Die, Replay, Repeat

Chapter 224: Xuanyuan Sword

Chapter 224: Xuanyuan Sword

"How strong is this Spiritual Gadget?" Fang Xiu asked, curious.

Yan Changshou gave a sly smile and explained, "Spiritual Gadgets, like Specter Gadgets, come in different levels of power. The weaker ones are pretty much like regular Specter Gadgets, but they don't mess with your mind. The stronger ones… they're incredibly powerful, almost beyond imagination.

"Fang Xiu, do you know why, even with the tight and powerful bond between me and the Pokers, we decided on assassination?"

"Is it because of the Spiritual Gadget?" Fang Xiu guessed.

"That's right. Besides me, there are four more captains at the headquarters. They're all fourth-tier psychics, but three of them don't concern me. Only one does, and the Pokers feel the same.

"His name is Fang Moli, known for his sword skills. He's the captain of the Sword Edge squad and the top psychic in Asia. He's powerful, but he's only at the fourth tier, which isn't enough to worry me.

"What I really fear is the sword he wields! The sword is called Xuanyuan, a Spiritual Gadget from ancient times. They say no one has seen the sword drawn because those who did are dead."

"Xuanyuan Sword?" Fang Xiu immediately thought of the mythical sword. If something like the Taotie exists, it's not surprising that the Xuanyuan Sword does too.

Yan Changshou continued, "Fang Xiu, you've dealt with Grade-S Specter events, so you know how terrifying it can be. However, the one you handled hadn't fully developed. But Fang Moli once single-handedly dealt with a fully developed Class-S Specter with just his sword."

Yan Changshou spoke with deep concern in his voice.

Fang Xiu was also surprised by this news. Having faced Nightmare, he knew how tough it could be, and that was when the Nightmare wasn't fully grown. A fully developed Specter could easily destroy a country. The fact that someone could handle such a Specter alone was truly shocking.

And Fang Moli isn't even fifth-tier, just fourth-tier, which showed how strong Xuanyuan Sword must be.

_'No wonder Yan Changshou and the Pokers are so wary of it.' _

With that thought, Fang Xiu asked, "If Xuanyuan Sword is that powerful, then why assassinate the headquarters chief? As far as I know, he's just an ordinary person, and his death wouldn't change the situation."

"The assassination is to draw Fang Moli's attention. Tomorrow, during the training, each of the five captains will give a lecture. Afterward, the headquarters chief will give a final summary and present you with an award.

"Psychics from all over the country are tough to handle, so if the chief directly steps in, it could lead to unpleasant incidents. So, the five captains will teach first and exert some pressure, and then the chief will make an appearance.

"When he presents you with the Spiritual Gadget, the five of us will be on the stage. This will be my best chance to get close to Moli. Normally, we're all busy with our own duties and rarely meet."

Fang Xiu finally understood Yan Changshou's plan. "So you're saying you want me to kill the chief in front of everyone, causing a commotion. Then, while everyone is focused on me, you'll take the chance to attack Fang Moli?"

Yan Changshou nodded and replied, "Exactly. The best way to deal with Fang Moli is not to give him a chance to draw the Xuanyuan Sword. We need to attack him when he's distracted. Given how high his level is now, small things rarely catch his attention. We need to hit him with something big, like the death of the chief.

"Your assassination will be the start of our plan. While you assassinate, I'll attack, and the Pokers will launch an assault in the chaos. I've also prepared Specters in advance, so we'll win amidst the confusion."

Fang Xiu nodded silently. This time, he knew what was going to happen without using his abilities, and he felt quite satisfied with that.

To get more details about the plan, he asked, "You're worried about Xuanyuan Sword, right? What if Fang Moli survives the attack and hands the sword to another captain? How will you handle that?"

Yan Changshou smirked slightly, "Xuanyuan Sword isn't something just anyone can use. Moli was the only one in the headquarters who can handle it."

"Oh? Why is that?"

"Because Fang Moli's domain is 'Sword Infinity.' His main ability is to control swords. Only with this power can he manage the Xuanyuan Sword, even just barely. That's why the headquarters trusted such a legendary weapon to him—he's the only one who can use it. So if Fang Moli is taken out, Xuanyuan Sword is essentially useless."

Fang Xiu felt a mix of curiosity and concern. 'A domain for controlling swords? And Fang Moli, Asia's top psychic, with the 'Sword Infinity' domain—this is quite something.'

He continued, "Why do I have to be the one to carry out the assassination? The headquarters chief is just an ordinary person; surely there are plenty of others who could do it."

Yan Changshou shook his head, "The chief always has a bodyguard, Xiao Zhenhua, who's also a fourth-tier psychic with a military background. His domain, 'All Equal,' is a real problem. It neutralizes all psychic abilities within its range. With him around, conventional means of assassination won't work. That's why you're the best option, especially during the award ceremony.

"Just make sure you don't reveal any intentions beforehand. Xiao Zhenhua is very sharp. Before becoming a psychic, he was a top-notch soldier, a real military ace. He believes in strict justice—better to catch a thousand innocent people than let one guilty person escape. If he senses anything off, he'll act without hesitation, regardless of how valuable your foresight might be."

"All Equal, huh? Xiao Zhenhua with a domain that neutralizes powers?" Fang Xiu muttered to himself.

The more Yan Changshou shared, the more Fang Xiu realized how formidable the people at the headquarters were. The captains weren't just fourth-tier psychics—they were the best of the best.

"Is there no fifth-tier psychic at the headquarters?" Fang Xiu asked, wondering about the hierarchy.

"Fifth-tier? Ha," Yan Changshou laughed. "Not just at the headquarters; there aren't any fifth-tier psychics anywhere in the world. The world isn't big enough to sustain such power."

Fang Xiu understood Yan Changshou's point. Even though the rate of Specter invasions was increasing, it hadn't reached the level needed to produce a fifth-tier psychic. After all, psychic powers come from the Specters.


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