Doctor’s Rebirth

Chapter 106

Chapter 106

One month later, at lunchtime.

Jin Cheon-hee was eating in the medical pavilion’s communal dining hall with his master, Zhuge Rin.

In the past, Zhuge Rin had to be careful with his diet, but after Jin Cheon-hee’s operation, he became healthy enough to eat regular meals like this.

Since then, Zhuge Rin would usually eat in the communal dining hall, ostensibly to take better care of the medical pavilion members.

‘What utter nonsense.’

It was exactly like a company president eating in the corporate cafeteria.

It’s the fastest way for employees to get indigestion.

However, there were two real reasons for this:

First, Zhuge Rin was not the type of person to care about others’ opinions in the first place.

Despite the benevolent impression from his clear-cut appearance, his humble demeanor, and the seemingly considerate aura, his actions were his own way.

If a medical pavilion member got indigestion, they could treat it with acupuncture.

A doctor who couldn’t treat indigestion didn’t deserve to be in the medical pavilion.

The second reason was…

‘No matter how I look at it, it seems like me starting to eat in the communal dining hall was the root cause.’

Jin Cheon-hee had too much work.

With the influx of tasks at the medical pavilion, his personal training, and educating the medical pavilion members, it was best to keep meals as simple as possible.

That’s what the communal dining hall was for.

When eating with Zhuge Rin, he would keep giving him this and that, and…

Saying things like, ‘I had this made with foods you like, Hee-ya,’ while exuding love and obsession for his disciple, which became burdensome, so he ended up eating in the communal dining hall.

The communal dining hall allowed for quick meals, and it was also an opportunity to discuss surgery plans with the medical pavilion members he would be operating with.

Jin Cheon-hee’s network was expanding day by day.

After inadvertently going through a complete transformation, he had grown considerably taller, though not as tall as his master or Yoo Ho, giving him a manly appearance, so there were no obstacles.

And after witnessing this, his master decided to eat in the communal dining hall too, eating alongside Jin Cheon-hee.

“I had them prepare your favorites especially for today.”


The sight of the president sitting next to his right-hand man, putting side dishes on his plate, was truly an extraordinary spectacle.

However, it was also a familiar sight by now.

The medical pavilion members tried their best not to look at Zhuge Rin and Jin Cheon-hee, gathering in the corner of the communal dining hall to eat.

‘Don’t leave, guys. At least give a small greeting!’

But that didn’t happen.

When Zhuge Rin first came to the communal dining hall, everyone greeted him, but the master had ordered them to treat him normally like a stranger, in a voice devoid of any humor.

In other words, it meant not to approach during his meal time with his disciple.

‘The quality of the side dishes has really improved. Well… it’s improved to a rare degree.’

They had brought in a famous chef who used to work in the imperial kitchen.

A master of medicinal cuisine bestowed by heaven, they said.

Even the rice grains looked different.

Jin Cheon-hee decided to give up.

In any case, his master’s doting on his disciple would continue, and Jin Cheon-hee himself was not unaware of his master’s nature.

If he really disliked it, he could always ask Yoo Ho to prepare a lunchbox for him.

But he enjoyed the conversations with his master, so he just ended up eating like this in a different location.

Of course, that didn’t mean his master was just playing around.

While eating, his master flipped through some documents. Then he handed them back to Yoo Ho.

“I wish you would rest even during meal times, Master.”

“Are you worried about your master? How touching.”

“Your health is important, Master. And the Dragon Phoenix Gathering is coming up soon.”

The approach of the year’s end meant the Dragon Phoenix Gathering was coming.

This year too, the Martial Arts Alliance had requested the White Dragon Medical Pavilion to handle the Dragon Phoenix Gathering.

“It’s bothersome. But it’s a request we can’t refuse.”

“Isn’t it an honorable position that other medical pavilions are desperate to get?”

A parent’s heart values their child’s body more than their own.

The Dragon Phoenix Gathering is where all the major clans in the martial arts world show off the children they cherish dearly.

Naturally, they would be picky about the doctors treating their children.

Taking on this role meant having the trust of numerous clans in the martial arts world.

From small and medium-sized medical pavilions to the three great medical pavilions of the world.

All medical pavilions want this job.

“The White Dragon Medical Pavilion has developed in every aspect, from the establishment of the Surgery Hall to the White Dragon Divine Pills. Even though I left in the middle, the Alliance Leader invited us again.”

That’s right. At last year’s Dragon Phoenix Gathering, Master had taken away the black demon horse Ruling Black Demon, as big as a house.

It was the prized horse of the Namgoong family.

Thinking his disciple might be in danger, Master had ridden away without looking back.

“I wonder how Ruling Black Demon is doing?”

For a short while at the medical pavilion, it had been flirting with numerous mares in the stables.

After things were settled, it was returned through the Escort Bureau.

And soon after, they found out that the horses were pregnant, so it was quite remarkable.

Master answered,

“I heard that Namgoong Woon, the Azure Dragon Sword, will be riding it. He won last year’s Dragon Phoenix Gathering, beating the Wudang Sect. I heard the Wudang Sect elders were deeply hurt in their pride.”

“Will he compete this year too?”

“I heard he won’t officially participate in the Dragon Phoenix Gathering this year. Instead, I received word that his sister, Namgoong Yeon, will compete.”

“Ah! Really?”

Jin Cheon-hee opened his eyes wide in surprise.

Master smiled playfully.

“You might have noticed, but Namgoong Yeon is strong. If she could just manage the mental aspect, she could rival Shaolin and Wudang.”

“Will Tang Ah attend?”

“I heard the Tang family elders are deliberating until the last moment. According to the messenger bird’s words, ‘As the days go by, the darkness in her heart deepens, and we’re unsure if it’s alright to let that beast loose. The darkness of the heart can eat away at one’s future self even more than it eats away at others.'”

In other words, Tang Ah’s tantrum was deepening day by day, and they were debating whether it was okay to send her to the Dragon Phoenix Gathering.

This meant it was not for the sake of others, but for Tang Ah’s own future.

Currently, Tang Ah might be the subject of some… gossip, but it could still be considered a ‘secret 8th-grade syndrome’ known only to those close to her.

It meant that the darkness in Tang Ah’s heart and her youthful cries of craving blood were still at a level she could cover up on her own.

However, if she went to the Dragon Phoenix Gathering like this, it would no longer be a ‘secret 8th-grade syndrome’.

Everyone would come to know Tang Ah.

And because she was strong, she would surely rise to the top ranks.

Master said,

“Tang Ah insisted on being sent. And she asked for all her main throwing knives to be engraved with black dragons.”

“Black dragons? Why?”

“It seems she was inspired by what you had wrapped around your arm.”

Jin Cheon-hee looked down at his bracelet. It was the Black Heavenly Blood Silk given to him by the Heavenly Demon Yeo Ha-ryoon.

This was a throwing knife born from real madness.

Tang Ah’s fake madness had responded to the real madness.

“Also, she started wrapping bandages around her arms and legs. The Tang family elders were worried, saying she learned proper bandaging techniques at the White Dragon Medical Pavilion, so they don’t come off easily.”

“That means…”

“Yes. It means she might follow in the footsteps of the previous family head.”

“I see.”

“The previous Tang Clan family head changed his name. His parents readily agreed.”


Jin Cheon-hee sincerely wondered if the Blood Whip Queen might be Tang Ah’s future self.

In the novel, not a single character of the Blood Whip Queen’s real name was ever revealed.

“Anyway, if the Sichuan Tang Clan fails to seal Tang Ah, we might see her at the Dragon Phoenix Gathering.”

Master spoke in a somewhat solemn voice.

Jin Cheon-hee muttered,

“Treating whip injuries will be tricky.”

“Yes. As it’s an unfamiliar weapon, many medical pavilion members will struggle when treating it. And then there’s the poison arts…”

Master fell into thought for a moment before saying,

“The Medicinal Hall Master, Man Pagok, earnestly hopes that Tang Ah will be sealed in the Tang family. Tang Ah is truly strong and relentless in her attacks, so she’ll likely send many people our way.”

How to treat the combined attack of poison arts and whip techniques.

Yes, the medical pavilion members were looking at this matter from a different perspective than the martial artists.

Master’s brow twitched.

He seemed to be contemplating throwing away all the incoming work.

Jin Cheon-hee grabbed his master and said,

“Master, I truly admire that aspect of you.”

“What do you mean?”

“The way you never! Ever! Avoid difficulties and diligently treat martial artists! Isn’t it amazing?”

“Hahaha, Hee-ya. Don’t try to butter me up.”

“But Master…”

“Yes. Even though I know you’re buttering me up, a part of me still falls for it.”

Zhuge Rin pressed his temple firmly, as if a headache was coming on.

His disciple is a righteous person.

Even if he denies it himself, in Zhuge Rin’s eyes, he was a righteous person. That was troublesome for Zhuge Rin.

“If I say I won’t go, you’d volunteer to go instead, wouldn’t you?”

Experts of the same age.

That youthful vigor gathered at the Dragon Phoenix Gathering would not leave Jin Cheon-hee alone.

It was obvious how they would try to pick fights, wanting to compete with a strong expert. And he knew that Jin Cheon-hee wouldn’t show his true self to those who weren’t evil.

‘He’s a doctor to his very bones…’

Jin Cheon-hee changed the subject.

“It’s fortunate that the surgical technique transfer is going smoothly. At this rate, many people will be able to perform surgery at the Dragon Phoenix Gathering.”

“You mean blade-cutting?”

“Ah, yes, yes.”

Jin Cheon-hee occasionally called blade-cutting ‘surgery’ or ‘surgeon’ instead.

He had reduced using the term ‘surgeon’, but the habit of saying ‘surgery’ or ‘operation’ still remained.

Eventually, others also started getting used to calling blade-cutting ‘surgery’.

Some medical pavilion members even started saying ‘surgery’, influenced by Jin Cheon-hee.

It was a natural human tendency to want to imitate someone they respect.

“Only simple levels of blade-cutting are possible yet.”

“But you can do quite complex levels, can’t you, Master?”

“Hmm. That’s true.”

Once the initial hurdle was overcome, everything else progressed smoothly.

With a body that didn’t know fatigue, delicate fingertips, and a genius that could even weigh human lives, Master grew to a level that made even Jin Cheon-hee stick out his tongue in amazement.

Jin Cheon-hee said,

“This alone is an enormous advancement, isn’t it?”

“Hui, it’s all thanks to you. You’re now above a middle-level doctor by our medical pavilion’s standards. In the outside world, many people hail you as a genius.”

His face reddened involuntarily at the embarrassing words.

In Jin Cheon-hee’s view, the one with true genius was Zhuge Rin.

He had merely recalled things he already knew. All he did was continuously practice what Zhuge Rin had taught him.

“You’ll soon become a high-level doctor.”

“Being a middle-level doctor is more than enough for me.”

In the medical pavilion, doctors are divided into low-level, middle-level, and high-level based on their medical skills.

It could be said to be a system similar to the modern medical hierarchy.

Low-level doctors are those who can treat simple illnesses but are still in the learning process.

Middle-level doctors can diagnose by taking pulses and write prescriptions under their own responsibility.

One needs to reach the middle-level to return to their home region and open a medical clinic.

High-level doctors are given that qualification when they have mastered all medical arts, treated countless people, and can author their own medical texts.

Jin Cheon-hee was a high-level doctor in terms of surgery.

He had achieved middle-level ability in traditional medical arts.

“The Acupuncture Hall Master already evaluates you as upper-middle level among middle-level doctors. I never expected to hear such words from that picky person.”

Zhuge Rin said this while not hiding his joy.

A disciple’s achievement is a master’s greatest joy.

Jin Cheon-hee shook his head.

‘This is not only because I was originally a doctor, but also thanks to the Profound Origin Divine Technique and my previous life’s studies.’

Fearing he might make mistakes if he became complacent, Jin Cheon-hee pulled himself together again.

Zhuge Rin leisurely observed these changes in Jin Cheon-hee’s expression.

“I’m not sure if you need to suppress yourself to that extent.”


“Sometimes, you feel like someone who has lived longer than me.”

Jin Cheon-hee joked,

“If I were a master of returning to youth, would I be living like this?”

“I suppose not.”

“Come to think of it, Master, I have something to tell you.”

Zhuge Rin nodded.


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