Die, Replay, Repeat

Chapter 228: Wrong Duplicate

Chapter 228: Wrong Duplicate


Wen Yang looked at the steering wheel. He found several silver hairs tightly wrapped around it, holding it firmly in place. The silver hairs even twisted the wheel slightly to avoid the cars ahead.

He tried to slam the brakes, but it was useless. The brakes were supported by the silver hairs, so he couldn't push them down. Even the car doors were sealed shut.

If he could use his Spiritual Energy, he could fight against the silver hairs. But now his Spiritual Energy was all gone, and he was just like an ordinary person, completely trapped. Any resistance was futile.

In the end, Wen Yang could only look at Fang Xiu with fear.

"Fang Xiu, what are you trying to do? Since you've seen the future, you should know I work for Captain Yan. If you hurt me, Captain Yan won't let you go!"

Fang Xiu glanced at him but didn't reply, as talking to a dying man was a waste of time. He casually controlled the silver hairs, took Wen Yang's phone from his pocket, and crushed his last hope.

"Time for you to work."

Fang Xiu said as he took Xiao Chuxia out of his pocket and placed her on the seat next to him. In a flash of light, the tiny Xiao Chuxia grew back to her previous tall and youthful form.

When she appeared, she looked at Fang Xiu with a complex and slightly worried expression.

"What did you foresee? He's from the headquarters. Are you planning to kill him?"

"Don't worry, he's a traitor. And I won't kill him, someone else will do it for me."

Hearing Fang Xiu's calm words, Wen Yang felt a sense of doom.

"Fang Xiu! What are you trying to do! I..."

"Be quiet!" Fang Xiu said, and he controlled the silver hairs to seal Wen Yang's mouth completely.

Then, Fang Xiu turned to Xiao Chuxia.

"Make him look like me."

Xiao Chuxia was stunned for a moment. She looked at the restrained Wen Yang and slowly said, "My lie ability isn't invincible. I can change myself because I don't resist my power. But changing someone else is harder if they resist."

Fang Xiu nodded. "That's easy. I won't let him resist."

As soon as he finished speaking, he hit the back of Wen Yang's neck, knocking him out.

Then, Fang Xiu entered Wen Yang's dream, creating a dreamscape to trap his consciousness.

Now, Wen Yang was like a conscious vegetative person. He could sense the outside world but couldn't control his body.

"Now use your power on him. Make him look like me. Also, create a fake personality in his body. It doesn't need to be complex, just enough to control the body and have simple conversations."

Xiao Chuxia nodded and began to work. She placed her hand on Wen Yang and chanted softly. Soon, light flowed from her and covered Wen Yang.

Xiao Chuxia's face turned pale quickly. After a moment, she withdrew her hand.

Wen Yang had completely transformed to appear like Fang Xiu, and he sat still in his seat like a robot.

The real Wen Yang could only watch helplessly as his body was controlled by Fang Xiu and the others, unable to resist.

"Very good," Fang Xiu said with satisfaction. "Give me control of the fake personality."

After a series of operations, Fang Xiu finished all the preparations and turned into Wen Yang.

"By the way, you will probably die at Yan Changshou's hands, but your Spiritual Energy shouldn't be wasted. Give it to me," Fang Xiu said.

In Xiao Chuxia's shocked gaze, a crack appeared in Fang Xiu's left palm, revealing menacing teeth. The teeth bit into Wen Yang, mercilessly devouring all his Spiritual Energy.

Fang Xiu's Spiritual Energy awakening had reached 40%. This meant he was only 1% away from advancing to the third tier.

However, this 1% breakthrough was not just about accumulating energy. Even after devouring almost half of Wen Yang's Spiritual Energy, Fang Xiu still remained at 40%.

He might need higher-quality Spiritual Energy.

Once everything was handled, they took the car to the previous hidden detention site.

Fang Xiu, now looking like Wen Yang, pushed the transformed Wen Yang, who now looked like Fang Xiu, into the detention place.

Xiao Chuxia hid in the car and did not follow.

The process was as before. The psychic who once transformed into Fang Xiu reappeared. He placed his hand on Wen Yang's shoulder and slowly transformed into Fang Xiu's appearance. Fang Xiu nodded at him and then left with the calm-looking Wen Yang.

They headed straight to Yan Changshou's manor. Since Fang Xiu had been there before, he navigated the place with ease.

He took Wen Yang to the dining room and once again saw Yan Changshou, who was eating someone.

Yan Changshou was as elegant as ever, but Wen Yang and Fang Xiu had switched identities.

"Captain Yan, Fang Xiu is here," Fang Xiu announced.

Yan Changshou slowly put down his knife and fork. He wiped the red blood from his lips with a white napkin, and smiled at Wen Yang, "Mr. Fang, please sit."

The fake personality controlled Wen Yang's body, and he slowly sat in the chair Fang Xiu had sat in last time, calmly facing Yan Changshou.

The real Fang Xiu left the dining room and the manor. He returned to the car, closed his eyes, and entered Wen Yang's dream.

Wen Yang's consciousness was still trapped in the dream, where it was pitch black except for a giant mirror showing the outside world. He desperately banged on the mirror, trying to warn Yan Changshou, but it was useless.

Fang Xiu's arrival caught his attention, and Wen Yang frantically lunged at Fang Xiu. However, in the next second, his body was immobilized.

In the dream realm, Fang Xiu was the absolute master.

"Fang Xiu! You bastard! What do you want?" Wen Yang shouted angrily.

Fang Xiu's lips curled into a chilling smile. "Just watch."

Outside the dream, Fang Xiu fed instructions to the fake personality to converse with Yan Changshou.

Yan Changshou continued his elegant act, wearing a look of control. Occasionally, he would pick up a crystal glass and take a sip of blood.

"Mr. Fang, please dine. I wasn't sure what you prefer, so I..." Yan Changshou began.

"Did I tell you to speak?" "Fang Xiu" said calmly.


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