Die, Replay, Repeat

Chapter 132

Chapter 132

Enemies kept coming like a flood, but Fang Xiu stayed calm, as if nothing in the world could shake him.

Despair? Fear? He had thrown away such useless things long ago.

After being killed eighteen times in a row by his wife, he realized that despair and fear were just jokes to the enemy.

Fang Xiu stood on the rooftop, under the blood moon, looking deeply at the thousands of Specter Slaves.

He calmly said, "I have seen the future. We will win this battle.

His calm words were like a strong tonic, injecting strength into everyone's hearts. The people, who were losing hope, suddenly found new strength in their exhausted bodies. The new round of fighting started.


"Defeat them!"

"Hold on, and we will win!"

This is the power of hope.

People have potential, especially under the light of hope; their potential can burst out greatly.

Nobody doubted Fang Xiu's words because his predictions had been proven right many times before. If he said he saw the future, then he must have seen it. If he said they would win, then they would surely win!

Everyone had absolute trust in Fang Xiu. However, Fang Xiu had lied to them. He hadn't seen the future.

With the vast difference in numbers, no amount of "resetting" could change the outcome.

Resetting only made them more skilled and efficient at killing Specter Slaves. However, even if it took very little effort to kill one, theyd never be able to defeat an endless number.

Fang Xiu lied just to give them false hope, to make them fight harder, using up all their potential to buy some time. He was waiting for a chance to turn the tide.

It should be about time.

Inspired by Fang Xiu, people kept fighting fiercely. But hope was just hope; it couldn't turn into physical strength.

As time passed, their spiritual energy was almost gone, and they started fighting hand-to-hand with the Specter Slaves.

Even with the advantage of the rooftop, they were overwhelmed by the number of enemies, each facing attacks from many Specter Slaves.

The chance of winning was getting slimmer, and their vitality was fading. "Fang Xiu, where is the future?" someone yelled while fighting off many Specter Slaves.

"The future is in your own hands," Fang Xiu replied. "I said we would win, but I never said there would be no casualties. If you can't survive until the victory, it's your own fault."

Hearing this, everyone fought even more desperately. Nobody wanted to fall before the victory.

But often, after the darkest night, the glimmer of dawn should come.

Soon after, there were screams. One psychic got bitten on the arm by a Specter Slave. He screamed and tried to stab with his knife, but the pain slowed him down.

Before he could strike, another Specter Slave bit his arm that was holding the knife. More and more Specter Slaves overwhelmed him, and his injuries multiplied.

He was about to be dragged into the crowd of Specter Slaves and killed for good.

Suddenly, a silver strand of hair fell from the sky and pulled him out fiercely. Even so, his limbs were badly damaged and bleeding heavily; he was not going to live long.

"Fang Xiu, save me. I don't want to die!" he begged crazily. However, Fang Xiu calmly gave him a bronze candlestick. "You will die soon, so light the candlestick with your blood before you die."

The man's eyes turned red with anger. "What are you saying! You won't save me, but want me to use my blood to save you? Quit daydreaming. If I'm going to die, we'll all die together."

Before he could finish, several silver strands had already tied him up tightly. The candlestick was lit, and its eerie green light illuminated the night sky. Everyone quickly gathered under the light, keeping the Specter Slaves at bay with the sizzling sound of corrosion.

As the man desperately spilled his blood, everyone finally got a chance to breathe.

"Fang Xiu, Ill see you in hell!" he cursed loudly.

Fang Xiu ignored him and just sat down to rest. Some looked sympathetic, while others sneered, "Since you're going to die anyway, your death might as well be useful."

"You're talking nonsense! Don't be so proud, I'm dying now, but you'll be next! Do you think Fang Xiu, this heartless guy, would light the candlestick himself? In his eyes, you're all just fuel!"

This made everyone uneasy. Indeed, he was right. Given Fang Xiu's ruthlessness, he would continue to use others to light the candlestick. To Fang Xiu, they were just a means to buy more time.

At that moment, a severely injured psychic thought grimly that he was the most injured and would be next.

Fang Xiu was cold-blooded and treated people as tools. His previous actions of using a teammate's dying body to light the candlestick showed he would always think of ways to maximize benefits.

Being the weakest and most injured, the injured guy knew he was now a worthless tool to Fang Xiu, so he would be the next choice. If Fang Xiu spoke first, no one would oppose him because they all feared death.

The guy knew hed be dead if he didnt do something. He couldn't let that happen. He had to act first. With that thought, malice filled his eyes, almost tangible.

The psychic himself didn't realize his thoughts were becoming more extreme and filled with malevolence. He almost lost control of his Spiritual Energy.

Psychics are such an unstable group, akin to mental patients; they might be fine usually, but any extreme stimulus could trigger an episode.

While Fang Xiu was resting, the psychic thought he could sneak up on him and kill him. Fang Xiu wouldn't expect the guys internal conflict during such a crisis.

_'But, if I kill Fang Xiu, will it anger the others?'_

The guy hesitated, yet knowing that if Fang Xiu didn't die, he surely would.

_'Or, instead of killing Fang Xiu, I can attack someone else. If someone dies, Fang Xiu will surely use the death to his advantage.'_

Suddenly, there was a flash of silver. His thoughts were abruptly cut off as a sharp scalpel was plunged into his neck. His eyes widened in disbelief, staring at Fang Xiu. He still found it hard to believe that Fang Xiu would strike him first.

As he was on the brink of death, Fang Xiu's calm voice echoed in his ears, 'Its just killing. No need to think twice.'"


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