Doctor Player

Chapter 77

Chapter 77

What the hell? What am I going to do now?

The thought that came to his mind at the moment was escape.

The exploration had to be considered a failure due to an unidentified beast.

Even he had to flee.

This is not a cowardly idea. If I step up, Ill die like a dogs death! What can I do alone? At least one of us should get away and let the outside know about this disaster!

That was the most realistic judgment.

No one can swear at him for being selfish.



A faint groan was heard.

Surprised, Raymond went a little forward and examined the fallen from a distance.

Everyone is alive!

Everyone was wriggling faintly. They are not dead yet.

There was a moment of great conflict.

If he dont run away, hes likely to be the same.

But if he runs away, all those who have fallen over there will die.

What should I do? What should I do? Damn it

To risk death for a patient he didnt even get along with.

Above all, it was scary. I dont want to be eaten by monsters.


Shit! Whatever, activate Hawk Eyes!

He used his skill by spouting abusive language.

First of all, it is to make sure to check the condition of the patients.

Lets check first whether Im in a condition to help or not. If I dont think I can do it with my ability, its foolish to risk my life in vain.

But is it unfortunate or fortunate?

Raymond found a clue.

Pink spots were seen on peoples bodies.

It was a rash.

In addition to that, swollen lips and eyelids were also seen.

No way? But why did they fell down?

A diagnostic name flashed through his mind.

It wasnt clear yet though.

But if the reason he just guessed was correct, he could have saved those people.

It was a medical treatment that could only be used by Raymond in this world. Dear me! Im scared!

Then a terrible sound rang from the inside of the cavity.


It seemed that the monsters that had been stationary until now began to move.

There was no more time to ponder.

Ahhhh. I dont know! Ill just try to save them and then rip them of for the treatment fee for later!

Raymond quickly took a box out of his backpack.

It was a box full of small syringes.

Also, he took out a glass bottle containing a transparent liquid.

If the reason I guess is correct, this medicine will be able to cure them!

He quickly filled the syringe with the medicine and then ran forward.

[I risked my life for my patient!]

[Heart of Steel is manifested!]

[Having a strong will and heart!]

The skill was activated, but his heart tremor did not completely subside because it was such a scary situation.

Still, Raymond got out of the anti-panic state.

Breathe in!

As he reahched Mason on the fallen boundary, Raymond caught his breath.

Curses?! No, theyre not curses!

Suddenly, his vision became dark and his consciousness became distant. A sharp pain came to his stomach and he stopped breathing.

This is why people fell.

Raymond chewed the flesh in his mouth.

The smell of blood spread and he could barely catch my consciousness.

Wake up! If you fall, its over!

Raymond picked up the syringe with his trembling hand.

He then stabbed himself in the thigh and injected him.

The clear liquid was injected into his muscle through the needle.

Please, let me be right!

If not, its over.

We will all be the monsters meal.

It wont be that long.

After a breathtaking few seconds.

Raymonds vision brightened again.

Ah! The stomachache, shortness of breath, and hives that were blooming on the body disappeared as if washed away.

Anaphylactic shock was right!

Raymond cheered inwardly.

Anaphylactic shock!

It was a super-emergency allergic reaction in which shock occurred due to anaphylactic substance.

In other words, the monster emitted hypersensitive substances that cause anaphylactic shock!

Im glad I spent a fortune on getting Epinephrine.

Raymond swept off his chest.

After saving Baron Smidden the other day, he felt the need for epinephrine, and gave a large sum of money to a high-ranking alchemist at the mast who studied living things to request epinephrine extraction.

I thought it was a completely raw robbery because it cost me more than 1,000 pence to get this bottle.

The treatment for anaphylactic shock was simple.

He just have to inject epinephrine into the muscles.

Then, the expanded blood vessels of the irritable substance contract rapidly and the shock recovers.

Wait a minute!

Raymond was the first to inject Lord Walton with epinephrine. Since then, injections have been performed in order of superiority.

The reason for this was simple.

This is because they were in the worst condition.

On the contrary, healers can be treated later. They fell down from the back and theyre in the best condition.

Healers such as Mason were exposed at the back and seemed to recover naturally over time without treatment.

Lets treat the knights first. Thats how Ill beat up the monster.

Soon he gave injections to all of the Royal Knights.


Ugh. What the hell is this?

The knights groaned after recovering from the shock.

Youve been hit by a toxic substance emitted by the monster! Its all healed, so you can get up! Get up now and get rid of that scary monster!

Raymond looked at the slowly approaching monster and clenched his fist.

It was a monster-type devil. It looks like a hideous peacock.

It seems to have been given off toxic substances behind its colorful wings.

Now that Ive treated the knights, theres nothing to worry about!

The weak Raymond believed in the knights behind him and exclaimed with enthusiasm.

You devil! How dare you do such a wicked trick! Ill catch you and skin you and sell you! Knights, please catch that evil demon!

However, there was no response.

Looking back, Raymond realized his mistake.Excuse me, knights? Is it not time to get up still?

Ugh. Ill get up!

Ugh, my strength is still.

All the knights were trying to get up with their trembling hands on the floor.

However, they repeatedly fell down as if their strength had not returned.

Uh Isnt this?

When you think about it, this is all natural.

They were in a critical state of shock on the verge of death, so there was no way that they would regain their energy immediately after treatment.

Theyre all powerful knights, so its a little If given 2.30 minutes, they would have recovered their energy quickly. However, the problem was that they did not have that much time.

I Monster? Cant we have a peaceful conversation? You have a wonderful feather.

Raymond tried to talk using his deadly wit, but of course, it didnt work.


It just made a tough cry.

Raymond clenched his teeth and pulled out a self-defense iron club (Mace) for self-defense, which he wore around his waist.

Go away! Or Ill kill you and make you a whole chicken!


Tap, tap.

As if an ostrich stomped its feet, the monster began to rush.

Straight to Raymond.

Be careful, Baronet!

Argh! Help me! I dont want to die!

But something surprising happened.

He instinctively turned his body in fear but was able to quickly dodge the monsters charge towards him.


It was a rush almost comparable to a wild boar charge, which Raymond avoided too easily.

Raymond also opened his eyes wide in surprise at the fact that he had avoided the terrible rush.

Then, a message came to his mind.

[This is a crisis!]

[Self-defense skill, The healers self-defense is manifested!]

[Healers Self-defense Technique]

Classification: Self-defense Skills

Rating: Unique

Proficiency: D

Have the power to protect yourself in case of personal threat!

-In the event of a threat, your physical strength stat will temporarily increase by 10 and your sensory stat will increase by 5!


Stamina: 32 42

Sense: 29 34

That was not all.

[The opponents power is strong!]

[Achievement: A Dwarf Who Knocks Down a Giant]

[Slightly gets stronger!]

For reference, the dwarf who defeated the giant achievement was achieved by defeating Toms, the tyrant of the Bay Area.

Raymond has forgotten about it, but there was a perk to show off his strength when dealing with strong enimies.


Stamina: 32 42 45

Sense: 29 34 37

What? What!

While Raymond was at a loss, the devil began to rush towards him again.


Avoid it, healer! cried Walton, who at last succeeded in getting up from the ground.

But Raymond couldnt avoid it like he did before.

The distance was too close.

Oh, no! Help me.

A sharp beak rushed at him, aiming exactly at his head.


Raymonds hair turned white with fear.


He instinctively swung the iron club in his hand and the iron club-

Oh my god!

Raymond hit the head of the rushing devil with a straight punch.

The monster, who had been hit in the head, tilted and fell down on the ground.

Argh! Help me!

There was a moment of silence.

Raymond looked at his hands and then at the monster with puzzled eyes.

The monster stared at Raymond with a purr as it glared at him but it could not get up from his seat.

Rather, he dropped his head and let out only a slight groan.

He fainted with a shot of an iron stick.

There was a moment of silence over the unexpected situation.

Was that it? Was it a weak beast?

However, the momentum of the charge was not inferior to that of a wild boar, right?

Did the heaven helped me because I lived a good life?

Meanwhile, knights who witnessed the scene had similar questions.

How did he manage to counterattack in that moment?


Did he get lucky?

They had no choice but to think so.

Becaus Raymond was no stranger to swordmaship?

Flying an accurate counter in such an urgent situation was something that even a few knights couldnt do.

It was only possible if he is a man user level of swordmaship.

No way. I dont think so. The monsters posture was completely sloppy. It must be a coincidence.

He is a kind man, and heaven must have helped him, the knights thought so.

Anyway, that wasnt the point right now.

The more important thing is that Raymond saved their lives yet again.

From detoxifying an unidentified poison to beating the devil with luck (?).

If it wasnt for Raymond, theyd all be exterminated here.

At that time, Walton, who had finally recovered his energy, came up and took the life of the devil once and for all.

Are you okay?

Oh, yes, yes.

Walton, who looked at Raymond for a moment, made a sudden move.

He dropped his head in front of Raymond! Thank you, Baron! The baronet saved us all!


What are you doing, everybody? Without thanking the baron!

The knights cried out to their best, though they had not yet recovered their spirits.

Thank you!

With that cry of thanks, Raymond became a benefactor to the expedition.


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