Divine Hack System

Chapter 39 - Hunting At MU

Chapter 39 - Hunting At MU

The next day, Leo woke up very early. The boys in the group decided that they would go hunting after breakfast.

According to them, normally they hunted during the late afternoon or evening, which was after classes were over, but as they were still on vacation they had more time now and preferred to hunt in the morning, as they were much more energetic after taking it. breakfast than after a tiring day.

Leo agreed with them, as he was used to hunting in the morning as well.

As weapons were not allowed in the cafeteria, to avoid injuries when the students fought, Leo just prepared his armor and left the bow in his inventory.

Before coming to MU yesterday he had bought some arrows to exchange his previous ones. Even though he didn't aim at the hardest parts and in 95% of the cases he just shot the monsters' eyes, still wear and tear was inevitable with the amount of times he shot each arrow, considering that on his most productive day he managed to hunt. more than 100 monsters.

So the new arrows were a good purchase for him.

Leo even thought about buying another bow, but this bow of his had almost as good strength as a Bronze 4 Stars bow, so he decided he would use this bow until he had the money to exchange it for a Pure Silver 1 Star.

Breakfast in the canteen was very simple, each one just ate a more basic food to not get sick to the stomach during the hunt and then everyone took their own weapons at home and met at the entrance of the MU mission center.

As it was Leo's first time here, he was quite curious looking around at this mission center. The first thing he thought when he arrived at this place was that it would have something like a bar like the cartoons he saw when he was a kid, but he soon realized how stupid that idea was.

He was at a Military University, putting a bar in the place where military missions are delivered would be the stupidest choice anyone could make.

In fact, the Mission Center was a building more like a bank. There were several "ATMs", or rather self-service centers, where students could use their identities to choose their own missions.

There was a registration system where everyone in the group passed their ID cards and formed a team, so the team's strength and credibility would be judged according to how many missions they completed and what their Rank was.

pᴀɴdᴀ nᴏveʟ The more missions the student successfully completes, the greater his credibility will be to accept more difficult missions.

Initially the Quest Center only offers Quests of a Rank below the average strength of the students on the team, but as Dave and Harry's credibility is already very high because of the previous 2 years they spent hunting, and the other 2 students was also relatively high, they were able to take a Bronze Rank 4 Stars mission, which was their average strength.

This was the advantage of being MU students, while the average Awaken group only hunted monsters of a Rank below their average, MU students were not afraid of this and preferred to hunt monsters of the same Rank as them to challenge themselves further, in addition to to improve faster.

Seeing this, Leo began to wonder when he could accept quests from monsters more powerful than himself while he hunted alone.

Of course, he could just go out and hunt the monsters by himself, but then he could even get the corresponding money from selling the monsters, but it would be impossible to get the Honor Points.

Leo saw that missions were also delegated to different places. Some missions could be delegated to the MU forest, could be delegated to the city forest, or even some neighboring towns.

Unlike before where he hunted just to earn money, with MU missions he could already be considered as actually working for the army and the population.

Leo was quite pleased with this, as it could earn him even more Honor Points, which could speed up his process of moving up through the ranks in the army and get closer to finding out what happened to his sister, and being able to help with the fight. whatever was happening.

The mission delegated to their group was a mission in the MU forest. According to the other boys in the group, this was the safest type of mission a group could achieve.

The Military University had their own hunting forest.

The forest had monsters ranging from Bronze 2 Stars to Bronze 5 Stars, which was what most students needed.

Of course, this was MU's popular forest, Leo's friends told him that there was another forest, where only Pure Silver students could enter.

As the MU that controlled the two forests, each monster in the forest was placed by the MU so that the students could hunt, and when a monster reached the Pure Silver 1 Star rank, it would be sent to the other forest by the professors and deans of the Universities, so as not to put students in unnecessary danger.

Leo found this approach quite clever. Rather than keeping the students in a greenhouse where they would not learn anything, MU developed the best hunting environment for the students where they could be in danger, even had the possibility of dying while hunting, but still not at risk of being killed. come into contact with monsters much more powerful than themselves.

"Very well guys, for this mission we have to hunt 20 Frost Monkeys. But as Frost Monkeys live in groups, we will have to be very careful and set some traps to be able to kill these monsters outside their group." Dave, the most experienced student in the group said seriously.

Hearing this the other students nodded.

Before entering the forest, they confirmed with each other what their Quirk was and what hunting position they felt most comfortable with.

Dave had a defensive Quirk that allowed him to project a layer of stone around his body, thus increasing his stamina, so he liked to use an ax with a shield to serve as a front-line.

Harry had a magical Quirk, where he could summon spectral beasts to cause a psychic attack on the target. This attack could not physically harm the target, but it was a difficult attack to dodge and did a lot of mental damage to the target.

Because of this Quirk, Harry was very useful when hunting monsters with a group, but on the other hand, it was quite difficult for him to hunt monsters alone.

Among the other two students, one had a Quirk of Light, where he could produce a light in the palm of his hand to treat injuries, or if he used too much energy, this light would get too strong to the point of blinding anyone looking at his hands. his.

This was another Quirk that was very useful for a hunting team, mainly because of the usefulness of being able to heal wounds at any time, it greatly reduced the rate of deaths or infections in a battle, in addition to being very useful when many monsters were coming in the fight. towards them and he could blind the monsters.

The last student had a Quirk that made him more agile and his blade sharper.

But from what this student said, his skill increased approximately 20% of his agility and blade sharpness.

Leo was quite surprised with this student's Quirk, which looked a lot like his Speed-Hack, of course, Leo's Speed-Hack increased his agility by 70%, which was several times greater than the student's, but not it had the benefit of sharpening his blade.

With this student specifically, Leo imagined that his skill was probably only around level 02. If this boy had a System like Leo's, raising the level of this skill would certainly make this boy become much stronger, after all, with a lot of agility and a sword that cuts through anything, he wouldn't need to be afraid of not having enough damage to kill the enemy and not being slow enough to be injured.

Unfortunately System didn't have an option to be able to distribute other people's Exp points, but it's also not like he was going to do this to someone he met the day before, at most he could do it for Chris who had been friends with him for a while. some years and has always shown to have a good nature.

While Leo, in the group said that his Quirk was to make him have perfect aim with the bow, and that he was also quite agile in addition to having good hearing.

He didn't say that being agile and having good eyesight had anything to do with his Quirk, just that he was always an agile person and trained his hearing to hunt animals with his family when he was younger.

Once everyone got to know the Quirks themselves, their cooperation in battle would be much simpler, where each knew what the other was capable of and could help when they felt their mate wasn't going to make it.

"Leo, you and Charlie are the most agile of the group, so you will be our scouts. I know the direction where the Frost Monkeys' lair is, but I don't know the exact position, so the two of you will stay further away from the group and try to see where there are enemies. With your hearing, I hope you can detect the monsters before they do, Leo. If the monsters find you at the same time you find them, use the superior agility you have to get back to the party and we'll lead with the monsters." Dave explained.

Everyone felt that Dave's strategy was really effective and worth using.

Leo on the other hand didn't have much of an opinion on this, as not only was he hiding a lot of his strength from the group, he'd also never hunted as a team like they were doing now. He was used to hunting alone, so this was a new experience for him.

'As much fun as hunting with them can be, this can at best be a hobby, as the amount of experience will likely be considerably reduced.' Leo thought as he looked at the amount of people around him and realized that he could probably only gain 100 to 200 Experience points per monster they hunted.

For someone who on the last day of hunting got over 100k experience points, getting just 100 to 200 points would make almost no difference.

'But I didn't come today for the experience of monsters, but to learn how the MU hunting system works, then I can start doing it myself.' Leo nodded to himself and started walking into the forest with the group.

He was dedicated to learning as much as possible from them about group hunting, in case he needed to in the future, and after seeing how much Dave knew about the forest, he also intended to learn as much as possible about the place, so that when he came alone , he wouldn't get lost without even knowing where to go hunting the monsters he wanted.

The start of their hunt was smooth, as the outermost part of the forest was where only the Bronze 2 Stars monsters were, and for a group of Awaken Bronze 4 Stars with an Awaken Bronze 5 Stars among them, that was something smooth.

Leo had Wall-Hack on all the time and always knew where all the monsters within a 100 meter radius were, but he only warns the group about monsters within 20 meters of him, which was already a very long distance. safe so the group wouldn't be in danger while they wouldn't have to think this was Leo's Quirk.

The Bronze 2 Stars monsters they hunted were ignored, while the Bronze 3 Stars monsters they were taking the valuable parts to sell later. Even though this wasn't part of the quest and couldn't be exchanged for Honor Points, it could still be sold for cash, so it wasn't a loss for them.

The monsters reproduced very fast, so even if the students killed so many monsters during the year, it was still not enough to finish off the monsters in the forest.

Of course, the profit MU received from the monsters sold was used for the maintenance of the forest, both to feed the monsters, and to get new monsters in case the students extinguished a species from the forest unintentionally.

It was expensive and dangerous to maintain such a forest, the only universities that could have something like that were MU and the 4 Big Universities, the smaller Universities could only send students on mission to the forests around the cities.

After some time they finally arrived in the Bronze 4 Stars monster zone.


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