Divine Protection of Many Gods

Chapter 40

Chapter 40

Chapter 40

[Because I have [Divine Protection]]

Of course everyone already knows about it from Feryu’s story earlier .

It might be possible to manage with the power of my Divine Protections, the real meaning is something like ‘don’t mind the details’ .

However, because I was told they couldn’t leave everything to me it was decided that I’ll have a couple of extra people help me .

[Do you have any requests?]

[Well, since you’re asking . Please lend us several people who are good at archery . ]

A total of 8 combatants and 2 messengers were prepared .

I don’t remember their names from when they were introduced individually, but I was surprised that there was a woman among them .

When the introduction ended, we head towards the West gate at once .

It’s only a short hour before the attack . It took time because of that idiot .

Ayla and Raru’s group were waiting outside the West Gate . Even though I already explained to the assistants about our subordinate monsters, they still seem uncomfortable around them .

We are prepared to intercept, but before that we dig a ditch about 200m from the gate . it’s about 50 cm deep and it covers an area of about 25mx50m .

Raru’s group has already almost finished working on it .

Next, we prepared a formation of several panic ghosts in the forest .

Finally, Amy, Zir, the assistants, and the goblin archers were gathered in front of gate . They’re behind a 5m tall improvised brick wall we made with earth magic and water magic, and dried with wind magic and fire magic .

I should study how to make concrete some time .

The exterior of the brick wall is curved so that the inside has a gentle slope making it possible to retreat towards the gate, while on the outside it looks like a vertical cliff surrounding the gate .

I also considered digging a pithole outside the wall, but I gave up on it due to lack of manpower .

I told our archers not to venture out by themselves as they might get hit by enemy projectiles .

We completed our preparations ten minutes before the arrival of the monsters .

It’s thanks to Zir that we had enough time to prepare .

『Master, The ones being lured by the smell will arrive shortly . 』

[Is that you, Zir?]

I heard Zir’s voice from the approaching ghost behind me . This one is called a whisper ghost and has the power to deliver the voice of the human who summoned it .

[Please tell me earlier if such a convenient ghost is available . ]

[Sorry . But Master, We’ve hardly been apart since the day you bought me . No good opportunity to talk about it appeared either . ]

[So it is . ]

The monster vanguard had appeared from the forest while I was speaking with Zir . they come toward the smell which drifted from the ditch beneath my feet .

Half of the monsters were afflicted with [Panic], and were rushing towards the [Demon’s Perfume] which drifted from the liquid from the ditch .

With room to spare I cast Firestorm towards the leading monsters .

The firestorm used the flow of air to send a breeze of [Demon’s Perfume] adrift towards the forest .

The monsters who appear as the vanguard mostly consist of light-footed beast monsters and flying-type monsters .

The flying type monsters spun in the air because of the violent turbulence created by the magic .

Moreover, the wall of flame was cast in the front of beast-type monsters on the ground to stop their movement .

This way both groups were driven to the same place and were finished off by the firestorm .

[Fuu . Now it’s time to sweep the monsters that escaped . ]

The vanguard numbered only 50 monsters . more are coming .

15 minutes behind the monster vanguard the main forces arrived at last .

Around 30 percent is in a state of [Panic], but we don’t know what effect this has on such a close formation of monsters .

Orcs, fragrance ants, and armor mantis… There were a lot of familiar monsters . They’re approaching at an amazing speed .

Finally, the main force reaches the center of the ditch which we dug earlier . A thick red liquid fills the ditch which was the origin of the smell . This is also my trump card .

[Ruby, you can eat now!!]

And then, the liquid in the trench forms tentacles towards the surrounding monsters and restrains them . The ones who escape the restraints are deprived of their freedom slowly by the new tentacles that appear at their feet .

[Welcome to the [Slime Pool] (kanji: mucus paradise) . Make sure to not drown while having fun!!]

One by one the monsters fascinated by the [Monster Perfume] were inflicted with [panic] .

To this end the monsters are enjoying their tentacle play and their lotion play all around me . To be honest, I didn’t expect such hobbies other than in hell .

[Owner, I request an explanation about tentacle play and lotion play]

That [Lewd Book] seems to be doing just fine at this time as well .

I blew the monster whistle while ignoring it (TN: he means the Lewd Book) . Right away the goblin force led by Raru comes from the behind of monster horde, pushing more of the monster horde into the [Slime Pool] .

[Raru, good job~]

Only Ayla and me are besides the [Slime Pool], but we efficiently finish off the monsters who keep resisting .

30 minutes later, Raru’s group has pushed back all the monsters into the [Slime Pool], and completely encircled the ditch .

Because Ruby can’t distinguish between Raru’s group and the invading monsters in the ditch, my job is to push back the monsters who try to run away .

The monsters who still remain inside the ditch numbered around 50 . Ruby absorbs the monsters into its body with its skill and dispose of them in an instant . (TN: The monsters)

[Yosh, it’s all good around here . Zir, how is the east gate?]

[Let’s see, the east gate is not yet breached because everyone is fighting hard]

According to our plans the battle around the east gate relies on the town walls . Although they’ve used a lot already they make use of offensive items at the base of the walls .

However there are a lot of tricky monsters left like skeletons and nitro powder butterflies . (EN: seriously how does the author keep coming up with these names)

[Does the east gate stand a chance to win the battle?]

The Necromancer who released the zombies in town might control the skeletons .

I pass Raru’s group some potions while I make preparation to rescue the east gate . .

[The main unit has arrived already and the majority of the monsters are clinging close to the gate itself . Although we keep attacking from the town walls with throwing stones and magic, it seems we won’t be able to defeat them all . ]

We decided to initiate an attack from the side of the town walls near the East Gate . The invading monsters are already reduced by half so it’ll probably work out

I informed our assistants of the strategy and let them go ahead to convey it to the East Gate .

I’ll have them help Zir out over there .

As soon as Raru’s troops have finished their recovery we received a report from Zir that the combat preparations for the assault is complete .

『If possible I’d like you to come over as soon as you’re ready . 』 (ED: said by Zir through whispering ghost)

[Understood, I’ll let you know before we begin the attack, so please stop throwing stones and magic attacks at that time . ]

『I get that, I already let everyone know . 』

[I see . oh, we’ve arrived already . I’m starting the attack now . ]

We charge the monsters who cling onto the gate .

While swinging my sword Raru and I form the vanguard .

We charge the monsters . Several Orcs were sent flying .

Using the momentum of the charge we distanced ourselves again from the monsters . Before the invading monsters could reform their lines we charge again .

I cut down the Ogres who stand before me with my sword . The monsters blown away by my attacks are groaning all around me .

Once again we make the best use of our momentum and take some distance again . The monster might become accustomed if we continue the hit and run tactics, so instead of charging again we adopt a tight formation .

Rather than engaging in another melee we switch to long-range magic attack .

[The necromancer boss doesn’t seem to be around, huh . ]

While I was saying that, the earth started rumbling from the East .

When I looked to see the origin of the noise I saw a giant near 20m tall approaching us .


Indeed, there is only one big eye on the giant’s face . This is a cyclops .

The giant slowly approaches the adventurer town . It’s like it was ridiculing our victory after repelling the large horde of monsters a moment ago .


(Author note:) A bit short this time .


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