Die, Replay, Repeat

Chapter 242: The Assassination Begins

Chapter 242: The Assassination Begins

Fang Xiu's words instantly grabbed everyone's attention, setting off a wave of curiosity.

They all began speculating about the mysterious "gift" he was about to present to the headquarters.

On stage, Yan Changshou was silently fuming. 'Idiot! An assassination should be swift and unexpected. All this suspense is just going to put people on edge!'

In his mind, Fang Xiu's so-called "gift" had to be a dagger aimed straight at the Director's heart.

"Oh? And what kind of gift might that be?" the Director asked, playing along with a look of mild curiosity.

"A message," Fang Xiu responded, his tone steady and calm. "A message about the future."

As soon as those words left his lips, every psychic in the room straightened up, their focus razor-sharp.

This was Fang Xiu, the legendary foreseer, about to make a live prophecy.

It's human nature to be fascinated by the future, whether you have psychic abilities or not. If ordinary folks knew a great master was about to give a perfect prediction for free, they'd scramble to listen.

For the psychics, this was on a whole different level. They knew that special abilities were real and believed that Fang Xiu could glimpse the future with absolute clarity.

Ordinary fortune-tellers might be phonies, but Fang Xiu? He was the real deal.

A future that was 100% certain wasn't something you could afford to ignore.

"We're listening," the Director said, his smile widening in anticipation.

The room fell silent. Every murmur and whisper died down as people leaned in, eager not to miss a single word.

"I saw death tonight," Fang Xiu stated.

"Death?" The Director's eyebrow shot up in surprise.

That single word set everyone on high alert. In a different setting, someone would've probably jumped up, demanding to know who was going to die.

"Correct," Fang Xiu affirmed, his voice still calm. "Tonight, someone important will die."

His words sent a ripple of shock through the room. Curiosity was now at its peak.

Some, like Lin Tianhe, the top student and only fourth-tier powerhouse, felt an uneasy tension growing inside them. He couldn't shake the feeling that he might be the "important person" Fang Xiu was referring to.

Even the Director, typically unflappable, looked taken aback and quickly pressed, "Fang Xiu, who is this important person?"

He had voiced the question everyone was desperate to ask.

Meanwhile, Yan Changshou was practically boiling with rage. His instructions to Fang Xiu had been crystal clear: just carry out the assassination, no theatrics.

But then, something caught his attention. The four team leaders beside him were leaning forward, utterly engrossed in what Fang Xiu was saying, and he paused.

Even Fang Moli, who usually acted disinterested in everything, was now listening intently.

And Xiong Tianguang, usually absorbed in his game, had momentarily looked away from his screen. His interest was piqued while his character respawned.

A sudden wave of realization hit Yan Changshou. "Well done! That's my man!"

He finally understood Fang Xiu's plan—he was using this "future prediction" as a ruse to grab everyone's attention.

The announcement that someone important would die tonight left everyone guessing.

Yan Changshou could even predict what Fang Xiu was going to say next. He was sure Fang Xiu would point out that the "important person" was the Director!

Then, in the midst of the crowd's shock, Fang Xiu would plunge a dagger into the Director's chest.

Chaos would erupt, creating the perfect moment for Yan Changshou to launch a surprise attack.

Right now, everyone in the room, both allies and enemies, waited on edge for Fang Xiu to reveal the name of this important person.

Everyone was holding their breath, waiting for the signal.

Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, Fang Xiu calmly spoke, his voice ringing out across the room.

"That person is you, Yan Changshou."

The room exploded into chaos, like cold water hitting hot oil.

Yan Changshou was completely blindsided. The carefully rehearsed plan he'd run through his mind a thousand times crumbled in an instant. For a brief moment, he was lost, those shocking words echoing in his mind.

Suddenly, alarm bells went off in his head, yanking him back to reality.

But it was too late—a master can't afford even a moment of shock.

In an instant, violent energy surged through the room.

"Domain Activated, All Equal!"

"Domain Activated, Frozen Zone!"

"Domain Activated, Infinite Conflict!"

"Domain Activated, Sword Infinity!"

"Domain Activated, Summoner's Rift!"

The four team captains and Xiao Zhenhua had been listening so intently just seconds before. Now they launched their attacks all at once, as if they had rehearsed it themselves. It was as though they had all been playing a part in some grand scheme.

In the blink of an eye, five powerful domains surrounded Yan Changshou.

All Equal suppressed his abilities, the Frozen Zone immobilized him, and the swords from Sword Infinity pinned his limbs.

Summoner's Rift conjured a game character that looked like a humanoid Nasus, who immediately cast Wither on Yan Changshou, draining his strength and leaving him feeling weak, as though his life force was being sucked away.

Infinite Conflict summoned soldiers resembling terracotta warriors, who encircled him completely.

In less than a second, Yan Changshou was utterly restrained, without a single chance to fight back.

The crowd was stunned.

"Did Fang Xiu's prophecy just come true? Why are the headquarters' captains attacking Yan Changshou?" Countless questions swirled through everyone's minds.

"Attack!" the Director commanded, his deep voice cutting through the noise. The friendly smile he'd worn earlier was gone, replaced by a stern authority and an iron will.

At his command, soldiers surged into the hall like a tidal wave.

Suddenly, cries of alarm rang out from the crowd.

"Bad news! The plan's been exposed!"

"Save Yan Changshou, quickly!"

Yan Changshou's hidden allies, who had been blending in, immediately sprang into action. Some tried to break through the encirclement and escape, while others rushed toward Yan Changshou, desperate to rescue him.

Even among the soldiers, staff, and students in the hall, unexpected changes began to unfold.

Their clothes ripped apart, and their faces started to melt like wax, revealing something far more sinister underneath. Muscles twisted grotesquely like tumors, writhing beneath their skin.

They sprouted tentacles, grew tumors, and some even developed multiple deformed, bloodied arms.

They had all transformed into Specters.

But the most chilling detail of all was that each one wore a mask from the Pokers—their faces marked with the symbols of Spades, Clubs, Diamonds, and Hearts.

Shouts, screams, and explosions filled the air.

The once peaceful hall had transformed into a chaotic battlefield in a matter of moments.

And the spark that ignited it all was Fang Xiu's prophecy.

That prophecy had been like a starter pistol, triggering the mayhem that was now tearing through the hall.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!


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