Die, Replay, Repeat

Chapter 147

Chapter 147

At that moment, Ace of Spades said, "Unfortunately, Fang Xiu, even though you're smart, your ability to predict the future is not up to my standards. It seems you can't always predict successfully. This is not what I need.

"As for the spy plan, it's a good idea indeed. But I won't choose you as a spy because you are too noticeable. Once you go to the headquarters, you'll attract a lot of attention. Moreover, you're hard to control. Maybe Zhao Hao would be a better choice. Well, after saying so much, it's time to kill you. Don't blame me; blame yourself for answering wrong earlier."

As Ace of Spades was about to make his move, Fang Xiu smiled coldly, "The answer was set by you, so whatever I say could be wrong."

Ace of Spades narrowed his eyes, "Are you saying I'm deliberately accusing you of being wrong?"

Fang Xiu didn't argue but simply said, "My predictions never go wrong."

Ace of Spades laughed coldly, "Well, since you're going to die anyway, there's no harm in telling you the reason. I invited you because I wanted you to go to Green Mountain Mental Hospital, to Room 520 in Building C, and retrieve something."

Hearing about Room 520 in Building C, Fang Xiu's mind raced. _'Does Ace of Spades want the gift that Zhou Qingfeng left in Green Mountain Mental Hospital? Shouldn't that gift be for the lucky one of God's Plan?'_

"A more believable reason would be nice. Can't you get it yourself?" Fang Xiu scoffed.

"Hmph! Only two kinds of people can retrieve it: those with great luck or those who can predict the future. I thought you were the best candidate, but now it seems you can't even predict my purpose. You won't be able to get anything from there."

After a moment, Fang Xiu asked, "If that's the case, why don't you find Yang Ming? Oh, I get it. Since he's a third-tier psychic, you dare not approach him."

The mention of Yang Ming seemed to hit a nerve, as Ace of Spades became furious.

"Dare not?! I could crush that loser easily! If it weren't for President Zhou valuing him, he'd be dead by now! Leave the item for him? What makes him worthy? That loser is just a bit luckier that he's not killed by Nightmare!"

Fang Xiu picked up on the crucial information in Ace of Spades's words. Taking advantage of his frenzy, Fang Xiu asked, "You want to use Nightmare to kill him?"

"Exactly, I want to test his abilities! Why should the president value him?"

Fang Xiu understood completely. Ace of Spades's goal had nothing to do with Nightmare or the Investigation Bureau. He had overthought it. Ace of Spades was willing to risk the entire Greenvine City just to test Yang Ming.

Ace of Spades was as extreme as the other psychics, shockingly so. He acted without considering the consequences, just following his whims.

"Oh dear, it seems I've said too much. Luckily, you'll be dead soon," Ace of Spades's unexplained anger faded, as if he had become someone else.

Suddenly, a spike made of shadows shot out from him, aiming directly at Fang Xiu's throat.

Facing this attack, Fang Xiu calmly looked at Ace of Spades, having made up his mind about him: first, this guy was foolish, and second, he was a foolish person who was unpredictable. His actions were extreme, and it seemed he had a bit of a split-personality and couldn't think straight.

Seeing the shadows around him, Fang Xiu guessed that Ace of Spades might also be a Specter, or at least partly one. It seemed their method of turning people into Specters wasn't perfect. Most of the Specters Fang Xiu had seen so far, like Nightmare and Ace of Spades, were mentally unstable and not very smart.


The shadow spike stopped just a centimeter from Fang Xiu's throat.

Ace of Spades smiled. "I didn't expect you to be so calm facing death. I'm starting to like you more, so I've decided to give you another chance. Now, think hard about how you can satisfy me to stay alive."

Fang Xiu looked at him calmly, "Who are you to give me a chance?"

Ace of Spades's smile disappeared. "It seems you don't appreciate this opportunity. Well, then, I have no choice but to kill you."

"You think you can kill me?" Fang Xiu said, his eyes moving to the Specters wandering on the street. "Come out, everyone."

Ace of Spades frowned, thinking Fang Xiu was bluffing. But the next second, he felt an unexplained panic, and his face changed drastically. He turned around and was shocked.

The previously empty street was filled with several Specters. Some looked like mud monsters covered in eyes. There was a three-meter-tall, blood-red cyclops and a monster with a human head and numerous fierce tentacles below.

These Specters looked extremely dangerous; they stared straight at Ace of Spades and Fang Xiu.

Ace of Spades shouted, "What's going on! Why are Specters from 'the Other Side' suddenly appearing in this world?"

_'The Other Side?' _Fang Xiu thought, frowning. _'That's where the Specters come from? Where is that?'_

Suddenly, the Specters attacked. Dirty, stinky mud with eyes, the blood-red Specters, and the tentacles attacked Fang Xiu all at once.

Even Ace of Spades, upon witnessing such a horrifying scene, was totally shocked. He quickly unleashed his shadow power, his body's shadows scattering like droplets and then rising from the ground as a black light screen.


The black light screen managed to block the attack from the Specters, but it couldn't stop the impact. Fang Xiu and Ace of Spades were both sent flying.

Ace of Spades's shadowy body trembled as if someone had thrown a stone into a calm lake. Meanwhile, Fang Xiu suffered several broken ribs, but the strike also freed him from Ace of Spades's control.

Fang Xiu quickly absorbed the pain in his body. Then, his silver hair grew rapidly, shooting towards a nearby skyscraper. Soon, his hair wrapped around the building.

Fang Xiu pulled on his hair, forcefully propelling himself upwards. He quickly ascended towards the skyscraper to escape.

The Specter with a human head and numerous tentacles moved through the air like a fish, chasing after Fang Xiu.

At this moment, Ace of Spades no longer cared about Fang Xiu. He transformed into a pool of black water, intending to merge with the shadows.

However, just then, the mud monster-like Specter covered in eyes, spat out a puddle of mud. This mud, mixed with several ghastly white eyeballs, merged with the black water that Ace of Spades had become.



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