Die, Replay, Repeat

Chapter 202: Human Nature

Chapter 202: Human Nature

Zhao Hao fell to the ground, writhing. Pink flames were swallowing him.

The strangest part was his expression. He looked extremely pained and even howled, but his face showed a very lewd expression. His eyes were like magnets, tightly staring at Hei Jiji's exposed thighs.

At this moment, Yang Ming and the others also screamed. The same pink flames were burning their bodies. Like Zhao Hao, they lewdly stared at Hei Jiji.

Hei Jiji was also burning with pink flames, looking confused and dazed. She bit her tender lips and stared at Fang Xiu with watery eyes.

Fang Xiu's frown deepened. From their expressions, he understood what the pink mist did. Clearly, the mist could stir up lust within everyone. As for the pink flames, they might be fueled by lust.

If the lust wasn't removed, everyone might be burned to death. This was probably why the city was called "Lust."

As for why it didn't affect him, Fang Xiu knew very well—his heart was already filled with hatred, leaving no room for anything else.

At this moment, Hei Jiji's pretty face showed a hint of struggle. She kept mumbling, "I have no feelings, I have no feelings, I have no feelings."

She repeated it several times. Then, something amazing happened—the pink flames on Hei Jiji's body slowly started to go out. Her confused and dazed expression turned into a blank one. Her sultry eyes became cold, like those of an emotionless killer.

However, her blank expression only lasted a few seconds. After the pink flames completely went out, Hei Jiji returned to her original state. Her eyes became sultry again, full of her original seductive charm, just like how she was when Fang Xiu first met her.

Seeing this, Fang Xiu began to wonder.

Based on Hei Jiji's previous behavior, he roughly guessed her ability. Now Fang Xiu understood why this woman was required to be trained at the headquarters. Her ability was very special; Fang Xiu wanted to see how far she could go with it.

Hei Jiji was the first to escape, and soon the second survivor appeared. It was Bai Qi.

Bai Qi took out a short knife and stabbed it hard into his arm, then twisted it. Blood gushed out.

Using the pain, he successfully suppressed his lewd thoughts and extinguished the pink flames.

Next was Yang Ming.

"Hurry, Bai, stab me. I can't do it myself."

Bai Qi stabbed Yang Ming's arm and twisted the knife hard.


A scream like that of a pig being slaughtered echoed. However, the flames on Yang Ming's body only weakened slightly and showed no sign of going out.

"What?" Bai Qi was shocked and stabbed again and again, making several puncture wounds.


Yang Ming kept screaming, but the flames on his body did not extinguish.

Bai Qi's face turned serious. He was still holding the knife but hesitated to continue, because he was afraid he might kill Yang Ming.

"Captain Yang, are you a masochist?" Hei Jiji asked strangely from the side.

Yang Ming was in so much pain that he couldn't argue. Worse, as the pink flames burned, he grew weaker, like an old man on his last legs.

"Move aside," Fang Xiu said, taking out a scalpel and walking toward Yang Ming.

Bai Qi looked worried and said, "We can't stab him again. He'll die if this goes on."

"No worries, I've seen the future," Fang Xiu said calmly.

Upon hearing this, Bai Qi immediately stepped aside, letting Fang Xiu pass.

Fang Xiu gently made a small cut on Yang Ming with the scalpel.

Just this small cut made Yang Ming scream much more horribly than before. As his screams echoed, the pink flames on his body finally went out completely.

Bai Qi was stunned. He couldn't believe that his multiple stabs were less effective than Fang Xiu's single cut. It was like the knife was poisoned.

Next, Fang Xiu walked to Liu Shuai and made a similar gentle cut.


The scream sounded like a pig being slaughtered, and the flames on Liu Shuai's body went out.

Lastly, Fang Xiu walked to Zhao Hao. Zhao Hao's condition was the worst, with pink flames almost twice as high as the others'.

With just one cut, Zhao Hao screamed miserably. However, the pink flames only flickered twice before they continued burning stronger.

Everyone was stunned. They had all known how painful Fang Xiu's cut was. That single cut had erased all lustful thoughts from their minds, leaving only the wish to die.

But the flames on Zhao Hao's body didn't go out.

Fang Xiu frowned and was about to cut again.

Zhao Hao quickly shouted in terror, "Xiu! Wait a moment!"

Though the cut hadn't extinguished the flames, it did help Zhao Hao regain some clarity, although it seemed limited.

"Put all your clothes on!" Zhao Hao pointed shakily at Hei Jiji.

Hei Jiji was stunned. "Hello? I'm wearing all my clothes."

"An overcoat! Put on an overcoat! Hurry up!" Zhao Hao shouted anxiously.

Hei Jiji finally realized what Zhao Hao meant. She quickly untied the denim jacket from her waist and put it on, covering her bare arms. Then she zipped it up, hiding even her delicate collarbones.

Yet, Zhao Hao was still shouting, "Legs! The legs too!"

Hei Jiji was stunned. She looked down at her shorts. Her long, slender, fair legs were still exposed.

Just then, Bai Qi threw over a coat at her.

Hei Jiji caught it and quickly covered her legs. Feeling it wasn't enough, she pulled out a mask and sunglasses from her bag and put them on. At last, she put on the hood of her jacket.

Now, she was covered tightly, not showing any skin. She was even more covered than a celebrity hiding from the paparazzi.

After all this, everyone thought it was enough, but Zhao Hao was still not satisfied.

He said, his voice trembling, "Fingers! Cover the fingers!"

Everyone else was speechless.

Hei Jiji almost rolled her eyes. She thought Zhao Hao must have lots of fetish. Reluctantly, she put her hands in her pockets.

Only then did Zhao Hao stop. Lying on the ground, he said to Fang Xiu, "Xiu, do it now!"


One cut.


The miserable scream pierced the night.

The pink flames on Zhao Hao finally disappeared.

"Quick, help me up, I can't stand," Zhao Hao said weakly. His eyes were sunken, and his face was pale, looking as if he had overindulged.

However, no one helped him. They looked at him with disdain, as if even touching him was dirty.

Shame and anger filled Zhao Hao. "Don't look at me like that! Don't you know that that is just basic human nature?"

In the end, Zhao Hao struggled to get up by himself.

Fang Xiu silently observed everyone, making a judgment in his mind. Clearly, the pink flames burned a person's vital essence. If it didn't extinguish for a long time, the person would weaken and die.

These pink flames were extremely troublesome for those with desires. It was hard to control one's desires because it was human nature.

Bai Qi could easily escape because he probably had low desires.

Zhao Hao struggled because his desires were too strong.

As for Hei Jiji, she relied on her special ability to overcome it."


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