprisingly, it’s a common genetic disorder. Of course, being common and being severe are separate issues.

‘So in the end, the scoliosis is a result of this genetic disorder.’

While many cases can be managed with luck, when surgical methods are needed, an experienced surgeon is necessary.

‘First, there are cases where neurofibromas transform into cancerous (malignant) tumors.’

Most neurofibromas are benign. However, in extremely rare cases, they can become malignant.

In such cases, even Jin Cheon-hee would be at a loss.

Cancer treatment requires not only surgical treatment but also radiation and antibiotic therapy. With this era’s technology, that would be impossible.

Even modern Earth hasn’t conquered childhood cancer.

‘But judging from the pulse diagnosis, it doesn’t seem to be malignant.’

That was fortunate.

Jin Cheon-hee had stroked his chest in relief countless times.

‘Secondly, can the patient’s body withstand the surgery?’

Fixation up to the pelvis is necessary.

Due to the characteristics of blood vessels around the spine, contraction doesn’t occur easily, so the patient could die from ischemic shock during surgery.

It’s especially dangerous since patients with neurofibromatosis scoliosis are often young children under 20.

‘I can quickly dissect the muscles around the spine with my abilities. That’s fine.’

If you don’t have teeth, use your gums – this is a world without modern equipment, but with martial arts.

Now that he’s mastered the Mysterious Origin Thousand Calculations Skill, dissecting muscles isn’t a problem.

‘To reduce the burden, I’ll need to resolve it with speed and accuracy. Will there be enough blood packs?’

Securing blood for surgery has now become basic common sense in White Dragon Medical Pavilion.

It was thanks to Jin Cheon-hee grinding himself like a millstone as the Surgery Hall Master.

‘Next is the size of the tumor.’

Originally, this is a surgery that should be started after reducing the tumor size with radiation therapy.

There should have been 6-12 weeks of groundwork in the oncology department.

‘Radiation therapy is impossible in this era.’

But in the end, if you don’t have teeth, use your gums.

The biggest key is to dissect without touching the nerves.

It required a high level of concentration, observation, and delicacy, if not quite to the level of engraving the Heart Sutra on a grain of rice with a sword tip.

Surprisingly, there were some martial artists in this world who could do that.

And the Taiji Immortal-Destruction Sword of the Zhuge family was optimized for such crazy feats.


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