Divine Transcendence

Chapter 7: Fill his stomach

Chapter 7: Fill his stomach

Yuan Ming stretched his muscles and found that the wound still hurt when the muscles were pulled, but it was much better than yesterday.

After some thought, he decided not to take any risks hunting beasts and instead planned to make some traps to try and catch some small animals like wild rabbits and groundhogs.

Once he had eaten and rested enough to regain his strength, he would then go out to hunt and kill wild beasts.

With this in mind, Yuan Ming began to collect tough vines and branches from around him while also looking for suitable places to set up his traps.

He didn’t have much experience or memory when it came to hunting beasts, so he could only rely on his vague impressions to make some rope loops and snares. Whether or not he could catch any wild animals would depend on luck.

However, while setting up the traps, he did collect some wild fruits.

Some were as big as apples, with a full purple-red color, while others were as small as marbles, with a deep red and pleasing color. There was also a type that looked very much like raspberries, with small, densely packed particles that looked very tempting.

Yuan Ming didn’t recognize any of these wild fruits, but he picked them because his hunger had become increasingly strong and he couldn’t wait for his traps to work their magic.

He was very hesitant when picking them, afraid of bringing back poisonous fruits. He could only judge whether they were safe to eat by observing whether they had been eaten by wild animals.

The few fruits he brought back to the cave were all carefully selected by him.

After blocking the cave entrance with tree roots, Yuan Ming hesitated before picking up the smallest red berry-like fruit and putting it in his mouth, taking a bite.

The sweet juice instantly filled Yuan Ming’s cheeks, causing him to widen his eyes.

After tasting it, Yuan Ming found that he didn’t feel anything special, so he continued to eat.

After eating the red berries, his taste buds were only satisfied, and his hunger was not relieved at all.

So, Yuan Ming began to try the second type of fruit, the small cherry-like fruit with a deep red color.

This fruit was even more brightly colored than the red berry, crystal-clear and very plump and smooth, and it looked like it would taste great.

Yuan Ming picked up one and put it in his mouth, but was immediately disappointed.

A sour and tingling juice mixed with hard flesh circulated between his cheeks, and the feeling was even stronger than chewing a handful of Sichuan peppercorns.

Yuan Ming spat out the fruit residue while spitting out his tongue.

When he wanted to taste the fruit again, he realized that he had unknowingly eaten it all.

Helplessly, the numb feeling in his mouth not only did not diminish with the passage of time, but became even stronger, even spreading to Yuan Ming’s cheeks.

He had to pick up the last type of fruit, the purple-red fruit as big as an apple, and take a bite.

With a "crack" sound, the skin of the purple-red fruit was broken, and a slightly sweet and sour taste immediately covered up the numbness, replaced by an indescribable fragrance.

It was like a mixture of orange and apple, the more he smelled it, the more he felt an irresistible feeling rushing to his brain.

"Delicious!"Yuan Ming couldn’t help but take a deep sniff, and the strong scent instantly made his vision blurry. His body then became extremely stiff, and he fell straight to the ground.

"Charge, charge, go for it..."

Yuan Ming’s stiff tongue couldn’t accurately say the word "poison," and his eyes rolled back as he fainted.

When he woke up again, it was already evening, and the outside sunset couldn’t shine through the cave entrance. The cave was somewhat dark.

Yuan Ming sat up, supported himself with his hands, and moved his limbs. He found that besides feeling a little sore, there was no obvious abnormality. He didn’t even feel dizzy, as if he had just taken a nap.

He rubbed his forehead and looked at the wild fruits on the ground that he hadn’t finished eating, and his stomach growled.

"I can’t go on like this. If I don’t get some food, I might be eaten by a wild beast before I can kill one and get its blood."

After a moment of thought, Yuan Ming stood up and walked out of the cave.

Looking at the approaching night, he quickened his pace and returned to the riverbank.

Since he couldn’t eat the wild fruits at will and they couldn’t satisfy his hunger, he might as well catch some cannibal fish to fill his stomach.

When Yuan Ming walked to the riverbank and was thinking about how to catch the fish, he suddenly heard the roar of beasts coming from the forest behind him.

He immediately became nervous, ran a few steps forward, and jumped up two feet high, grabbing a branch of an old tree and climbing up to the top.

He crouched down and looked towards the direction of the sound from the high point, but was blocked by the mottled branches and leaves in the distance, and couldn’t see anything clearly.

After some hesitation, Yuan Ming still swung his arms and carefully moved towards the sound.

After leaping over seven or eight trees, Yuan Ming stopped on a towering tree. Although he was still ten feet away, he could already see what was happening through the gaps in the branches.


A dull impact sounded, and a green wolf was knocked down by a larger gray wolf in front of the forest. Its body slammed into an old tree, shaking the tree violently and causing the leaves to fall.

After the green wolf got up, it didn’t stop for a moment and leaped directly towards the gray wolf, biting and tearing at it.

Yuan Ming watched this scene, and his brow couldn’t help but furrow.

The green wolf’s action of breaking the tree earlier was somewhat inexplicable and awkward no matter how you looked at it.

Before he could figure it out, the battle between the two wolves was already coming to an end.

Before Yuan Ming arrived, they had already seriously injured each other. Now both of them had little fighting power left. The gray wolf bit the green wolf’s throat, and its own abdomen was also torn open, with blood and intestines spilling all over the ground.

In the center of the battlefield, there were only the dying whimpers of the two wolves left.

"It’s lucky that I found them so easily. It seems that my luck is not bad." Yuan Ming was overjoyed at the sight.

As long as he could get the blood of these two wolves, he would have completed the mission.

"I have to do it quickly. If the blood coagulates after they die, I won’t be able to get it out." Yuan Ming became anxious and quickly flew towards them.However, in the instant he leapt up, he saw a scene that sent chills down his spine.

The green wolf, whose throat had been bitten off, gradually shrank in size under his gaze. From under the wolf’s large fur, two human feet were revealed, followed by the calves, until it transformed into a complete human body.

That green wolf was one of the wild men who had traveled with him before, transformed into a fur-covered beast.

Seeing this, Yuan Ming couldn’t help but freeze in place, stopping on an old tree, feeling a sense of sadness rising in his heart.

But it was this moment of hesitation that saved his life.

The bushes below rustled, and a group of earth-brown, shaggy hyenas rushed out from all directions, heading straight for the gray wolf’s corpse and tearing it apart.

Soon, one of the hyenas discovered the wild man’s body, biting his ankle and dragging him out from under the green wolf’s fur. This immediately attracted the competition of two other hyenas.

The three hyenas tore at the wild man’s body, quickly devouring it until only a pile of bones remained.

Yuan Ming watched the brutal scene below and was grateful that he didn’t go down. Otherwise, there would be no chance of survival under the attack of the dozen or so hyenas.

It was just a pity that the gray wolf’s blood couldn’t be obtained.

Yuan Ming continued to crawl on the tree, watching the entire beast feast without making a sound.

After about a cup of tea’s time, the hyenas finished their meal, leaving only a pile of bones behind, and then left together.

Yuan Ming waited patiently on the tree for a long time, and when he saw that there were no other wild animals appearing, he jumped down from the tree.

After landing, he saw the mess on the ground and smelled the bloody air. Surprisingly, he didn’t feel nauseous, but instead felt a hint of sweet temptation in the bloody scent.

He found some bones that had not been completely chewed from the remaining gray wolf skeletons and hugged them in his arms before climbing back up the tree. He began to gnaw on them only when he felt safe.

At this moment, Yuan Ming’s mind was extremely calm. He didn’t think about anything useless, but calmly thought about what he should do next to complete the task and return alive to report.

Tomorrow was the last day, and he didn’t have much time left.

After eating the wolf meat, Yuan Ming threw the bones down the tree and stood up. He immediately felt a warm flow spreading from his lower abdomen, and his whole body began to warm up.

"This meat is so nourishing, and it has restored my strength quite a bit. It’s much stronger than those river fish and wild fruits." Yuan Ming was delighted and jumped down from the tree, landing firmly on the ground.

He picked out a few sharp ribs from the gray wolf’s bones, picked two three-four-foot-long shin bones, and tied them together with a vine.

When he turned around, he saw the scattered wild man’s bones. After hesitating, he still gathered them together and buried them with soil, rocks, and leaves.

"Dust returns to dust, earth returns to earth." Yuan Ming muttered.After speaking, he stood up and glanced at the green wolf’s fur that had fallen to the side. He resisted the urge to take it away and left with the bundle of beast bones.

Not long after he left, a figure stood with his hands behind his back at the top of the old tree where he had been hiding. The figure was tall, and it was Elder Hu Huo.

With a light tap of his toes, he landed gracefully from the tree and picked up the green wolf’s fur.

"This man from the Central Plains is quite interesting," Elder Hu Huo looked in the direction Yuan Ming had left, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly.


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