Divine Protection of Many Gods

Chapter 55

Chapter 55

Translator: Pengu

TLC/Editor: Darknari

Proofreader/Cleaner: Raizu

Chapter 55

Seeing Flora thrust the dagger into Frey’s stomach after she managed to win the duel with Evin, I knocked Flora away .


Flora let out a small scream, but I don’t give a damn .

“Frey!! Get a grip . ”

“ A, u, Hi-biki . ”

She’s still conscious . I splashed a potion for treatment over the wound and cast recovery magic . When I turned my attention to confirm her status, 【Poison】 seems to have stacked up .

I began to use detoxification magic as well at once . Good, the wound is closed . I will mend the insides later .

“Miss Flora!! What in the world!?”

Giren questioned Flora .

“It might be better if I explain things . ”

Evin cuts in between Flora and Giren when he woke up; Giren stopped .

“She is a pawn of the demons . ”

Evin began to explain an unbelievable thing . I had a dumbfounded face, Giren had the exact same face .

“It isn’t unreasonable that it’s unbelievable . However, did Giren-sama not say it, too? [She is so strong] . ”

“C-Certainly, I did say that, however, her father was also a knight that I came to be acquainted with?”

“Right, perhaps, the demon’s minion likely changed places with her while she was travelling to this town . ”

Certainly, the guards besides Frey and Flora were also missing . Perhaps, they were dead . However, I confirmed Frey’s status and it was human .

I immediately noticed that Evin’s insistence was strange .

“The biggest reason that I accepted this duel was to make sure whether or not she was the pawn of the demon . ”

Evin proudly stuck out his chest and continued talking .

“Now, Hibiki . Will you hand over that one to me?”

“I refuse . When did you conclude that [She is a demon] when there is no reliable evidence? I hear only the whining of a sore loser . ”

Evin glared at me with a terrible face . When I returned the glare back, he abruptly turned his eyes away and began to talk to Giren .

“The demon is already captured . Well, Giren-sama, let’s hurry . And then Hibiki, wait to restrain that woman, but don’t take her out from this courtyard . ”

Is Giren also somewhat doubting it? It was requested of me to follow Evin .

The first aid was now finished, but because moving her body might be bad, I obeyed the instruction .

Evin leads Giren and Flora away from the courtyard .

There are many inconsistent points in that guy’s story .

Perhaps, was the reason for the duel to win over Flora and be a hindrance? I felt a sense of incongruity about the brainwashed Flora, because he bothered to show off with a duel to kill her .

Still, I don’t understand the reason why Flora swallowed Evin’s instruction .

How much of a flower garden is stuck inside Flora’s head? It was strange to stab Frey who she spent time with not too long ago .

“I will run after them . Amy, I leave Frey to you . ”

“Yes, leave it to me . ”

I leave Frey to Amy and ran after them . Amy was the most well acquainted with potions; they will be saved by Amy if it becomes a battle .

If they get attacked they will manage because I left 2 goblins with Musashi for guards .

“Master such detestable timing, but I hath found Miss Latia . ”

I heard Zir’s report while chasing Evin’s group .

“Where is she? Is she related to this disturbance?

“It hath said that the lady is not involved, but hath been involved . ”


I seemed to be a little irritated when Frey got stabbed . I did not think that I became to have such feelings because Frey got wounded, certainly not . (EN: Someone’s in denial :D)

I apologized to Zir immediately and heard the story in detail .

“Perhaps, most likely, the swordsman’s destination is Latia . ”

“What…Shit, I see now!!”

I noticed it on the way after hearing it . What had Evin said? [The demon is already captured] he said .

Then, the reaction in the detector is the [Half-demon] Latia . There was no other person who was better as a sacrifice .

I must increase my speed to catch up with them .

That guy’s aim must be the church on the main street . Latia was being held there .

When we arrived at the square in front of the church, the place was already flooded with people .

Adventurers, merchants, believers, various people had gathered here .

“Hear me~! I arrested the mastermind of the [Night of Nightmare] when the memory was still fresh . ”

On a platform in an open space, Evin carried out an impassioned speech .

The gathered people were discussing in whispers .

Didn’t [Annihilation] catch the necromancer?

To begin with, isn’t the necromancer a man?

“As for this woman here, she is the true leader who pulled the strings of the necromancer in the shadows . This woman is a demon!!”

To Evin’s words, the clamors became louder .

When Evin issued an instruction to a nearby man, a cart was being carried onto the square .

A big square box was on the cart .

“This is a [Demon Detector] . ”

When said so, he inserted a demon stone into the detector machine and started it . Then, the detector went *ping—–* with a piercing sound and a reaction was indicated .

“See, it is clear that this person here is a demon!!”

As expected, he will kill Latia to cover his crimes .

Certainly, Latia is a [half-demon], however, I can’t think she was a criminal by any means .

Furthermore, the suspicion on Evin swells bigger with Frey’s case .

On the platform with Evin, was Giren who couldn’t follow the situation, and Flora with a smiling face .

Immediately, I checked Flora’s status .

Flora Caprice (Human ― Demonic Possession)

[Demonic Possession]

One is fused with a demon’s purpose .

When first meeting in the goblin’s village, though she was a natural airhead she was an ordinary human .

In other words, she was ruled by the [Demon] after coming to this town . Therefore, she stabbed Frey calmly .

And the most suspicious one was Evin .

However, that guy’s status was human . I don’t know whether it was possible to camouflage it, but Ruby didn’t show any reaction .

“How did the demon approach Flora?”

I noticed the possibility that was thought here .

The information was that the fellow who had manipulated the necromancer was a demon .

But, what about if, for instance, there was a demon but that demon doesn’t get detected by the detector, but in exchange, it is in a state where they can’t mobilize freely?”

Similar to the necromancer, no, it was worse that Evin wasn’t being brainwashed and was cooperating with the demon with … pleasure … If that’s the case is he human?

“I see . ”

It’s too late, the surroundings have already been stirred up and are agitatedly burning . It wouldn’t be strange if Latia was killed .

In such a state, even if I say that Evin and Flora are the demons, no one would believe it .

On the contrary, I would surely be made out to be a pawn of the demons .

I must think of something .

I found something when restlessly looking about in the surroundings .

“This . ”

I hit upon a strategy to help Latia; I told Zir and Ayla immediately .

“Both of you, I have a task for you . ”

I, with Evin on the platform, spoke to Flora .

“Hibiki, you’re not believing me are you?”

“Yes, there is still that time in the courtyard . However, it is the truth that you guys captured a demon . ”

I passed empty silver cups to Evin and Flora while talking .

“It’s not an apology, but wine was prepared . Will you drink?”

“Though it is wonderful…”

I looked at him and Evin had a plainly distrusting face .

“There is no poison in it . ”

I pour the wine into my silver cup while saying so and drank it at once .

I appeal to them when I emptied the contents of the silver cup . I poured the cups to the brim full of wine for the two people, I also pour wine into my own silver cup again .

“To be honest, I was also requested to searched for the demon . However, this is the conclusion . If possible, I also want to cooperate to be able to capture the demon, too . ”

“I see, however, such an exploit cannot be handed over . ”

“Yes, however, if we decide to cooperate I can stand tall and save face . ”

“There is one condition . ”


“Hand Frey over to me . ”

“Don’t worry . I just only want to hear what happened a little . ”

“I understand . ”

“Then once again, cheers!!”

We 3 people gulped down their cups . First of all, Evin and I drank up .

However, Flora’s appearance was strange . With the cup half empty so far, she began to tremble .

“Young lady Flora?”

Evin also seems to have noticed Flora’s state . But it’s too late .

The effect of the wine which was mixed with the [Anti-Demon Killer] had begun to tear the consciousness of the demon away from Flora .

“*Snap*, *whomp*, this is!?”

Flora uttered out a low frightened voice, while being muttered at that volume it had reached all the people who had gathered in the square .

However, it was strange . Flora had already fell down on the platform and had lost consciousness .

“Fucker, what did you do!?”

A voice still echoed even though Flora lost consciousness .

A scream went up from the spectators who had been looking at the platform expecting that there was something by my entry on the platform .

Flora might have concealed it somewhere, the dagger that pierced Frey had begun to shine suspiciously .

“Well then, did everyone understand who the real demon is with this?”

I threw away the silver cup and drew out my sword at my waist .

“How dare you do this!!”

Evin, who in this place was the only ally of the demon, approached Flora and collected the dagger .

Evin points the dagger at me and surveys the distance . Then…

[It’s fine already, Evin . I will take your damn body . ]

The voice a little while ago was heard from the dagger . Is it because it talks with its own mouth? I hear it more clearly than the time it talked through Flora .

“P-please wait . I!? What’s happening to me!?”

[You should be proud that you will become a part of my body . ]

Something was invading from the left side into Evin from the handle of the dagger . Evin groans while shaking his left hand with the dagger, but it does not separate and remains firmly in his grasp .

Probably to escape from the pain, Evin grips the flamberge with his right hand and swings it down on his left wrist .

*Slash* fresh blood splattered from the opened end . Naturally, the cut from the flamberge was sloppy and it was not possible to sew it up .

Probably, an unimaginable pain should be attacking Evin . Still, Evin, who had a relieved expression on his face, was in some respects severely insane .

“*Gasp*, GYAA, Haa, Haa, KUKUKU . ”

The left hand was cut off admirably, Evin was relieved when it was done . However, his tragedy had not ended yet .

This time something started invading from the flamberge on his right hand .

[Fool, did you forget who gave that sword to you, fucker?]

Something sinously creeped out from the cut on the left wrist that was lying on the ground . This seems to be the identity of that thing that had afflicted Evin .

Evin, who was not able to chop off the arm, had already soiled his pants while standing in place, he then collapsed to his knees .

The left hand joined and fitted into it’s original place immediately .

Evin was still alive, *shudder* his body occasionally went into convulsions .

When the convulsions had completely settled, he abruptly stood up and laughed grimly .

[I have kept you waiting, human . Was it [Hibiki]? How dare you serve me that kind of medicine . ]

It seems it was in a state where it was completely locked on to me .

Evin Kruger (Demon)


Obtain the abilities of a demon .

Apparently, it seems to have accomplished fusing with the body .

I can do nothing but give up on Evin . Well, I did not have any intention to help him from the beginning .

I held my sword in my right hand and once again engage in combat with the demon .


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