Die, Replay, Repeat

Chapter 220: A Set-up

Chapter 220: A Set-up

Sun Dehua narrowed his eyes and spoke in a low tone, "Are you talking about Headquarters' Yan Changshou…" His words trailed off, his mouth opening wide.

A dark, creepy light shot out of his mouth, zooming straight toward Fang Xiu.

This sudden move would catch most off guard, but Fang Xiu wasn't most people.

As the dark light raced toward him, Fang Xiu quickly raised his hand, attempting to deflect it with the scalpel. However, the light was like a ghost, passing right through the blade and hitting his body without leaving a mark.

The moment it entered, Fang Xiu knew it was a mind attack.

Seeing his sneak attack land, Sun Dehua grinned with satisfaction. "Fang Xiu, this is a death curse. It's in your mind now. With a single thought, I can erase your consciousness. So, you better do what I say. Hand over your Specter Gadget and this lady. Oh, wait, you don't have it yet. Fine, just give me the lady. Lady, you don't want anything bad to happen to you, do you? And Fang Xiu, stick around. I like an audience."

"Fang Xiu, are you okay?" Xiao Chuxia asked, worry in her voice.

"Hahaha, it's useless. My death curse controls your life now. Fang Xiu, no matter how famous you are, you're still just a second-tier—"


Fang Xiu moved like a shadow, his scalpel slicing through the air as he charged forward.

Sun Dehua smirked and tried to activate the death curse, ready to teach Fang Xiu a lesson. But to his shock, the curse didn't respond.

"What?" Horror filled his eyes. "How is this possible..."

Before he could finish, Fang Xiu's scalpel sliced through his neck.


A scream echoed through the hotel as Sun Dehua died, writhing in pain.

Not one to waste an opportunity, Fang Xiu used Taotie's Mouth to absorb Sun Dehua's Spiritual Energy.

After consuming Sun Dehua, Fang Xiu's Spiritual Energy level hit 38%, edging him closer to the third tier.

Xiao Chuxia rushed over, "Was he joking? He said you were under a death curse and that he controlled your life and death. How did he die so quickly?"

Fang Xiu didn't explain.

The truth was, Sun Dehua's power was indeed sinister. For an ordinary psychic, the death curse would have been fatal.

But thanks to Nightmare, Fang Xiu was immune to mind attacks. He had trapped the death curse in a dream he created.

Soon, the wail of police sirens filled the air outside the hotel, followed by the sound of hurried footsteps.

Armed soldiers rushed in. Seeing Sun Dehua's dead body on the floor, their faces changed drastically, and they nervously pointed their guns at Fang Xiu and Xiao Chuxia.

Other psychics were also alerted and came to see what was happening.

"Whoa! Someone's dead!"

"It looks like Sun Dehua, the Curser."

"He died in Fang Xiu's room. Did Fang Xiu kill him?"

"Fang Xiu sure is bold. He thinks solving Grade-S Specter events can let him get away with murder during headquarter training?"

"Who's that woman? Is she why he killed the guy?"

"Quick, spread the word. Sun Dehua caught Fang Xiu and a woman cheating and got killed for it!"

Everyone talked at once, some even joking around, treating the situation like a spectacle.

For psychics, death was common and didn't stir much emotion. They were just curious to see how Headquarters would handle Fang Xiu, the famous Foreseer.

Wen Yang arrived quickly. He seemed to live in the hotel and reached the scene in less than three minutes.

"I'm sorry, everyone, make way!"

Wen Yang pushed through the crowd, entering the room. Seeing Sun Dehua's body, his face changed.

"Mr. Fang, what is this..."

"I killed him," Fang Xiu calmly admitted.

Seeing Wen Yang arrive so quickly, Fang Xiu already had a suspicion about what was happening.

Wen Yang's face grew even darker. "Mr. Fang, Headquarters has strict rules against internal conflict during training, especially killing. You need to come with us."

Xiao Chuxia immediately stepped forward. "Fang Xiu killed Sun Dehua because Sun provoked him first. The jerk deserved it."

Fang Xiu admired Xiao Chuxia's cunning. Her words both defended him and kept herself out of trouble.

At that moment, Yang Ming and others also stepped up.

"Exactly! Who comes to someone else's room in the middle of the night? It was clearly an attack, and Fang Xiu was just defending himself."

"Everyone, we will investigate the matter," Wen Yang said seriously. "If it is as you say, we won't trouble Mr. Fang. He is a hero, and Headquarters will give you an explanation. Now, Mr. Fang, please come with us to cooperate with the investigation."

Fang Xiu calmly looked at Wen Yang, understanding his true intent. It was all a setup to take him away.

This was, however, exactly what Fang Xiu wanted, as it gave him a chance to see what Yan Changshou was planning.

"It's okay, I'll go with them," Fang Xiu told Yang Ming and the others.

When Yang Ming and the others heard this, they thought Fang Xiu had foreseen that everything would be fine. So, they relaxed and went back to sleep, showing a carefree attitude.

Before leaving, they glanced at the wet bedsheet, giving knowing looks.

Xiao Chuxia was furious. She felt her reputation was tarnished. Soon, the whole headquarters would think she had something going on with Fang Xiu.

Wen Yang took out a pair of dark gold handcuffs made of Mind Steel. "I'm sorry for this," he said, putting the handcuffs on Fang Xiu.

Under everyone's watchful eyes, Fang Xiu was taken away.

In the car, Wen Yang still looked apologetic. "Mr. Fang, sorry for what happened earlier. There were too many people just now, and I had no choice but to take you back for investigation. I couldn't show favoritism in front of so many people.

"But don't worry, it won't be a big problem. Considering your merits and that Sun Dehua provoked you first, the higher-ups will likely just give you a light reprimand and label his death as a result of his Spiritual Energy going out of control. This will all blow over."

Fang Xiu looked at Wen Yang's apologetic face and smirked.

"Cut the crap. Your acting is pathetic."


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