Disciple of Immortal

Act 5: Chapter 13: Mel's Training

Act 5: Chapter 13: Mel's Training

「To sum it up, all matter is composed of elements, they're the root of all things. These elements are like the flow of magic itself and are classified in accordance to their structure, state, motion, and size of the flow. And minuscule substance composed of multiple types of elements is called arche. Alchemist Ferbena advocated a method of altering the structure of arche by interfering with the flow of the element's magical power itself, thus fundamentally altering the state of the matter itself. But since it's impossible to literally do such extremely precise work one by one, Ferbena developed a magic formula to observe the state of small areas within fixed matter. Do you get it so far?」


Mel was on the verge of crying after hearing my explanation.

I was glad that what she needed was to learn alchemy.

Though I couldn't really be taught Pomera's white magic since I didn't learn too much of it back then, I was quite confident with my alchemy.

I received hands on lesson from Lunaire after all.

「Let's make a simple example in a flat, timeless world. In this state, the magic core within the boundary of the range will be indicated by discontinued magic formulae due to the nature of Ferbena magic formulae. Arche has a restorative force that tries to keep the flow of magic in its original form, thus we will use Lodogorian's approximate magic formulae to account for Sidore magic structure. We interpret the magic field formed by the magic in the range using the Schumas' method and assume that magic in the Leucene state has no energy. This will allow us to extend and bring the methodology of Celia in blablablabla~」

「Ferbena… Element… Lodogorian…」

Mel's face almost planted onto the grimoire as she listened to my lesson.

「… Even I who listening from the side have no idea what he's talking about, is she going to be alright?」

Rosemonde asked worriedly.

「I've used elixir on top of the 《Inquiry of Magic King》 to boost her concentration, comprehension, and sense in learning magic. I'm sure that Mel already understands at this point. Luckily, I'm proficient in alchemy, thus I can teach you in detail about this. With this, I can use the rest of the day to cram the necessary knowledge into my memory.」

「Excuse me but, I don't get it at all… My head is already pounding and I feel feverish… My brain must be overheated, yeah it's already overheated…」

Mel slumped down, face-planted on the desk.

M-Maybe I had to simplify the lesson even further.

「… Pomera has also received this kind of lesson before but, I'm really glad that both white magic and spirit magic isn't as complicated as alchemy. Don't give up… Mel-san.」

Pomera was cheering for Mel.

I had no idea if Mel could her in the current state though.

I mean, she was still with her face planted on the desk, her face was empty as she gazed at the air.

「Maybe the effect of the drug that raises clearing ability has already been running out.」


Mel's body sprung up immediately upon hearing that remark.

「I also have the elixir that will make you feel refreshed. Maybe we have to use this one too.」

「You're going to make me feel refreshed instead of letting me rest!? Are you sure that elixir is safe!?」

Mel looks anxious for some reason.

if she was that anxious, maybe I should lend her 《Ouroboros Ring》 too.

With that, she would be back to live in case something happened.

「Uhm, excuse me but… Is it safe to consume too much elixir in one go? I mean, all of those elixirs are potent, right? Will my body be affected by it?」

「It's safe, maybe.」

I mean, this was a method recommended by Lunaire.

And there was no side effect on both Pomera and I.

「M-…-Maybe. Uhm… My stomach is… Filed to the brim right now… I don't think I can drink more of the elixir… Can I do my best in the current state?」

「For that, I have the elixir that will make you feel thirsty!」

Since this happened before when I taught Pomera, I made an elixir to improve that kind of situation.

I was really happy that the chance to use that came earlier than I expected.


Mel twisted her body, getting away from me as fast as possible and went to hug Rosemonde who happened to be the closest one to her.

「I think Mel is already exhausted. Can we give some rest to Mel now, Kanata?」

「That's exactly why I made this drug that will refresh her mi—」

「P-Pomera agreed with Rosemonde-san! I mean, everyone will get tired if they drink so much elixir right!?」

Pomera had also taken Rosemonde's side.

Well, surely, I also got rather fed up with Elixir during my training period before I adapted to it.

Maybe because I forgot about my overheated brain the moment the elixir passed my throat, it ended up making me quite ignorant about this matter.

It was only natural for stress and anxiety to build up inside if one kept chugging on an elixir that meddled with sense and soul.

Thus, I thought removing those feelings with another elixir was only natural.

「Then let's end the lesson for today.」

「… As much as I feel delighted about it, I… Still want to try a bit more. Yet I ended up whining about it, I… Ended up wasting Kanata-san's precious time!」

Mel slapped her cheeks with the palms of her hands.


「O-Kay then! I'm ready! I'll do my best even with the aid of drugs! Come at may! I'm ready!」

… I guess we didn't have to rely on Elixir this time.

「Nice spirit you got there, Mel-san! Keep it up that spirit since we're going to finish all these grimoires until the morning!」

「Until… Morning!? N-No problem! Let's strike while the iron is hot! I have to do at least this much!」

Mel's shout sounds like a desperate wail for some reason.

Both Pomera and Rosemonde were anxiously looking at her.


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