Doctor’s Rebirth

Chapter 108

Chapter 108

Five Elements Conflicting Poison.

All things in the world are divided into five attributes and two aspects of yin and yang.

Just as spirit pills have attributes, poisons also have attributes.

The goal is to use the Five-Elemental Divine Technique to classify the attributes of the poison, break it down within the body, and expel it.

It’s said that at the peak, one can even absorb the poison.

However, for that to happen, the poison would need to be pure enough to match the Five-Elemental Divine Technique, so most of it would be burned away, leaving only a tiny fraction.

‘I’m not hoping for the peak. I just need to be able to resist and expel it.’

Jin Cheon-hee felt the five poison energies of the Five Elements Conflicting Poison.

Fire energy that collided as if to burn the body, water energy that stole body heat, wood energy that caused inflammation, and earth energy that solidified to form tumors.

Lastly, metal energy that tore through energy meridians and caused blood vomiting.

‘Medicine and poison are one; what determines it is the effect.’

Jin Cheon-hee sent his Five Elements True Qi, or rather, the Taiji Yin-Yang Five Elements True Qi, which had evolved through the Profound Origin Divine Technique, into the Five Elements Conflicting Poison.

Identifying the poison with the body and classifying it was an incredibly difficult task.

‘In poison arts, sensation is more important than the mind.’

It was interesting in its own way.

He had thought that studying drug combinations and their effects on the human body would involve a lot of mental work, but controlling the spread of poison and regulating it was purely a matter of intuition.

Jin Cheon-hee’s true energy spread out in different directions.

Generation and Overcoming.

If he used Generation here, the poison would only grow stronger.

What was needed was Overcoming.

Water extinguishes fire, wood holds the earth, earth blocks water’s path.

Jin Cheon-hee used the principle of Overcoming to capture the Five Elements Conflicting Poison one by one.

It was like waging guerrilla warfare inside his body.

When he finished gathering it all.

Sweat poured from Jin Cheon-hee’s body.

Not the cold sweat from before, but green sweat containing the poison.

Eventually, those sweat droplets vaporized in the heat and floated upwards.

The third stage.

The stage of processing the gathered poison had begun.


Master looked down at Jin Cheon-hee sitting in lotus position in the training room.

Jin Cheon-hee’s rate of achievement was that astounding.

Yoo Ho smiled bitterly.

Time passed like that.

Jin Cheon-hee reached a stage where he could resist poison without even being conscious of it.

Hundred Poisons Immunity.

He had reached a physical state that could resist a hundred types of poisons.

While not at the level of Ten Thousand Poisons Immunity, being able to resist a hundred poisons was enough to block most common poisons.

It was one of the states that all martial artists aspired to.

“Master, I’ve won.”

One week.

Jin Cheon-hee’s total sleep time didn’t even amount to ten hours.

Zhuge Rin sighed.

“Hee-ya, winning is good, but living like that could lead to death from overwork even with the Profound Origin Divine Technique.”

It was a fundamental statement.

Yoo Ho said,

“Young master, are you really human? Is there a need to live so harshly?”

That too was a fundamental question.

A one-week bet.

Jin Cheon-hee managed to solve it on the sixth day.

“Then Master, now that you’ve confirmed my victory in the bet, this unworthy disciple will rest…”

With those words, Jin Cheon-hee collapsed.



Zhuge Rin sighed at his disciple and eventually picked him up.

“Let’s let him sleep for two days.”

However, Jin Cheon-hee woke up exactly 12 hours later and went outside.

It was truly a terrifying level of determination.


Arc 18: Venturing into the Martial Arts World

Jin Cheon-hee had a plan.

It was the kind of plan that would make anyone who saw Jin Cheon-hee say, “You really have it all planned out, don’t you?”

If he were to name it, it would be something like this:

‘The Great Plan to Secure Spirit Beasts and Spirit Medicines First!’

Two spirit beasts that the Blood Immortal Sect would claim.

Four spirit medicines that would be claimed by those who would become Yeo Ha-ryoon’s enemies in the future.

Securing these first was a very important task.

‘The problem is that these things are really scattered all over the place…’

Spirit beasts have inner cores.

Spirit medicines are things that increase internal energy and nourish the body just by eating them as they are.

Some spirit medicines created by nature show effects that are far superior to those made by humans, as if mocking them.

Just consuming them would significantly boost internal energy.

Jin Cheon-hee repeatedly clenched and unclenched his hand.

‘Am I ready?’

He wasn’t ready to face the spirit beasts yet.

In the case of the Ten-Thousand Fire Carp, he somehow managed, but that was because he judged it possible based on information from the novel and went to retrieve it.

Even then, if it weren’t for the inhumane closed-door training and the Zhuge family’s secret spirit pills, it would have been Jin Cheon-hee who died.

To begin with, the Ten-Thousand Fire Carp is a carp.

It’s a mutant carp containing fire energy, so its combat power is low.

It’s like the weakest of the Four Heavenly Kings of spirit beasts, you could say?

‘Of course, it’s not actually one of the Four Heavenly Kings.’

To be precise, it’s one of the Five Heavenly Kings.

The remaining five spirit beasts mentioned in the novel are all formidable creatures.

To defeat them, one would need to be at least a peak expert.

What does it take to become a peak expert?

One needed to have at least half a century’s worth of internal energy, and surpass the level of “Sword Energy Harms People” to reach the realm of “Sword Thread State”.

In other words, one needed to be capable of long-range attacks, beyond just having energy remain in the sword.

In game terms, it’s like using a crescent moon slash and having a crescent-shaped sword energy fly out to cut an opponent dozens of meters away.

That’s the Sword Thread State.

Naturally, this was a realm impossible to reach without considerable internal energy and excellent energy manipulation skills.

And to face the spirit beasts, one needed to have at least this level of ability.

Just looking at the profiles of the five spirit beasts, they all seemed incredibly powerful.

‘Snake, toad, centipede, tiger, hawk. These five, aren’t they all carnivores? And how on earth did they catch the hawk, even thinking about it now?’

First, Jin Cheon-hee recalled the snake, the Three-Horned Blood Snake.

It’s a snake with three horns on its head.

And it’s disgustingly large.

In his past life memory, the longest snake recorded in the Guinness Book of World Records was over 7 meters long, but this Three-Horned Blood Snake is more than twice that at over 15 meters.

That’s because it was described like this in the novel:

[The snake had pitch-black scales, and on its head were three horns that seemed to be five chi long. When it stretched out its body fully, it exceeded five zhang. What else could it be but a serpent preparing for ascension?]

Usually, snakes this long and large would have difficulty moving their bodies properly, but this one, perhaps because it was a spirit beast, had a spring-like elasticity throughout its body.

As if knowing how strong it was, it would use this to headbutt with its body, with a power that would make a long-ton truck look weak in comparison.

Moreover, it had deadly poison, and its body scales couldn’t be injured except by sword energy.

Trying to catch something like that now?

First of all, the weight difference is too great.

Even in the novel, it wasn’t an easy creature to catch.

‘Anyway, the snake will be caught by Yeo Ha-ryoon later, so that’s fine. The spirit beasts caught by the Blood Immortal Sect are the hawk and the centipede, right?’

The hawk.

A spirit beast called the Heavenly Thunder Hawk.

It’s a hawk imbued with thunder energy, and when it spreads its wings, they span about 1 zhang, making it a very large hawk.

It’s even bigger than the tent-sized eagle said to be spotted at the DMZ.

Being a spirit beast, it’s also strong enough to lift a person and throw them from the sky.

Truly the king of the skies,

The Blood Immortal Sect caught this creature by holding its offspring hostage.

The centipede.

Black Armored Centipede.

As its name suggests, it has an incredibly hard shell.

It’s a centipede without poison, but its strength and toughness are its features.

This creature is so hard that unless you can shatter its armor using strong energy or destroy its insides using internal heavy water technique, it can’t be caught.

It feels like a spirit beast that’s all-in on durability, lacking other special features.

A high-ranking member of the Blood Immortal Sect came out to catch this one.

‘It would be right to catch the Heavenly Thunder Hawk first, and then the Black Armored Centipede.’

Jin Cheon-hee had been preparing in his own way all this time.

He ate spirit medicines and even underwent a complete body transformation.

After treating his master, he trained like mad again.

Perhaps he hadn’t been able to fully digest that internal energy before, but his internal energy kept rapidly increasing over the past few months.

Now, Jin Cheon-hee’s internal energy level had soared to the equivalent of forty years’ worth.

Half a century’s internal energy is thirty years of cultivation, so he had gained an additional ten years of true energy.

After that, his energy accumulation was proceeding at a normal rate. Jin Cheon-hee judged that the medicinal effects had finally worn off.

‘If I eat the Heavenly Thunder Hawk’s inner core in my current state? I’ll probably accumulate at least a century’s worth of energy. After that, I should be able to catch the Black Armored Centipede, and then go to retrieve the spirit medicines, which should work out. And if I eat half of those, my internal energy should rise to at least two centuries? The timeframe is about two years.’

Two years.

It’s long if you think it’s long. But there’s no helping it since the habitats of the spirit beasts and spirit medicines are scattered all over the world.

Still, it was fast.

It would take at least ten years from now for Yeo Ha-ryoon to accumulate two centuries’ worth of energy.

In terms of energy alone, the current Jin Cheon-hee is higher than Yeo Ha-ryoon.

At the main gate of the medical pavilion.

Amidst the coming and going people, Jin Cheon-hee finished preparing to leave.

He wore a clean martial arts uniform and carried a medicine box on his back, which doctors in this world usually carry.

The medicine box was engraved with the emblem symbolizing the White Dragon Medical Pavilion.

The same emblem was embroidered on Jin Cheon-hee’s martial arts uniform, and while it was less noticeable than the Sichuan Tang Clan embroidery that Tang Ah had worn before, it seemed that people would still be able to recognize it.

“Master, I didn’t know our White Dragon Medical Pavilion had such outdoor clothes.”

“Originally, we would embroider the emblem on scholar’s robes, not martial arts uniforms, but thinking about it, there would be people like you who want to practice martial arts, right? I had them made for that purpose.”

In other words, it meant they were made specifically for Jin Cheon-hee.

‘The message that messing with me will result in the White Dragon Medical Pavilion coming after you is well conveyed. Hmm!’

It was Master’s concern, worried that his disciple might get caught up in the grudges of the martial arts world.

‘I’ll have to change when I get down there.’

Standing out too much is also burdensome.

This wasn’t all. The medicine box Jin Cheon-hee carried on his back was filled with various medicines for external and internal injuries.

It also contained scalpels, forceps, and sutures to treat patients in the field.

Together, this was more expensive than a decent estate.

If he were to get pickpocketed, Jin Cheon-hee was confident he would hug his knees and cry like a bear.

The Ice Clarity Sword hung at his waist.

It wasn’t just the Ice Clarity Sword. Worried that the Northern Sea Ice Palace might recognize it, he had painstakingly modified it.

The ornate sword handle was replaced with an ordinary one. The scabbard studded with jewels was replaced with one made of deer leather.

The white and cool blade made of Northern Sea Cold Iron was smeared with soot to dull its shine, and unless someone examined it closely, they wouldn’t notice.

Of course, if a stranger were to carelessly draw and examine a martial artist’s sword, it would be the same as asking to be killed, and that…

Unless something happens, there’s no way it would be discovered.

With the Black Heavenly Blood Silk on his wrist, and the short sword, Black Pine Cloud Sword, gifted by Gongsun Yeong also worn, the weight was considerable.

‘Whew, no wonder my physical strength keeps increasing.’

On the outside, it looked like a doctor in martial arts attire, but in terms of weight, it was heavy armor.

Master, still not at ease, told Jin Cheon-hee to send a message to any White Dragon Medical Pavilion branch clinic if he needed anything.


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