Discussing The Correct Posture To Enjoy Dog Food

Chapter 31 - Lemon Flavored Film Emperor Gong (10): The little lemon’s eating vinegar lalala~

Chapter 31 - Lemon Flavored Film Emperor Gong (10): The little lemon’s eating vinegar lalala~

Translator: SilverRain

Editors: Amaris, Mimishijie

=====《Desert Island Survival》Holographic Livestream Day 1 – Second Foraging Operation ↓↓ =====

Teddy and the other three were too frightened by the snake to go out again. They ended up filling their bellies with the cookies that Cheng-Laoshi had prepared in case of an emergency. Their fans couldn’t bear to recall the magnificent homemade meal that the Island Owner-Dada had just whipped up. However, the lack of food soon forced them to head out. They followed the Island Owner-Dada closely this time.

Their group wasn’t very fast. They glanced around in an extremely nervous fashion, fearing they might make the same mistake if they weren’t careful.

The audience was also infected by this atmosphere and clenched their hands. Even the forced attempts of their beloved idols to diffuse the tension were unsuccessful.

Zhang-Leader said: “I can somewhat understand how people lived in ancient times now. They had to work unimaginably hard for just two square meals! That great scholar was right, the foundation’s material determines the architecture’s spirit.”

Cheng-Laoshi said, “Even they weren’t in as much danger as we are. The way we live now is more like how the cavemen once did, by hunting and gathering. They would’ve been as good as dead if they met a fierce beast or snake, just like us.”

The goddess, who had heard of their tragic story and was deathly afraid of snakes in her life, wept and took a considerable step closer to the Island Owner-Dada. “Island Owner-Dada, we won’t encounter one this time, right…?”

The Island Owner-Dada was completely unsympathetic. He said with a smile, “The most common things on this island besides leaves are snakes and insects. In terms of probability, it would be impossible not to encounter them. Hey, isn’t that—”


The goddess shrieked and subconsciously jumped onto the Island Owner-Dada’s body.

Everyone else was frightened into hugging the ones nearest to them. My Feng seemed to be holding back a smile as he pursed his lips and quietly watched the goddess and the Island Owner-Dada. The Island Owner-Dada, on the other hand, held up his hands as if in surrender and said, “Please let me finish my sentence, okay? I found something to eat.”

Teddy, Leader and Cheng-Laoshi who let go of each other at lightning speed: “…”

“Bwahahaha, how embarrassing.”

“All I want in life is to hug my goddess once!”

“It’s so funny how Teddy, Leader and Cheng-Laoshi are acting like nothing happened.”

“It’s still My Feng who’s the calmest!”

“Haha, I guess the Island Owner-Dada wanted to scare them, but now he’s blushing after the goddess hugged him, 23333.”


=====《Desert Island Survival》Hologram Livestream live on scene · Day 1 ↓↓ =====

For the rest of the day, Gou Liang—who felt the area around the target increase in pressure—seemed much more honest.

He took them to the beach first, deliberately taking a detour through the difficult-to-walk-around red rock beach to reach the white sandy beach. They finally caught a few fish, some clams, and a few crabs after a lot of trouble. They still had to drag their tired bodies around to look for alternative cooking utensils. In the end, they built two simple grilling stations with stones—one was for grilling fish, the other was set up using the hollowed out shells of fruits for Gou Liang to cook clam soup and steamed crabs in.

When they finally had a hot meal, it was already after eight o’clock at night.

Gou Liang had brought spices with him. With the simplest of ingredients, he made the most delicious dishes!

Zhang QiaoYi almost burst into tears. “It’s so delicious! Long live the island master!”

Su Chu opened his mouth as she ate the fish, “Plus one.”

Ming Xing: “O great Island Owner-Dada, do we have to go without rice for half a month…? T T.”

This hit their sore points. How cruel to deprive them of the staple in their diet!

Gou Liang, “I brought some.”

The group immediately became excited, but they heard him continue faintly, “But it’s all for my male god, so you guys should keep doing what you have to!”

Ming Xing and the four others, “…”

He ChongFeng stifled a laugh and handed him a grilled fish. “Be careful of the bones.”

After the quite sumptuous dinner, the moon was shining brightly in the sky, surrounded by a sea of stars. Sky and sea seemed to melt together into a sight that refreshed the mind. But unfortunately, none of the six guests were still in the mood to enjoy the scenery. Su Chu and the others were too tired to even move a little bit. Gou Liang missed the delicious lemon-flavored food, and He ChongFeng noticed his glances and understood—the little pear dimples had danced around him the entire day. He wanted to kiss him so many times~

Su Chu said, “I’m sorry my beloved tiramisus, this goddess is so tired that she can’t even lift her arms, she really doesn’t have the strength to take you to the sea and the stars…”

Ming Xing: “…Are we not going to take a shower?”

Zhang QiaoYi and Cheng Bei: “…Damn it. But I can fall asleep standing up right now.”

When Gou Liang was sure that the fire was safe, he stood up with a clap of his hands and said to He ChongFeng: “Male God, I know a good place. Let’s take a bath together~”

His eyes were shining brightly, so He ChongFeng nodded his head in a reserved manner.

Although tired, the others also followed.

Under the moonlight, Gou Liang jumped into the gentle rush of the stream with his clothes on and swam comfortably, urging, “Male God, Male God, hurry up!”

He ChongFeng&#k2014;who was about to undress like Ming Xing and the others&#k2014;saw the situation and also jumped into the water with his clothes on. Gou Liang submerged himself into the water and He ChongFeng followed. Before he even got close, Gou Liang pounced on him, wrapping his legs on his waist and biting his lips. He ChongFeng laughed lightly. Bubbles escaped their lips in the water, but they kissed with unprecedented devotion in front of billions of onlookers around the world. In the nighttime water&#k2014;that couldn’t be captured by holographic tools&#k2014;they were like thirsty and hungry travelers scarfing down a meal.

They embraced passionately underwater, kissing hotly, intimately yet excitingly.

Gou Liang tasted more lemon than usual—he already knew that the lemon flavor became more sour and stronger when this guy was jealous—the fragrant soul energy lingered in his nose even after it was diluted by the water. Gou Liang licked his lips teasingly and pressed their mouths together. He asked by silently mouthing: Still jealous?

He ChongFeng felt the touch of Gou Liang’s lips and his heart trembled. The last vestige of his usual cold expression was replaced by his inner ‘unhappy baby’. He mouthed: I don’t like it when you hug others.

Gou Liang: I’m innocent. She leapt at me.

He ChongFeng: That’s not allowed either!

Gou Liang smiled, enjoying He ChongFeng’s little tantrum a lot: En. I’m yours alone.

Only then did He ChongFeng show a smile and take the initiative to kiss him on the lips.

[Ding! The mission progress bar has increased! Current completion: 10.1%.]

Gou Liang was surprised, but soon smiled. The little lemon was even more innocent than he thought, to the point where kissing still satisfied him.

It was only when the two had exhausted all the oxygen in their lungs that they surfaced from the water.

As the night grew deeper, the chirping sound of insects became clearer. Everyone slept unusually well that night, until hunger woke them from their dreams.

=====《Desert Island Survival》Holographic Livestream Day 2 – Waking up ↓↓ =====

The fans who had watched their idols go to bed and insisted on admiring their sleeping faces all yawned when the holographic notification popped up, as did the guests.

The goddess covered her face with a rare shyness and said, “I didn’t wash my face or brush my teeth or put on makeup. It’s a good thing it’s early, so not many people should have seen me in this hellish state, or else I would lose fans!”

“My goddess is too naive!”

“Hahaha, you’ll never guess that I set an alarm specifically for this!”

“The goddess is especially beautiful like this too! So fresh and natural, and truly worthy of being a refreshing goddess!”


Ming Xing and three others climbed out of the tent one after the other. As they shuffled around, the fans looked left and right. “Where’s My Feng? Where’s the mighty Island Owner-Dada?”

A fan who woke up earlier than they did proudly said, “My Island Owner-Dada already fed My Feng breakfast! A bamboo tube filled with steamed rice, egg and fish soup!”

“My Feng and the Island Owner-Dada woke up half an hour ago, they’re running along the island right now!”

“My Feng still looks so handsome when he runs!”

“Hahaha, I have no regrets in this life after seeing My Feng wake up!”

“The Island Owner-Dada didn’t want to get up at first! He was lying on My Feng’s shoulders to be carried out, but he’s pretty good looking when cooking!”

The fans who came late to the party cried, “It’s like I missed a few billion moments!!!”

However, seeing Teddy Lord, Goddess, Leader and Cheng-Laoshi waking up from sleep gave them some comfort. With a wipe of the toothpaste foam on his mouth, Zhang-Leader sniffed and said, “Do you guys smell something?”

They followed the scent to a fruit shell on a simple stone cooking station. Lifting the shell, the smell of fish porridge filled the air—Teddy was moved to tears. “Smells so, so, so good! Mighty Island Owner-Dada, I misunderstood you! You, you’re the best person in the world!”

They held the shells in their hands. Even though the porridge was very thin with only a few grains of rice, it still made their eyes light up with delight.

“I can’t bear to tell you guys about My Feng and Island Owner-Dada’s great feast…”

“Life is so cruel XD.”


=====《Desert Island Survival》Holographic Livestream live on scene – Day 2↓↓ ======

When Ming Xing and the others found Gou Liang and He ChongFeng, they had already finished their jog and were holding a pile of tree vines to weave something.

After asking, they found out that Gou Liang and He ChongFeng were making fishing nets. They felt very sorry: “You’ve worked hard. Call us next time for something like this. I haven’t thanked the Island Owner-Dada for making us breakfast yet.”

Gou Liang waved his hand and said, “Stores are limited. As long as you guys don’t mind.” There was no guilt at all about eating separately.

The crowd gathered firewood, and soon the roughly woven and crude fishing nets were finished. Although the size of the holes in the nets varied, the material was sturdy. When the nets were lowered and fixed, Gou Liang said, “Since we’re here on this island, let me show you around. Isn’t this event meant to give back to the little cuties? For their sake, we can’t stay in a safe place forever, can we?”

All of them were in agreement.

This island was in the system’s monitoring range. Gou Liang first took them to see the seabirds that flew across the sea in the morning, stealing some bird eggs along the way. Then they went to see the island’s cherished animals. Monkeys, baboons, squirrels, rabbits, pheasants… The last few moments of the morning were spent wretchedly trying to catch the pheasants.

When the sun rose, the exhausted Ming Xing and the others were not only as tired as a dog, their lackluster breakfast had long been squandered. Several stomachs grumbled. And the person who said he was taking his male god to find edible fruit was actually leisurely looking around at the scenery. He finally cut two dozen green bananas down a short distance away and strolled back, holding a tree branch with three pheasants pierced on it.

Gou Liang’s disgust was written all over his face. He tossed the bulky unripe bananas to them. “Have you come here to play cute and beg for food?”

They were so ashamed that they couldn’t raise their heads. Only the most shameless Ming Xing covered his stomach and said, “Cousin, Mighty Island Owner-Dada, I’m so hungry QAQ.”

Gou Liang and He ChongFeng: …It was so hard to look at.

The lunch was quite delicious—with chicken, grilled fish, and small wild vegetables—although the portions were small and it lacked a staple starch, everyone was satisfied afterwards.

Zhang QiaoYi said, “Life now is much better than I imagined. At least I don’t have to eat any worms or raw fish. This is all thanks to you, Mighty Island Lord. This little one is so grateful, I will definitely be a cow for you in my next life–”

Gou Liang interrupted him carelessly: “No need to wait for the next life. Why don’t you start now? Go and cut some grass to bury the unripe bananas later. There’s also not enough firewood. Be more proactive, guys! The shells have to be rinsed off, and you also have to pick more of them. After that, go to the fishing nets over there to see if we’ve caught anything.”

Ming Xing and the others listened dumbly. Only at the end did they ask, “What about you, Mighty Island Owner-Dada?”

Gou Liang: “The weather is so nice and the time is just right, so of course I’m going to take a nap with my male god! By the way, it’s best to spray yourselves down with some repellent before collecting the grass, lest you be bitten by something unsightly.”

Ming Xing and the others had expressions full of humiliation and fear as they looked at He ChongFeng, who raised his eyelids and said, “Little Fool has worked hard. I’ll stay and massage his shoulders.”

Gou Liang laughed proudly while the others burst into tears.

But the reality was that in He ChongFeng’s tent, the male god was resting on Gou Liang’s thighs, while the latter was giving him a head massage with the essence of the Soul Recalling Grass that he had ordered from the system again.

He ChongFeng was so comfortable that he was unable to maintain his usual aloof coldness as he slightly quirked his lips. At first, he still had the energy to talk, but then he somehow fell asleep. Gou Liang drank a mouthful of Soul Recalling Grass juice and laid down next to He ChongFeng on the tent’s air cushion and fell asleep.

=====《Desert Island Survival》Holographic Livestream Day 2 – A Very Different Lunch Break ↓↓ =====

“My Feng seems to be really tired, feeling distressed.”

“My Feng also said that he wanted to give a massage to the Island Owner-Dada too, but he was pressed back down twice by the Island Owner-Dada and ended up falling asleep! How loving!”

“The Island Owner-Dada loves My Feng greatly!”

Ah le, was the Island Owner-Dada drinking essential oils just now? ( ̄﹏ ̄)”

“It should be edible… (⊙﹏⊙)b”

“Nothing is impossible in the world of food! hhhh”

“Hahahaha, I almost can’t bear to watch Goddess and the others toiling under the sun to climb trees and cut fruit, as well as picking up twigs, collecting straw, and going fishing!”

“No comparison can’t hurt you, 23333.”

“Ah, My Feng’s sleeping position is so proper.”

“Hey, where are you putting your legs, Island Owner-Dada?!”

“What are you doing with your hands, Island Owner-Dada!!”

“Let go of My Feng and let me do it!”

“Hehe, Island Owner-Dada’s sleeping position is very satisfying to the soul and slightly adorable!”

“That’s such a loving pose~”

They watched as the Island Owner-Dada, who was sleeping peacefully, held on to My Feng. His legs were thrown across My Feng’s stomach and his arms were tightly holding onto My Feng’s head. Gou Liang’s mouth smacked like he was eating something delicious in his dream. The viewers were afraid that the Island Owner-Dada might resort to drastic measures if he was too hungry—Oh no! The Island Owner-Dada chomped down on My Feng’s ear!!!!

Ao, that hurts!”

“My Feng jolted awake from the pain QAQ.”

“This bear child’s going to get spanked!

“Wait, I feel like I’ve taken a critical hit!”

Ao, ao, ao, guys this isn’t an illusion right!!!”

“OMG, My Feng laughed again!!”

“My Feng’s smile is so gentle!”

“My Feng isn’t angry at all, he even let the Island Owner-Dada chew on his fingers instead of his ear!”

“The Island Owner-Dada is so beautiful like this, but the thing he’s biting is My Feng’s finger! His finger ahhhhh!”

“I want to cry and laugh at the same time. What a complicated feeling this is.”

“My Feng is too good to this cute little newbie. I’m going to become his fan too! o(>_<)o “

“Same here!”

“Take me too!”

“Don’t any of you think that…this is love?! (ノへ ̄、) “

“Haha, user upstairs are you joking?”

“My Feng is taking care of the Island Owner-Dada like a good older brother, okay?!”

“It looks more like spoiling a bear child to me, 2333.”

“Cousin Teddy’s going to be so jealous!”



And so, the honeybees that sat on the edges of their seats were slapped across the face.

But for now, the cute fans were watching the director’s double screen livestream of the Island Owner-Dada and My Feng’s afternoon nap as the others struggled to pull up the fishing nets by the sea while being baked alive by the scorching sun. The sunflower-seed-eating audience: Thank you, Director, for teaching us the meaning of life. ( ̄▽ ̄)。

After a simple dinner, the guests who had been slowly adapting to the intensity today still had a bit of energy left. They were climbing up the boulders next to the safe campsite to enjoy the night sky.

The moon was clear and the stars were sparse. The water in front of them reflected the moonlight, and there was a refreshing sea breeze that made you forget the exhaustion of the day and let out a comfortable sigh of relief.

Goddess: “This is the most beautiful scenery I’ve ever seen! And I have five diamond-level-handsome men with me! Such a life is worth a thousand dollars!”

Zhang-Leader: “I’ve forgotten my haggard state from this afternoon already. Now I think everything was worth it.”

The little teddy grudgingly said: “I’ve forgotten what I looked like two days ago╭(╯^╰).” Then he shot knives with his eyes at his dear little cousin and the Island Owner-Dada.

The Island Owner-Dada smiled back at him: “Cousin, there’s no use in staring at me like that. I’m immune to your seductions as long as my male god is here~”

The little teddy: “I’m not trying to seduce you!”

My Feng: “Would you if I wasn’t here?”

“Er…” the Island Owner-Dada touched his nose with great embarrassment and said with a sincere face, “No, I’m just being polite. Pwomise!”

My Feng, “Oh.”

The Island Owner-Dada: “Male God, Male God. You are electricity, you are light, you are the only true legend! I love only you! You are my superstar!

My Feng silently covered the Island Owner-Dada’s big mouth–


“What the hell is this singing?!”

“High energy warning ahead!”

“My ears had a miscarriage _(:зゝ∠)_”

“Haha, those are the worst noises I’ve ever heard!”

“Little Teddy has the means to scare off even a tiger!”

“Cheng-Laoshi was dozing off, but after listening to the Island Owner-Dada’s singing voice he’s wide awake again hahaha!”

“Haha, My Feng looks so disgusted! Island Owner-Dada’s so hurt~”

“I’ve heard that every off-key dog had the utmost confidence in themselves. Looks like it’s true. →_→”

The Island Owner-Dada pulled on My Feng’s hand and pressed it to his chest. “Male God, Male God, you must believe my heart’s intentions!”

My Feng quietly took a deep breath, as if he had just come out of a daze. “…Such a beautiful singing voice. I think I’ve heard it somewhere before.”

The fans: Hahahahahaha!


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