Digitize: Rebirth of the Silver Death God

Chapter 103: Delkan's Rank, Being Humiliated

Chapter 103: Delkan's Rank, Being Humiliated

A startling bang resounded as two figures were fighting a fierce battle like no other, their bodies shifting through the haze as they moved at speeds well over 100 km/h.

Both fighters used a polearm to trust at each other from a distance repeatedly, the sharp-pointed tips much like that of a spear sending sparks about as they clashed against each other point for point.

With every blow of the polearms, a wave of energy would scatter from that collision as metallic noises sounded, sending small ripples about the entire battle ring. Suddenly, both individual's polearm shone as they clashed against each other once more, creating an explosion.

The force of this explosion pushed both backward by the same distance as only one of them had a look of discomfort.

"Tch, I'm not finished yet! I have one more technique!" Delkan shouted as he spat out the blood that welled up in his throat and drew back his arm that held the polearm's handle.

With a bang, his body erupted with even more magic power, conjuring a slight wave of energy within his vicinity as it swirled around his polearm.

Following this change, the other party, which was a much sturdier looking clone of himself, showed a look of smugness as it performed the same maneuver, crouching as it drew its arm back, gathering a cluster of energy for the attack.

Time quickly passed as a brisk wind swept across the stage, rustling the air on their bodies as the haze swept around them; the energy that swirled around the polearm now seemed similar to that of a cyclone that was ready to unleash a destructive attack.

As if they both knew it was the right moment, both Delkan's and the clone's eyes flashed as they dashed forward at the same time and struck out their polearm.

"Eat this, Raging Tempest!"

Delkan yelled as a menacing amount of energies around his polearm bolted towards its foe and the sharp tip.

The clone also performed the same movement, but oddly enough, its power seemed to be a step higher than even Delkan's.

A loud explosive sound was heard as the moment both attacks collided, two terrifying cyclones formed by magic power clashed with each other as two the polearms at their center met in a front on clash.

After clashing for a brief period, the forces repelled both sides while scattering waves of magic power across the stage, pushing away most of the haze.

"Damn! I'm still not there yet," Delkan cursed as he stared at the scene before him with regret in his eyes as the opposing cyclone still had another powerful strike towards him even after clashing against his attack.

The last thing he saw was the sight of the clone's polearm stabbing towards his head with the whirling energy scattering from it, completely enveloping his view.


Within the Battle Arena's main challengers room, the onlookers watched on with varying expression as Delkan's arena started to show signs of change. Suddenly, a notification sounded across the room as the mist that covered the stage started to fade away.



[Challenger Delkan has failed to complete the Seventh Stage, calculation battle perforation, the Ranking List has been updated!]


The instant everyone heard this, no one paid Delkan any attention as they only focused their minds onto the Ranking List.

Delkan, who had now finished his challenge, wiped the sweat from his forehead and checked his current position.


[Sixth place - Title: Rampant Axe | Level: 8 | Battle Rank:7]


Delkan was a bit happy thinking that his ranking would increase, but as he saw the result, a frown came on his face as he cursed inwardly.

'What the hell is this? Why haven't I exceeded Thunder's Daughter and Crazy Blade? I even fought to the final clone, and even that battle was a close one. How can they still rank above me?'

Delkan was perplexed, but he couldn't figure it out no matter how much he thought about it. He didn't realize that each stage's difficulty was vastly different for one based on the abilities they've mastered.

He sighed while glaring at the Thunder's Daughter and Crazy Blade from the corners of his eyes, noticing that they weren't even looking at him as if he was air.

"Bastards..." Delkan murmured, but he no longer focused on them. He remembered that he also made a big bet with someone and was eager to break his spirit.

His eyes wandered about the room as he sought Nero's form, but soon, he narrowed it, showing a puzzled look as he didn't even see the latter around Elly.

Thinking for a bit, Delkan smirked as he concluded, 'Haha, that fool must have left early to hide his shame, even filth like him doesn't deserve to be around the upper class, much anyone I deem to be mine. I'll deal with him later, but for now... my Elishia is most important.'

With his current thoughts utterly free from the bet and even the Ranking List, Delkan took enormous strides towards Elly's direction with an even straighter posture than before, as if having the highest confidence.

Yet, while walking, he couldn't help but notice that a few others showed looks of mock and disdain towards him.

'Huh? What's going on? They're acting like I lost something precious... humph, such idiots!' Delkan said inwardly, not hiding the rich amount of scorn he held for the onlookers as he continued over to Elly.

Soon though, he noticed that a new individual sat nearby Elly with his attention focused on a battle ring.

With Delkan's status, there was no way he wouldn't recognize such an individual's identity. His eyes went wide as he almost exclaimed.

'Wha... what's this guy doing here? Is he also interested in Elly?' Delkan pondered with a tinge of anger and worry on his face. He knew that though his background was high, any Mendez was not to be taken lightly.

However, he also knew of certain rumors regarding Avollo, and as such, it didn't take long for him to remove this thought as he concluded.

'No, that's not possible, he wouldn't be interested in her in the first place. If anything, I suppose he's here to test his new ranking.'

Having wrapped up his thoughts, Delkan continued on with his confidence reinstated. It didn't take long for him to arrive within their vicinity, as both Elly and Avollo glanced at him as if they only now took notice of his existence.

Avollo chuckled, not saying anything as his eyes went elsewhere; this caused Delkan to frown as he didn't like how Avollo ignored his presence.

Still, none of that matter; the essential thing was Elly. He could already imagine the scene of her hugging him tightly as he let her understand just why it is that someone like Nero couldn't be a suitable partner and why he, Delkan, was the only man for her life.

A foolish look appeared on his slightly dazed face, causing Elly to look at him with disgust. However, she soon snickered as she spoke, "Oh, Delkan, I didn't think you'd still have the face to say around and laugh with that silly look of yours. A loser like you wouldn't typically have to guts to pay out such a sum from that bed of yours."

Delkan, who was still confused, looked at Elly and spoke, "Huh? Elishia, what are you saying? I've already won the"

"Excuse me, but I do not remember having such close relations with you, do not directly call me by name. Also, there's one more thing you should understand; you're not the winner of that bet."

After Elly snappily spoke those words to cut off his statement, she didn't even pay him any mind as she focused on the same battle ring as Avollo.

"Me, defeated?" Delkan uttered in an incomprehensible tone. He stared at Elly again and thought she must have made some mistake. However, his stupid expression soon drew the mockery of those in the room.

"Hahaha! Oh my, this human sure is funny, he can't comprehend his loss!"

"It's no wonder. He'll have to pay up that huge sum and even make a silly apology, after all. If I were him, I'd rather bury myself into the earth."

"Pssh, such a loser!"

"Hehe, hey, stop saying that, can't you see he's about to explode."

A myriad of voices said from all directions as the idle digitizers jeered at Delkan without remorse for his emotions.

Delkan's mind went blank as only now did he understand that he must have somehow lost. He hurriedly looked around the room before fixing his eyes onto the battle ring next to his own.

There, he saw that a mist had covered the area with 'Challenger Silver Boy' as the title. However, the number above the Battle Ring wasn't Fourth, Fifth, or even the Sixth Stage. Instead, he saw a number that made him tremble, not in fear, but due to his extreme anger and humiliation.

"Siiiiiilveeeer Booooy!" Delkan shouted as his rage as he reached his peak. He couldn't imagine how someone as lowly as that fellow could have climbed to such a rank on his first try.

A few others gave him looks filled with pity, but others merely continued to jeer as they broadcasted his current roar to the Digitizers Network. Most others only kept their eyes onto Nero's ring, patiently awaiting his final rank.

"Hehe, this Silver Boy sure is a 'wild one,' causing so much trouble with others in this brief time, maybe he's better off with wild in his name..." A quirky voice said.

A few others in the room could not help but ruminate it as some even began to speak under their breaths, beckoning a new change.


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