Doctor Demon

Chapter 20 - Hwang Minyoon

Jina pulled up in front of the school where the students were beginning to line up for the morning assembly. Hobin sat next to Jina while Soobin sat at the back.

"Thank you, sis," Soobin said to her. "I'll get off now." ​​

"Wait," Jina said. "Do you happen to know Minyoon and Yoonmin? They're twins and about your age. I think they're in your class."

To her surprise, Soobin blushed hard. "Y-you mean the idol Minyoon?" she stammered. "Yes, he's in my class, b-b-but I barely talk to him."

"Uh, okay," Jina said. Soobin bowed and scurried out of the car.

"I'll go and talk to the casserole lady," Hobin said and he, too, rushed out of the car. Jina shook her head in disdain. She glanced at the school and noticed a familiar Maybach parked in front of the school.

"Huh?" she frowned. "That's aunt Mina's car! And it has no driver…"

Her nostrils flared up and she flexed her knuckles. The twins were dead meat!

She got out of the car and charged into the school. A guard tried to stop her but she flashed her badge so he let her in. Jina spotted Soobin who was about to enter the building where her classroom was located.

"Soobin!" she called out. The girl stopped in her tracks and saw the detective coming towards her.

"Can you take me to your class?" Jina asked.


The classroom was abuzz with students who were gossiping among themselves. Some of the girls were glancing at the back every now and then, giggling to themselves. They could not help but sneak a peek at the handsome boy who was sitting at the back.

The boy looked very bored. He leaned against his chair, ruffling his dark hair. He had piercing chocolate colored eyes and sharp features. The boy was really tall for his age. He was almost 5 feet 9 and still growing. His lips were etched into a smirk as he noticed the girls ogling at him.


A timid girl came up to him. The boy looked at her with his lazy eyes.

"Y-You are Minyoon, right?" she asked, feeling breathless. "C-Can I h-have your autograph, p-please?"

"Sorry hun," he said lazily. "If you want my autograph, you'll have to buy them from my fansite."

The girl stared at him in shock. Which idol would refuse to give an autograph?

"B-But y-y-you're a celebrity!" she claimed. "Shouldn't you be giving out autographs to fans?"

"Only to those who work hard and spend money on my merchandise," he smirked. "Attend all my fan events by spending money and buying my time. As long as they're working hard for me and spending on me, I'll work hard for them. If I give away free autographs, it's an insult to those who are paying for them online."


"Fame means money, dear," he said absentmindedly. "And money requires hard work. You gotta work hard for your idols, okay? All the best!"

He smiled at her before taking out a mirror to study his perfect face and dashing smile. The girl was speechless and went back to her friends.

"That guy is so arrogant!" she scowled but her friends laughed at her.

"He's Hwang Minyoon!" one of her friends explained. "He's not just an idol. He's a member of the Hwang family. And the Hwang's are known for their love for hard earned money. Minyoon is very straightforward about it. If he's working day and night to give amazing performances, then the fans will have to buy his albums, songs and all merchandise through the official channels. He won't give away his time for free just for anyone."

"But that's not fair!" the girl protested. "I'm a fan too!"

"Yeah but he prefers it when the fans are supporting him with honest money and not asking stuff for free," her friend replied. "As he said, if he gives away stuff for free, it's an insult to those who are paying for it."

The girl shook her head and scowled at Minyoon who still fixated on his appearance.

"Ugh! I just had to get my old man's eyebrows," he was saying. "It's a good thing I got my looks from mom."

Narcissist, the girls thought in unison.

Just then, Soobin entered the class and was immediately blushing because her eyes fell on Minyoon. She was one of his biggest fans but hid it from everyone. She bought all his albums, light sticks, merchandise and attended his fan signs with her own hard earned money. The girl even ran a fansite which raised money for the NGO's he supported albeit in secrecy. Soobin did not want him to think that she was a crazy fan so she only admired him from afar.

Behind her, Jina was staring at Minyoon too. But instead of admiration, she looked as if she was ready to throw him out of the window.

"Who's that?" some of the students murmured upon seeing her but Jina did not care. She charged towards Minyoon, who was still admiring himself in the mirror.

An ominous shadow fell on him and he scowled a little.

"I told you that you'll have to buy my autographs-" he was saying but froze in mid sentence. Yelping in fright, he tried to back off but Jina grabbed and twisted his ear.

"OW OW OW!" he yelped. "Sister! I swear it wasn't me! I DIDN'T DRIVE THE CAR TO SCHOOL! OW!"

"I know it wasn't just you!" Jina gritted. "But you were an accomplice! Where's the other one?"

"OWWWWW!" Minyoon protested. The rest of the class stared in shock as their star idol was being dragged away by a woman who was much shorter than him but somehow very intimidating.

Jina dragged her brother out of the class and let go of his ear. Minyoon rubbed his poor ear, ready for an earful from his elder sister.

"Driving aunt's car without a license!" she scolded him. "You're fifteen you moron!"

"Aunt gave me the car as a gift!" he pointed out.

"Yes, so that you can drive it when you turn 18!" Jina exclaimed. "What the hell are you thinking? Driving the car to school without a chaperone!"

"Technically, I wasn't the one driving it," he mumbled. "It was Yoonmin."

"Where is that idiot? I'm gonna ground both of you for a month!"

"I have a concert!" Minyoon protested but faltered under his sister's angry gaze.

"I think he's at the cafe across the street," Minyoon winced. Cafe?

Minyoon could feel his volcanic sister about to erupt in anger any moment. Hwang Jina was usually level headed but when angered, she would make people's lives a living hell. Once, she sent her entire army of ghosts behind the twins when they were running a paranormal website where they uploaded videos of Jina's ghostly adventures. Needless to say, her minions shut down the site and Jina grounded the twins for an entire year.

Luckily, they used that time to utilise Minyoon's talents as a singer and turned him into a viral sensation.

Jina tried to keep her voice steady as she asked, "What is he doing at the cafe across the street? That too during school hours?"

" my manager, he's quite busy," Minyoon tried to explain but his sister was dangerously leaning him against a corner.

"He's a student in high school," she gritted. "The things he should be busy with are multiplication tables and chemistry sets. What is he doing in a cafe during school hours?"

She glared at her brother who squealed.

"Earning money!" he squeaked.


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