Divine Talisman Grandmaster

Chapter 7

C7 – Black Masked God

Lu Lixing, who had been brimming with confidence just moments before, now stood before Wen Shi, the stern director of academic guidance, meek as a quail and plastering on an apologetic smile.

He had no choice. The rules stipulated that he needed to get the items to Wen Shi by five in the afternoon. But by the time he reached Wen Shi’s office, it was already ten past five. He was a whole ten minutes late. Standing before the formidable Black Masked God, Wen Shi, Lu Lixing felt at a disadvantage, his expression betraying his embarrassment.

Wen Shi, as the director of the senior year, bore the responsibility of overseeing all the teachers and students in that year, including Lu Lixing. Lu Lixing was well-acquainted with Wen Shi, who had earned the nickname Black Masked God not just for his stern appearance but also for his foul temper and, most critically, his disdain for those who lacked punctuality.

This time, Lu Lixing had squarely landed in Wen Shi’s crosshairs. With a long road ahead at the school, he feared the repercussions of this misstep. Though the esteemed director might not typically concern himself with an ordinary student, Lu Lixing couldn’t help but worry.

Internally, Lu Lixing had already cursed Yuwen Ba countless times. If it hadn’t been for that guy’s sudden interference, he would never have been late.

As Lu Lixing mentally berated Yuwen Ba, Wen Shi suddenly broke the silence, “Why are you late?”

Wen Shi’s voice was deep and raspy, rumored to be the result of a battlefield injury that left his voice chilling and uncomfortable to hear.

Lu Lixing forced a smile and said, “There was a traffic jam, that’s why I’m late. But I assure you, it won’t happen again!”

Upon hearing Lu Lixing’s excuse, Wen Shi let out a cold snort and remained silent. With a swift gesture, he conjured a holographic projection screen in the air before Lu Lixing. The video playing was the very scene of Lu Lixing and Yuwen Ba brawling at the school entrance!

Confronted with this evidence, Lu Lixing was at a loss for words. Caught lying to the Black Masked God on his first attempt, his luck couldn’t have been worse.

Lu Lixing had braced himself for a scolding from the Black Masked God, so it came as a complete surprise when a faint, yet unmistakably genuine smile appeared on the enigmatic figure’s face.

Could the Black Masked God actually smile?

Taken aback, Lu Lixing carefully maintained a neutral expression. In his nearly three years at the school, he had encountered the Black Masked God numerous times but had never once witnessed a smile.

“Yuwen Ba may rank at the bottom of the Important Class, but he does possess some skill. Your ability to defeat him with such ease is commendable,” Wen Shi remarked, his gaze carrying a subtle note of admiration as if he was thoroughly pleased with Lu Lixing’s handling of Yuwen Ba.

Lu Lixing was genuinely surprised. The Black Masked God hadn’t reprimanded him for the brawl but instead offered praise. Could it be that Yuwen Ba’s arrogance had previously offended the Black Masked God, and now he was delighted to see Lu Lixing put Yuwen Ba in his place?

Unaware of Lu Lixing’s inner turmoil, Wen Shi continued, undisturbed by what he might be thinking. He fixed Lu Lixing with a steady look and inquired, “You gave the baseball bat back to Yuwen Ba and allowed him to strike at you again because you were uncertain about how you disarmed him the first time, correct?”

“Yes,” Lu Lixing responded candidly, still perplexed by the incident and unsure of how he had managed it.

Wen Shi offered a calm explanation, “It’s a matter of Brain Domain suppression. Your Brain Domain development far exceeds Yuwen Ba’s, allowing you to anticipate his moves and respond accordingly. The reason you’re unaware of how you accomplished this is that your Brain Domain was initially underdeveloped. It has since surged due to certain special circumstances, and you haven’t had the chance to adjust to this newfound power. You understand what happened, but not how it happened.”

“So, you must have experienced some extraordinary event recently, haven’t you?”

Listening to Wen Shi’s explanation, Lu Lixing found himself nodding along subconsciously, his face lighting up with a dawning comprehension. But at Wen Shi’s final words, Lu Lixing’s expression darkened abruptly, his gaze toward Wen Shi turning icy in an instant.

Wen Shi, observing Lu Lixing’s wariness, wasn’t upset in the slightest. In fact, he seemed quite pleased. With a slight nod, he said, “Your recent stroke of luck doesn’t pique my interest. My point is simply to caution you: your victory over Yuwen Ba today is bound to draw attention. There will be those who will investigate and probe, trying to uncover the cause of your transformation. Surely, you don’t believe that an ordinary student besting a prodigy from the Important Class is a trivial feat? Be vigilant and guard your privacy. Your power is still too fragile; there are adversaries you’re not yet equipped to face.”

“I’m gratified to see that you haven’t let your newfound fortunes inflate your ego or cloud your judgment.”

Hearing Wen Shi’s candid explanation and seeing the genuine expression on his face, Lu Lixing understood that Wen Shi truly had no interest in his extraordinary experience. While relieved, he also became more cautious. Just because Wen Shi wasn’t curious didn’t mean others wouldn’t be. From now on, he’d need to be constantly on the lookout for any subtle tests, lest he inadvertently give something away and find himself unable to fend off the advances of a true power player.

“Come on, let’s test the current level of your Brain Domain development.”

Wen Shi rose to his feet and with a casual wave of his hand, the wall behind him turned translucent, revealing a sprawling training room of over a hundred square meters. It was Wen Shi’s personal space for secluded cultivation, a place seldom entered by others.

Lu Lixing’s eyes couldn’t hide the envy that flickered through them as he took in the opulent training room before him. His own so-called training space paled in comparison to this real sanctuary—it was barely fit for a dog in contrast!

Fists clenched, Lu Lixing resolved that one day he too would possess a training room like this, or perhaps something even grander.

“To effectively suppress in the realm of the Brain Domain, you need to surpass the other’s development by at least 5%,” Wen Shi explained, turning to face Lu Lixing. “Yuwen Ba’s Brain Domain is at 55%, meaning you need to be at 60% or higher. Yet, your records show a development of only 25%. I’m genuinely intrigued—what kind of remarkable encounter did you have that could surge your Brain Domain’s development to such heights?”

It’s worth noting that even Zhang Tu, who’s in the elite class, has achieved just 68% in Brain Domain development.

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