Die, Replay, Repeat

Chapter 215: Spiritual Energy Bullet

Chapter 215: Spiritual Energy Bullet

"Three days?" Yang Ming and the others exclaimed.

"We went into the Specter Zone less than a day ago, but in the real world, three days have passed. No wonder we saw so many fully armed soldiers when we came out. Were they searching for us?"

Wen Yang, still driving, nodded. "Yes, your sudden disappearance caused a huge stir at headquarters. They immediately sent out a lot of people to search the area for miles but found nothing.

"Though the main force withdrew, some soldiers and I stayed behind to wait for you. Lucky we found you. Otherwise, the higher-ups would be furious. The country couldn't afford to lose so many talented people at once.

"As for the different time flow, it's a common occurrence. Many Specter Zones mess with human senses and make people lose track of time."

Yang Ming's face brightened slightly, "Looks like headquarters values me a lot, huh."

"Idiot!" Bai Qi sneered, "Do you really think you're the one they care about?"

Yang Ming felt embarrassed and annoyed at being scolded in front of people from headquarters. He shot back, "I'm sure it wasn't you either!"

"Hmph! At least I have some self-awareness, unlike you."

Sensing another argument brewing, Wen Yang quickly switched topics, "So, what happened to you all in the Specter Zone? With your abilities, you can handle Grade-S Specter events, yet you were trapped for three days in an unknown Specter Zone. This must be an extraordinary one. Do you mind sharing some details with me?"

Yang Ming perked up, ready to brag, but Fang Xiu's calm voice cut in, "I do."

Wen Yang went silent.

Fang Xiu didn’t want to reveal any details about the Specter Train, so the others stayed quiet too.

Wen Yang finally broke the silence with a laugh, "Sorry for that. The Specter Zone is dangerous, and you might have had some bad experiences. I understand you don't want to talk about it.

"Next, we'll head to the hotel arranged by headquarters. Psychics from all over the country are staying there. Most psychics have odd temperaments, so we need special guards to prevent trouble. The headquarters is short on staff, so they arranged for everyone to stay together.

"Oh, I already reported your safe return to the director. He said it’s late and you just escaped danger, so he will meet you tomorrow. For now, get some rest. If you need anything, just contact me."

Zhao Hao hesitated, feeling awkward about making his "special" request in front of everyone.

As the conversation flowed, the car arrived at a large, remote hotel on the outskirts of town. Security was tight, with cameras everywhere and armed soldiers patrolling the grounds.

Curiously, Yang Ming asked, "I wanted to ask earlier, why so many soldiers? There were also a lot in the tunnel. You knew there was a Specter event, yet you still sent regular people?"

Wen Yang smiled, "Mr. Yang, don't underestimate these soldiers. They may be regular people, but they've undergone special training to handle Specter events. Their guns are specially made and loaded with bullets crafted from Mind Steel and infused with Spiritual Energy. These bullets can hurt Specters."

"Spiritual Energy bullets?" Everyone was immediately excited.

"These bullets… Can regular people fight Specters with them? If we encounter a Specter, we could just send the army to suppress it and we'll be invincible?"

Wen Yang shook his head regretfully, "I wish it were that simple. The production of Spiritual Energy bullets is too low. It's limited by the amount of Mind Steel and the Spiritual Energy required. Psychics need to infuse the bullets with Spiritual Energy using a special method. There aren't enough psychics in the country to make enough bullets to arm the entire army."

"Oh, I see." Everyone felt a bit disappointed.

Fang Xiu, however, was impressed. Headquarters was indeed well-resourced. They had developed Mind Steel to conduct Spiritual Energy, spiritual incense to suppress psychic breakdowns, and now even Spiritual Energy bullets. These were just the things on the surface. God knows what other powerful tools they had.

"Everyone, let's get out. For safety reasons, we need to go through a routine check before entering the hotel. Psychic abilities are diverse, so we must ensure no one is impersonating you, that you bear curses, and to check if your Spiritual Energy is close to losing control."

Following Wen Yang's lead, they walked into a checkpoint filled with medical staff in white coats and gas masks, along with a few psychics.

They operated various precise instruments to check everyone, including lie detectors.

An hour later, the checks were complete.

It took them some time, but no one complained. After all, they were at headquarters and would be meeting the director of the Investigation Bureau. Such checks were necessary.

After the checks, Wen Yang guided them into the hotel. The interior was luxurious, with dark golden patterns carved into the floors and walls, giving the place a regal vibe.

Fang Xiu immediately recognized the dark golden patterns. It was Mind Steel!

He was amazed and muttered to himself, "This is really extravagant. Using Mind Steel to build the hotel? Although it's not entirely made of Mind Steel, just these carvings alone must have consumed a huge amount."

Yang Ming and the others also noticed the Mind Steel and exclaimed in surprise.

"So much Mind Steel? How much does this cost? I really want to scrape some off."

Wen Yang smiled slightly, "Mr. Yang, please don't do that. These Mind Steel patterns are specially made. They can defend against Specters. Damaging them is a crime."

Yang Ming laughed awkwardly, "I was just joking. Do I look like I'd do something like that?"

"You do," Bai Qi said mercilessly from the side.

Seeing the two about to argue again, Wen Yang quickly interjected, "Your rooms are on the 8th floor. The elevator is this way. Please follow me."

Saying this, he led everyone to the elevator.

Soon, they arrived on the 8th floor.



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