Divine Talisman Grandmaster

Chapter 36

Chapter 36 - Five Representatives

Lu Lixing stood at the window, his gaze piercing through the glass to the ominously clouded sky beyond. His face remained stoic, yet a surge of excitement bubbled within him.

He had a fondness for the rain. It washed the squalor from the slums, leaving the ground spotless and the air crisp. The cleanliness was fleeting, but to Lu Lixing, those brief moments were treasures.

Finding joy amidst life's crushing burdens was a satisfaction he had learned to embrace.

Lu Lixing once believed his life would unfold in monotony—spending his days as a lifelong laborer at Old Man Zha's shop or scraping by with another job, marrying a woman whose lot mirrored his own, having children, and vicariously living his unfulfilled ambitions through them. He dreamed that his children would rise to be figures of renown.

This wasn't mere fantasy; it was the reality for many in the slums.

Yet, the emergence of the Sea of Runes had irrevocably altered his destiny and, with it, his perspective of the world. In a realm where only the strong thrived, strength was his lifeline.

Without it, one was merely surviving.

Footsteps approached from behind. Wen Shanmei came into view, her eyes holding a complex mix of emotions as she addressed Lu Lixing in a soft tone, “It's time for you to head to the Hidden Dragon Platform. As the challenger, the rules grant you an hour to acquaint yourself with the arena.”


Lu Lixing turned, offering Wen Shanmei a smile. “Would you mind showing me the way?”

Observing the subtle smile on Lu Lixing's face, Wen Shanmei bit her lip, tempted to inquire about his confidence in victory. Ultimately, she refrained, convinced the end was already written.

Since the Six Great Academies had established the Battle of the Hidden Dragon Platform, every Federation city had erected a colossal stadium for the event. The Skyhaven Stadium, dedicated to this very purpose, was about to witness its inaugural battle after a decade of anticipation.

Years ago, Skyhaven poured a fortune into constructing a colossal stadium to accommodate the Six Great Academies, a venue vast enough for a hundred thousand spectators. At the time, officials regarded it merely as a prestigious project, never anticipating that a decade later, it would be put to use.

As Skyhaven's Speaker, Na Youye's expression had soured ever since the news of the Battle of the Hidden Dragon Platform reached him. From his vantage point in the stands, he cast a somber gaze upon the young man meditating at the heart of the arena. Leaning toward his secretary, he murmured, “That's Lu Lixing, isn't it?”

“Yes,” the secretary replied in hushed tones. “He arrived an hour ago, pacing the arena before settling into stillness. I can't fathom what's going through his mind.”

“If the rules permit him to be here an hour early, then whatever he's up to falls within their bounds. It's of no concern to us,” Na Youye stated coolly, dismissive of any notion of cheating. If Lu Lixing believed such tactics could alter the outcome, he was sorely mistaken.

“Once the Six Great Academies' representatives have been seated, allow the general audience to enter,” Na Youye instructed his secretary before making his way to the box with the prime view.

The Battle of the Hidden Dragon Platform, a highly anticipated challenge, naturally drew in a crowd eager to witness the event. Entry required a ticket, initially priced at a hundred yuan, but they sold out instantly. Now, scalpers were hawking them for eight hundred yuan apiece, yet demand still exceeded supply.

While ordinary spectators lined up for ticket inspection, the Six Great Academies' envoys breezed through the VIP entrance.

Representing Stardragon Academy was Yi Yubo, a man whose name, bestowed by his parents, reflected their wish for him to possess boundless wealth—a wish that, given his current standing, seemed fulfilled.

Yi Yubo, a rotund figure with a perpetual smile, toyed with a pair of Crystal Balls. The orbs were smooth, their rotations casting a soft, pale glow, their rarity unmistakable. Known for his affability, he'd earned the moniker “Chicken” from detractors, a nickname he embraced with his characteristic good humor.

“Yi Yubo, why are you just standing there?”

Xiang Yicai, the envoy from Divine Sword Academy, eyed Yi Yubo, who was obstructing the VIP entrance. With a slight furrow of his brow, he remarked, “You're in my way.”

“I'm aware. I was actually waiting for you. As representatives of the Six Great Academies, we ought to make our entrance together.” Yi Yubo laughed heartily, unfazed by Xiang Yicai's icy demeanor.

“Chicken, are you too scared to go in by yourself? Relax, no one here will dare to pick on you, especially since you represent Stardragon Academy.”

While Xiang Yicai and Yi Yubo exchanged words, a somewhat petite woman approached. She was Zha Yanhui, an outer court elder from the Profound Heaven Sect, one of the Federation's top ten sects, and also a teacher at one of its subsidiary academies.

Yi Yubo regarded Zha Yanhui, whose plain features were contrasted by her preference for bold makeup. He offered a warm smile, saying, “Elder Zha, you seem to grow younger and more beautiful with each passing day.”

Zha Yanhui, far from pleased by Yi Yubo's flattery, responded with a hint of scorn, “I have little respect for those who constantly butter up others.”

With that, Zha Yanhui brushed off Yi Yubo. She gave him a gentle shove, and his body drifted aside as if weightless, which somewhat astonished her.

“Chicken, your mastery of the Flying Cloud Technique is increasingly impressive.”

“Spare me the compliments.”

Yi Yubo maintained his smile. Whether met with insults or accolades, his expression always remained earnest and full of sincerity.

Just then, representatives from Cosmic Star Academy, Sheng Qing, and Feng Cuo from the Federal Military University arrived, though they were met with no fanfare. Sheng Qing was unwelcome as a civilian representative of the Cosmic Star Academy, while Feng Cuo's aloof nature and reluctance to engage in conversation left him similarly unembraced.

“Now that we're all here, let's head inside!”

While they were engaged in conversation, Xiang Yicai had already taken the initiative, striding into the corridor. Meanwhile, the absent representative from Blackmoon Academy seemed to have been intentionally overlooked by the crowd.


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