Die, Replay, Repeat

Chapter 211: The Real Foreseer

Chapter 211: The Real Foreseer

Fang Xiu and Bai Qi knew they had to stop Fishman from summoning more corpses. No one wanted to find out just how many bodies Fishman could control.

If it could manage all the corpses in the Graveyard, even all Investigation Bureau headquarters members combined wouldn't stand a chance.

The top psychics of the last era had already ventured to the Other Side to attack the Specter lair. No one knew how that fight ended, but just reaching the Other Side was impressive. If the elites from that era fought the current ones, the current psychics would lose for sure.

The Graveyard's thin gray mist could harm third-tier psychics, meaning those at third-tier and below couldn't go to the Other Side; they'd die if they tried.

This meant the powerful ones buried here were at least third-tier or higher. They probably didn't use their domains because they were corpses.

Even though they were dead, their controlled bodies likely couldn't use all their strength from when they were alive.


Fang Xiu and Bai Qi turned into two blurred shadows, attacking Fishman from the left and right.

But just as they were about to get close, a tall earth wall rose from the ground, blocking their way. They kept changing directions, but the wall kept rising, always blocking their path.

At this moment, Fishman acted again, throwing his hook towards a nearby grave, and another corpse was pulled out.

It was a middle-aged farmer with a slightly slouched body. His face had some wrinkles, and he held a worn-out ax for chopping wood.

As soon as the farmer appeared, his eyes widened in anger. He let out a roar, and his veins bulged, muscles swelling crazily.

In the blink of an eye, he turned into a two-meter-tall muscular monster. His face was no longer simple and honest but full of rage and violence, as if he had gone berserk.

Roaring, he raised his ax and charged at the nearest person, Bai Qi.

Bai Qi's eyes turned cold, and his short knife flashed like lightning.

A loud metallic clash sounded.

Bai Qi felt an irresistible force hit him, sending him flying. But he reacted quickly, twisting his body mid-air to land steadily.

However, the attack still made his hand holding the short knife bleed, his grip shaky.

The pain ignited his fighting spirit. He knew he couldn't match the farmer in strength, but in speed, he was confident he could beat anyone.


Bai Qi's figure split into three, creating three afterimages that attacked the farmer from three directions.

The farmer couldn't defend in time, managing to block only one of the afterimages. The remaining two left him with deep gashes.

But being a corpse, the farmer felt no pain. He roared louder, his muscles swelling further and turning faintly red. He grew even stronger and faster.

The battle intensified.

Fang Xiu, hiding behind the earth walls, crept closer to Fishman.

He had tried attacking the walls, but even his scalpel couldn't pierce them.

Slowly inching closer, Fang Xiu finally reached Fishman. His scalpel was aimed straight at Fishman's neck.

The scalped moved as fast as lighting, but it couldn't penetrate Fishman's neck.

Fang Xiu frowned, staring at Fishman's neck as grayish-white earth flaked off.

_'Is Fishman made of earth?'_

Before he could figure it out, Fishman moved again, summoning another corpse.

This time, it was a young man in a** Zhongshan suit***. He looked ordinary but had a scholarly air, like a student from the last era.

The young man opened his grayish-white eyes and shook his right hand, revealing a black pen. He gently removed the cap, exposing a sharp tip.

Fang Xiu ignored the young man. He noticed that Fishman had stopped summoning corpses and stood still like a statue.

He had a guess that Fishman summoned a corpse for each enemy and that defeating them would mean passing the test.

As Fang Xiu pondered, the young man lifted his pen, striking like a viper.

The pen tip got closer, growing larger in Fang Xiu's eyes, as if it would pierce his eye in the next second.

But Fang Xiu simply tilted his head slightly, dodging the attack.

Unexpectedly, the pen tip immediately changed direction, striking at him again.


A cut appeared on Fang Xiu's pale face, blood slowly oozing out.

But the next second, a flash of light healed his wound.

He raised his scalpel like lightning, clashing with the young man.

The sound of metal clashing filled the air around them.

Fang Xiu felt the difficulty of dealing with the young man. He summoned the scalpel again, chaotic Specter power surging into him. His silver hair flew wildly, and his Blood Pupil glowed intensely red.

The Blood Pupil's attack was ineffective against the dead, so Fang Xiu relied on the scalpel's power and his Specter hair to fight.

Specter hair struck like countless venomous snakes, unleashing a storm of attacks. Yet, none of the hair's strikes hit the young man.

The young man's strength and speed weren't exceptional, and Fang Xiu should have easily overpowered him. However, his attacks never reached the young man.

The young man seemed to foresee each move, gracefully dodging every attack as if he were dancing in a storm, untouched by a single drop.

Fang Xiu frowned. Others might not notice, but he recognized the young man's ability—true foresight.

The young man could foresee a few seconds into the future, allowing him to dodge in advance.

Fang Xiu never expected that one day, as a false foreseer, he would face a real one.

In battle, the ability to foresee the future was indeed troublesome. If one's next move was entirely predicted, speed wouldn't matter; the opponent could always evade.

"Foresight, huh? But that's not enough. In the face of absolute power, the only future you can foresee is your own death," Fang Xiu murmured calmly. He then spread his fingers and dragged his hand across his face. Black flames erupted, forming a black fire mask on his face.

The young man quickly retreated, sensing danger.

"Oh? You foresaw your death? Then accept it calmly."

As soon as Fang Xiu spoke, he vanished.

When he reappeared, he was behind the young man.

The young man seemed to have foreseen this too, but Fang Xiu's speed overwhelmed him. Just as the young man began to react, Fang Xiu's scalpel was already at his neck.

With one swift slash, the young man's head rolled to the ground.

His body then collapsed, merging into the earth.

With the young man defeated, Fang Xiu immediately turned his attention to Fishman.

But Fishman had already transformed into a pile of grayish-white earth, forming a small mound on the ground.

At the same time, Hei Jiji had also finished her battle. She was panting heavily, clearly exhausted. Her opponent, the fat corpse, lay on the ground, half-charred and half-frozen, before merging into the earth.

Soon after, Yang Ming and Bai Qi brought good news as well, both having defeated their opponents.

The farmer and the woman's corpses had also merged into the earth.

"Hahaha, Bai, you were slower than me. I finished my enemy first," Yang Ming laughed loudly, hands on his hips.

Bai Qi's face was grim, teetering on the edge of fury.

"Is this round over?" Hei Jiji asked with a hint of excitement.

Fang Xiu, however, frowned slightly, looking at the ground beneath him, which was gradually turning black.

"No, it's not over yet."



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