Divine Harem: My Sect of Heavenly Beauties

Chapter 41 The System

Chapter 41  The System

Shen Yu laid on the comfortable bed as he looked at the ceiling with dazed look on his face. He was thinking about everything that had happened till now.

How he had transmigrated into this new world, how he had become the most powerful person and even made a sect. He felt like everything was a dream of his and if he slept, he would wake up in his old shitty life.

He would still be going to construction works and live a lonely life where no one would be there to love him. There won't be Ying Yue to smile at him and giggle like a silly girl.

Shen Yu thought of all that and couldn't bring himself to sleep. He was too afraid, so afraid that he was practically trembling. Streets made strong people but also left a deep scars on their mental health, especially if their life was like Shen Yu's.

He was hated for no reason, abused, left to starve, forced to be a slave, and when he finally walked away from all this to live a normal life, society didn't accept him. Even after surviving that hell which made his mental health practically collapse, he didn't get what he deserved. All he got was more hate, even more loneliness and was forced to live in an environment that mocked him and slapped him to his reality everyday.

All of that had a left a deep scar on Shen Yu's soul which was hard to heal. It was there, ready to destroy him from inside out. In fact, it was already a miracle that Shen Yu was normal till now.

Even after seeing the worst of world, he was hoping for the best of the world. He didn't want the world for himself, he didn't want Wealth, no he didn't care about any of those.

He just wanted one thing and that was love. And he had gotten that here in this new world. There was Ying Yue who loved him, Lan Ming who talked to him like a friend and finally Xiao Lan who was grateful to him.

Their presence was healing his heart gradually but there were also side effects.

As Shen Yu laid there, his body trembling, his mind filled with the thoughts that all of this was his wishful dream. He had wanted love of others so much that he had gone mad and now couldn't decipher the difference between dreams and reality.

He was afraid that everything would end if he slept and the mere thought of losing everything was enough to him become so scared that he opened his eyes wide and didn't even blink.

[Sigh! Master, Calm down. Actually, let me help you.]

Suddenly, Shen Yu felt a warm current passing through his body as his body became relaxed and his soul turned silent as if it was a calm sea. However, even the system underestimated Shen Yu's fear of losing the only thing that was keeping him alive.

His eyes refused to shut as he muttered while gritting teeth, "No! I won't sleep. Never!"

[Master! Please calm down!]

The system tried its best but no matter what it did, Shen Yu refused to sleep. It was as if his mind had been stuck in a half conscious state where his instincts were working. Nôv(el)B\\jnn

[Fuck! Do I really have to do that?]

It was at that moment, the room in which Shen Yu was at suddenly became a lot more darker and even the moonlight couldn't win against that darkness.

In that darkness, a single pupil opened revealing a dark black eye that seemed to devour everything. It looked at Shen Yu with a strange caring look and a voice resounded in the room.

"I am sorry for the suffering you have to go through, my son."

Then, the pupil closed as the darkness began to gather towards the spot where the pupil was. It converged into a small ball of darkness that shot towards Shen Yu and entered his chest.

Instantly, his body relaxed completely and his bloodshot eyes were closed. His breathing became stable as he drifted to a deep sleep.

"And you little thing, take care of my son. Give him whatever he wants and if anything happens to him then know that even your mother won't be able to save you or your mother."

[Y-Yes, Sir. As you command.]

And then everything returned to normal as if nothing had happened. The curtains fluttered in the winds as moonlight shined in the floor from the window. The night passed and the moonlight changed to the sunlight of morning. A cool breeze entered the room as Shen Yu stirred awake. He yawned and sat up, however then his eyes snapped open as he looked around.

He heaved a sigh of relief when he saw the familiar surroundings and thought.

'Phew! It really wasn't a dream.'

[It isn't a dream, Master. I know you're scared but accept your new life. Because if you won't, even others close to you will be affected.]

'What are you talking?'

[I know why you haven't made a move on Ying Yue. Master, please accept yourself. As long as you won't love yourself, you won't feel the love of others. It won't harm only you but also close to you. Ying Yue is your wife and I'm pretty sure even you have seen the fire of desire in her but you're ignoring it. Please don't do it and accept her, accept yourself.]

Shen Yu sat there, stunned as he realised the things he was doing unconsciously. It was true he was avoiding the topic of having sex with Ying Yue. Although he was slow in relationship and matter of emotions, he could still see the desire in Ying Yue's eyes.

He knew what she wanted but was ignoring it. All because of himself. When he thought about it all, Shen Yu felt pathetic and wanted to punch himself. Worse, he was even reminded by others.

[It's fine, Master. I am here to help you, and it's not just in giving powers and all. Even mentally. I'll help you in any way and in fact, I can even help you get more girls in your bed but I know you won't like it. You're too kind for this world, Master.]


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