Divine Talisman Grandmaster

Chapter 22

C22 – Stardragon Academy!

In the cultivation chamber, Wen Shi watched over Lu Lixing, who lay unconscious in the treatment cabin, then turned his gaze to Wen Shanmei, who stood nearby with a stoic expression. His cheek twitched involuntarily, and with a hint of reproach, he said, “That was reckless of you. Weren’t you worried he might actually die on Cloud Dragon Mountain?”

The memory of Wen Shanmei returning with Lu Lixing in her arms still sent shivers down Wen Shi’s spine. He had been aware that Wen Shanmei took Lu Lixing out for some real-world experience, but he hadn’t anticipated that the lively young man who left would return drenched in blood.

“He wouldn’t have died—not with me there,” Wen Shanmei responded coolly to Wen Shi. “I’ll leave the rest in your hands. I need to go.”

Wen Shanmei had taken a week off from school, and with the last day of her leave upon her, it was time for her to head back.

Hearing her mention returning to school, Wen Shi made no attempt to dissuade her. Instead, he watched her with a look of curiosity and inquired, “You mentioned you wanted to personally assess Lu Lixing. How did he fare?”

Wen Shanmei cast a subtle glance at Lu Lixing, still in the treatment cabin, and told Wen Shi, “Once he wakes up, let him know I’ll be waiting for him at Cosmic Star Academy.”

With those words, Wen Shanmei didn’t linger for a response; she turned on her heel and left. Watching her depart, Wen Shi allowed himself a smile of satisfaction and murmured softly, “I knew I saw potential in the right person.”

Lu Lixing came to the next day at noon. Despite the severity of his injuries, a day in the treatment cabin had worked wonders, and he had almost completely healed.

Standing on the floor of the cultivation chamber, Lu Lixing stretched and moved his body freely, reveling in the surge of power within. A wide grin spread across his face as he embraced the old adage: what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. Reflecting on his recent ordeal at Cloud Dragon Mountain, Lu Lixing felt he had come out on top—so much so that he was confident he could take on a hundred Yuwen Bas without breaking a sweat.

Even if he were to face that massive black bear again, Lu Lixing wouldn’t likely be scared!

Watching Lu Lixing’s face light up with excitement, Wen Shi gave a light cough and cautioned, “Don’t get too cocky over a minor success. You’ve got a long way to go before you can consider yourself truly powerful.”

Lu Lixing was well aware that he was nowhere near the level of the truly powerful. So, after a brief moment of excitement, he regained his composure and asked Wen Shi, “Director, where’s my senior sister?”

He was certain that his return to the treatment cabin for healing was thanks to Wen Shanmei’s intervention. Moreover, he suspected that the wild beasts he faced on Cloud Dragon Mountain, including the formidable black bear, were deliberately put in his path by Wen Shanmei. Unsure if he had met his promise, he was eager to speak with Wen Shanmei directly.

“Her vacation’s over,” Wen Shi replied with a steady tone. “She brought you back yesterday and then returned to school. However, she did leave a message for you—she’ll be waiting for you at Cosmic Star Academy.”

Lu Lixing paused, taken aback by Wen Shi’s words. He was familiar with Cosmic Star Academy, a renowned institution among the Six Great Academies, celebrated throughout the Federation. He had speculated that Wen Shanmei might be a student at one of these prestigious academies, but he hadn’t anticipated that she would be at Cosmic Star Academy.

Lu Lixing knew that despite being one of the Six Great Academies, Cosmic Star Academy ranked sixth, its overall strength considered moderate at best within the group. His own aspirations lay with Stardragon Academy, the top-ranked institution among the Six Great Academies.

Stardragon Academy was the undisputed powerhouse of the Federation, and earning a place there had always been Lu Lixing’s dream. Despite Wen Shanmei’s kindness towards him recently, he wasn’t ready to forsake his chance at Stardragon Academy for anything.

Noticing Lu Lixing’s inner turmoil, Wen Shi pressed his lips together and let out a sigh before asking, “Lu Lixing, is it your dream to get into Stardragon Academy?”

Caught off guard by the question, Lu Lixing hesitated briefly before nodding earnestly. “Yes, it’s been my dream for as long as I can remember!”

Gratitude is one thing, dreams are another. Lu Lixing understood that they were not the same.

Upon hearing Lu Lixing’s response, Wen Shi’s expression grew stern. He pulled a cigarette from his shirt pocket, lit it, and then gestured to Lu Lixing. “Come, let’s sit down over there and talk this through. If, after you’ve heard me out, you still want to try for Stardragon Academy, I won’t stand in your way.”

Lu Lixing trailed Wen Shi to the lounge area and settled into a plush sofa.

Wen Shi took his time, silently smoking until the first cigarette was spent. He lit another before finally addressing Lu Lixing.

“Consider this: 80% of the world’s wealth is held by 20% of its people. Similarly, 80% of the cultivation resources are controlled by that same 20%—the noble families and sects. For us ordinary folks, accessing basic cultivation resources isn’t too hard, but trying to get our hands on anything advanced? That’s a different story. Within the Federation, there are only two paths to those resources. One is to enlist in the Union Army, become a valiant soldier, and earn military honors through relentless combat. Those honors can then be exchanged for advanced cultivation resources. The other is to align with a noble family or sect and serve them.”

Wen Shi paused, taking a deep drag from his cigarette as the room filled with smoke. His voice dropped to a murmur, “But not every commoner wants to join the army. Most who risk their lives for military honors, hoping to trade them for cultivation resources, eventually bow to the noble houses and sects after facing hardships. They secure advanced resources by pledging service to these powers. Do you understand the repercussions of such choices?”

Before Lu Lixing could answer, Wen Shi pressed on, “Over time, these families and sects tighten their grip on the Federation, increasing their sway. We commoners, if we wish to succeed, end up dependent on them. And if we refuse to bend the knee, to become their vassals, then even if we’ve chosen the army, they have a myriad of ways to dispatch us to the deadliest fronts, ensuring we perish in battle.”

“Lu Lixing, I’m not trying to frighten you. What I’m describing is the reality facing our entire Federation. Despite its outward strength, the Federation has long been in the grip of aristocratic families and sects. If we don’t take action to change this state of affairs, the Federation is on the brink of being overturned.”

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