Divine Talisman Grandmaster

Chapter 26

C26 – Qualification Test

Returning home from the hospital, Lu Lixing lay on his bed, his gaze fixed on the worn ceiling overhead. The words Wen Shi had spoken to him earlier echoed relentlessly in his mind.

Those words had profoundly shaken Lu Lixing’s worldview, nearly toppling his entire understanding of the world. He instinctively recoiled from the harsh reality they depicted. Yet, Yuwen Ba, Sha Xiufen, and Zhang Tu had taught him a harsh lesson in their own ways. Learning that Sha Zhenghao couldn’t afford better treatment and would have to wait at least a week to be discharged, Lu Lixing came to a stark realization: the world could be unforgiving and heartless, especially to the likes of ordinary people.

The wealthy and powerful seemed to operate by their own rules, unrestrained. If you dared to stand against them, respect would be the last thing you’d earn—instead, you’d be met with even harsher retribution.

Wen Shi and his allies were striving to transform the world’s status quo. Their mission was noble and worthy of respect. But upon deeper reflection, it became clear that their vision was steeped in idealism. The egalitarian world they aspired to was nothing more than a utopian fantasy, one that was nearly impossible to achieve.

Society is inherent wherever people exist, and with society comes conflict. The common folk weren’t resisting, not out of a lack of desire, but due to a lack of means. Should they ever gain the power and influence they seek, few could contain the swell of desires within them.

In the end, all that would change would be the faces of those controlling the world’s resources—a new cadre of aristocratic sects, perpetuating the same cycle. Such changes would hardly cleanse the Federation’s environment at its core.

Upon reflection, Lu Lixing believed that Wen Shi and his companions must have also understood this. But with their ideals still unfulfilled and a long struggle ahead, they chose to set aside these future concerns. Their immediate goal was to topple the entrenched aristocratic families and sects.

“I really am just an ordinary person,” Lu Lixing whispered to himself. Despite his transformation into a genius following some extraordinary encounters, he didn’t feel particularly unique. From an obscure slum kid to a common genius, he was just one among many in this world, and that didn’t make him feel any different.

Regarding the matters Wen Shi brought up, Lu Lixing felt an innate resistance. He had no desire to get involved in such significant affairs. All he wanted was to lead a normal life, to get into one of the Six Great Academies, and to dedicate himself to his studies. After graduation, he might enlist or pursue other paths, but ultimately, he envisioned a life of simplicity. The notion of the aristocratic sects and commoners rising seemed far too fanciful for him.

He yearned to live in the here and now!

That was the conclusion Lu Lixing reached after a night of contemplation. His future, as well as the world’s trajectory, didn’t concern him. His focus was on living each day to the fullest, following the dictates of his heart, one step at a time.

Lu Lixing truly didn’t want to be burdened with complex issues. He aspired to be nothing more than a straightforward young man.

With this newfound clarity, Lu Lixing felt a significant lift in his spirits.

The following morning, as Lu Lixing entered the school, he was met with curious stares from his classmates. Their looks conveyed a mix of awe, envy, and a touch of scorn and mockery.

Lu Lixing understood that their changed attitudes stemmed from the previous day’s confrontation. An ordinary class student had challenged a prodigy from the Important Class – it was sensational news that had undoubtedly spread like wildfire.

“You’re quite early today,” Sha Zhenghao remarked, appearing suddenly at Lu Lixing’s side.

With a friendly arm around Lu Lixing’s shoulder, he chuckled, “I caught wind of yesterday’s drama. Threatening to break Sha Xiufen’s leg? That’s pretty harsh.”

Lu Lixing had previously shared the basics about Sha Xiufen with Sha Zhenghao, so he was aware of her new relationship with Zhang Tu. Sha Zhenghao was quite pleased to hear about Lu Lixing’s bold words to her.

Seeing the energetic Sha Zhenghao, Lu Lixing expressed his surprise, “How were you discharged from the hospital so quickly?”

“You won’t believe what happened,” Sha Zhenghao began, his voice tinged with excitement. “Guess who I bumped into last night at the hospital? Wen Shi himself visited me, representing the school. And he didn’t come empty-handed – he brought an advanced treatment liquid, courtesy of the school. I treated my legs with it. Have you ever experienced soaking in that stuff? It’s unbelievably refreshing.”

Watching the excitement dance across Sha Zhenghao’s face, Lu Lixing’s lips curved into a slight smile. He had befriended Sha Zhenghao precisely because of his unwavering optimism. No matter the adversity, Sha Zhenghao never let it get him down. Even with both legs broken, he managed to maintain a positive outlook on life.

“It’s my treat tonight for barbecue,” Lu Lixing chuckled. “I’ll make sure to order you four roasted pork trotters.”

“It’s a deal then.”

The mere thought of savoring four roasted pork trotters that evening made Sha Zhenghao’s mouth water. For him, there was no setback that a good barbecue couldn’t cure.

After some time spent in conversation, a critical issue dawned on Lu Lixing—the semester’s end was nearing, bringing with it an exam that was far from ordinary. It was a qualification test.

Gaining admission to one of the Six Great Academies was a dream cherished by many. If possible, everyone would list them as their top choice on their college entrance applications. Yet, the admission standards of these academies were notoriously stringent. Even the Cosmic Star Academy, the least selective among them, admitted merely a thousand students annually, despite the tens of millions who sat for the college entrance exam each year.

Thus, the final exam of the senior year served as a decisive qualification test. Only those who excelled would earn the chance to apply to the Six Great Academies; all others would have to set their sights on ordinary colleges.

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